139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center 139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center


kmaFigure 6. Summary of seismic refraction profilesin the Red Sea. Velocities are in kms-l. Shaded area marks region of detailedseismic refraction survey. Earthquakeepicenters are shown by blackdots, and 1000 m isobath as a continuousline. Crustal thickness in km is givenas large, underlined numbers.330

37.19'vv22'06'N01 37.36' EJ 2.522 '03' N38'38'EE0 ~2.522'44' NE-22*00'N38'27'Er22'44'N0, 37.19.EO2I '!r50O- km2.520'46'N37'42'E20.53.N38'58'Ea0-1 -2-3-bFigure 7.a) Seismic reflection profiles over the central RedSea transverse to the axial trough. Reflector S isindicated by a heavy line. After SEARLE and ROSS(1975). Vertical scale is in seconds of two-way traveltime. b) Seismic reflection profile with a 2:lverticalexaggeration showing a piercement dome of Miocene saltpossibly triggered by normal faulting from below. Tsrepresents Miocene salt, and Td the Mio-Pliocene seriesof clastics and coral reefs, bounded by an unconformityat the base. After LOWEL 5 2. (1975).331

37.19'vv22'06'N01 37.36' EJ 2.522 '03' N38'38'EE0 ~2.522'44' NE-22*00'N38'27'Er22'44'N0, 37.19.EO2I '!r50O- km2.520'46'N37'42'E20.53.N38'58'Ea0-1 -2-3-bFigure 7.a) Seismic reflection profiles over the central RedSea transverse to the axial trough. Reflector S isindicated by a heavy line. After SEARLE and ROSS(1975). Vertical scale is in seconds of two-way traveltime. b) Seismic reflection profile with a 2:lverticalexaggeration showing a piercement dome of Miocene saltpossibly triggered by normal faulting from below. Tsrepresents Miocene salt, and Td the Mio-Pliocene seriesof clastics and coral reefs, bounded by an unconformityat the base. After LOWEL 5 2. (1975).331

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