139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center 139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center


ASTAT.Si -Si (OH14 in p M - d ~ n - ~Z/m Months 1984-1985Yw der:0 I fAU0f 3v)ap:BI3 25Max.47Figure 12. Temporal-spatial variations ofsilicate Si - Si OH)^ concentrations(vM dm-3) during 1984-85 in:A) in northeastern waters (forlocations see the caption ofFig. 11); B) northeastern Gulf ofAden (offshore station No. 4 of chemonthly transect 45'E).289

-mE-*’=0 c>0zmNt0c0nWU0Iv)2It33aULUB E‘0v)II4 Y0t30IIcp3E-IDw Ym c nI I 1CD m c 0IIm7aLl290

ASTAT.Si -Si (OH14 in p M - d ~ n - ~Z/m Months 1984-1985Yw der:0 I fAU0f 3v)ap:BI3 25Max.47Figure 12. Temporal-spatial variations ofsilicate Si - Si OH)^ concentrations(vM dm-3) during 1984-85 in:A) in northeastern waters (forlocations see the caption ofFig. 11); B) northeastern Gulf ofAden (offshore station No. 4 of chemonthly transect 45'E).289

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