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REFERENCES3BANSE, K. (1968). Hydrography of the Arabian Sea shelf of India and Pakistan and effects ondemersal fishes. Deep-sea Res., 15,45-79.BEHRMAN, D. (1981). Assault on the largest unknown. The International Indian Ocean Expedition1959-65. UNESCO Press, Paris, 96 p.BELJAEV, G.M. and VINOGRADOVA, N.G. (1961). Quantitative distribution of bottom fauna inthe northern half of the Indian Ocean. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 138,1191-194.BENSAM, P. (1964). Differences in the food and feeding adaptations between juveniles and adults ofthe Indian oil sardine Surdinella longiceps Val. Indian J. Fish, A/ll, 377-390.BOBZIN, E. (1922). Vergleichende Betrachtung des Klimas und der kalten Auftriebstromungen ander sudwestrafrikanischen und sudarabischen Kuste. Dtsch. Ubersee Met. Beob., 23, 1-18.BOGOROV, V.G. and VINOGRADOV, M.E. (1961). Some features of plankton biomassdistribution in the surface water in the Indian Ocean during the winter of 1959-60. Okeanol.Issled., 4, 72-75.BOGDANOVA, A.K. (1966). Hydrological characteristics of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden(Observations R.V. “Acad. Kowalevsky”). Okeanol. Isled., 15, 69-87.BOJE, R.and TOMCZAK, M. (Eds.), (1978). Upwelling ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 303P.BOTTERO, J.S. (1969). An analysis of upwelling off the SE Arabian coast during the summermonsoon. Thesis, Oregon State University, (cit. Currie et al., 1973).BRUCE, J.G. (1973). Large scale variations of the Somali Current during the SW monsoon 1970.Deep-sea Res., 20, 837-846.CURRIE, R.I., FISHER, A.E., and HARGRAVES, P.H. (1973). Arabian Sea upwelling. In: B.Zeitschel (ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 37-52.CUSHING, D.H. (1971). Upwelling and fish production. Adv. Mar. Biol., 9,255-334.CUSHING, D.H. (1973). Production in the Indian Ocean and the transfer from the primary to thesecondary level. h B. Zeitschel (ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean, Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 475-486.CUSHING, D.H. (1978). Upper trophic levels in upwelling areas. In R. Baje and M. Tomczak(eds.), Upwelling ecosystems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 101- 110.DELALO, E.P. (1966). Distribution of zooplankton biomass in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden inwinter 1961-62. Okeanol. Issled., 15, 131-139.DENSER, W.G., ROSS, E.H. and NELODZINSKA, Z.J. (1978). Evidence for, and rate ofdenitrification in the Arabian Sea. Deep-sea Res., 25,431-445.In addition to the references quoted in this paper, any available bibliographic entries pertinent to the oceanographyand biotic resources of the Gulf of Aden were included in an attempt U, initiate an appropriate regional bibliography.Readers are kindly invited to inform the authors on overlooked references and any other sources of pertinentinformation.27 1

DHULKED, M.H. (1962). Observations on the food and feeding habits of the Indian oil sardineSardinella longiceps Val. Indian J. Fish, Al9, 37-47.DIETRICH, G. (1973). The unique situation in the environment of the Indian Ocean. In: B. Zeitschel(ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1-6.DIETRICH, G. et al. (1966). Physikalische und chemische Daten nach Beobachtungen desForschungsschiffes “Meteor” im Indischen Ozean 1964-65. Meteor-Forschungsergeb., A(2),145 p.DIETRICH, G. et al. (1966). Reisebericht der Indischen Ozean Expedition mit dem Forschungsschiff“Meteor” 1964- 1965. Meteor-Forschungsergeb., A( l), 1-52.DUGDALE, R.C., GOERING, J.J. and RYTHER, J.H. (1964). High nitrogen fixation rates in theSargasso Sea and the Arabian Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr., 9,507-510.DUGDALE, R.C. and GOERING, J.J. (1967). Uptake of new and regenerated forms of nitrogen inprimary productivity. Limnol. Oceanogr., 12, 196-206.DUING, W. (1970). The monsoon regime of the currents in the Indian Ocean. Int. Indian OceanExped. Oceanogr. Monogr. 1. East-WEst Center-Press, Honolulu, 68 p.DUING, W. and KOSKE, P.H. (1967). Hydrographische Beobachtungen im Arabischen Meerwahrend der Zeit des Nordostmonsuns 1964-65. Meteor-Forschungsergeb., S(3), 1-43.EDWARDS, R.R.G., BAKHADER, A. and SHAHER, S. (in press). Growth, mortality, agecomposition and fisheries yields of fish from the Gulf of Aden. J. Fish. Biol.EDWARDS, R., BAKHADER, A., SHAHER, S. and STIRN, J. (1984). Demersal fish in Yemenicoastal waters of the Gulf of Aden. Results of 1983-84 Investigations. UNESCO FieldProject Report, 73 p.FAO, (1973). Fishery resources of the Gulf of Aden and some adjacent areas (based on the work ofA. Druzhinin). FAO, Rome. Fish. Tech. Pap. FI:SF/DP9/12 PDY 64/501/7. 299 p.FAO, (1979). Review of the state of world fishery resources. FAO Fish. Circ. No. 710,41 p.FAO, (1981). Yield estimates for fisheries resources in the Sultanate of Oman. J.L. Vidal-Jiinemannand J.F. Caddy (eds.), FAO, Rome. Fish. Tech. Pap. FI:DP/RAB/71/278/16, 80 p.FAO/NORWAY/UNDP, (1978). Report of the FAO/Norway Workshop on the fishery resources ofthe North Arabian Sea, Karachi 1978. FAO Dev. Rep. Indian Ocean Programme, Rome, vol.1, 57 p., vol. 2, 204 p.FOXTON, P. (1965). A mass fish mortality on the Somali Coast. Deep-sea Res., 12, 17-19.FRAGA, F. (1966). Distribution of particulate and dissolved nitrogen in the western Indian Ocean.Deep-sea Res., 13,413-425.FRONTIER, S. (1963). Zooplankton recolte en Mer d’arabie, Golfe Persique et Golfe d’Aden. I.Donnees generales, Repartition quantitative. Cah. ORSTOM (Oceanogr.), 3, 17-30.GAPISHKO, A.I. (1968). On the feeding of pelagic fishes in the Gulf of Aden. Trudy VNIRO 64 -AZCHERNIRO 28,278-281.GAPISHKO, A.I. (1971).Distribution and quantitative development of the zooplankton of the Gulfof Aden. Proc. Joint Oceanogr. Assembly, Tokyo (1970), 434-436.272

REFERENCES3BANSE, K. (1968). Hydrography of the Arabian Sea shelf of India and Pakistan and effects ondemersal fishes. Deep-sea Res., 15,45-79.BEHRMAN, D. (1981). Assault on the largest unknown. The International Indian Ocean Expedition1959-65. UNESCO Press, Paris, 96 p.BELJAEV, G.M. and VINOGRADOVA, N.G. (1961). Quantitative distribution of bottom fauna inthe northern half of the Indian Ocean. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 138,1191-194.BENSAM, P. (1964). Differences in the food and feeding adaptations between juveniles and adults ofthe Indian oil sardine Surdinella longiceps Val. Indian J. Fish, A/ll, 377-390.BOBZIN, E. (1922). Vergleichende Betrachtung des Klimas und der kalten Auftriebstromungen ander sudwestrafrikanischen und sudarabischen Kuste. Dtsch. Ubersee Met. Beob., 23, 1-18.BOGOROV, V.G. and VINOGRADOV, M.E. (1961). Some features of plankton biomassdistribution in the surface water in the Indian Ocean during the winter of 1959-60. Okeanol.Issled., 4, 72-75.BOGDANOVA, A.K. (1966). Hydrological characteristics of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden(Observations R.V. “Acad. Kowalevsky”). Okeanol. Isled., 15, 69-87.BOJE, R.and TOMCZAK, M. (Eds.), (1978). Upwelling ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 303P.BOTTERO, J.S. (1969). An analysis of upwelling off the SE Arabian coast during the summermonsoon. Thesis, Oregon State University, (cit. Currie et al., 1973).BRUCE, J.G. (1973). Large scale variations of the Somali Current during the SW monsoon 1970.Deep-sea Res., 20, 837-846.CURRIE, R.I., FISHER, A.E., and HARGRAVES, P.H. (1973). Arabian Sea upwelling. In: B.Zeitschel (ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 37-52.CUSHING, D.H. (1971). Upwelling and fish production. Adv. Mar. Biol., 9,255-334.CUSHING, D.H. (1973). Production in the Indian Ocean and the transfer from the primary to thesecondary level. h B. Zeitschel (ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean, Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 475-486.CUSHING, D.H. (1978). Upper trophic levels in upwelling areas. In R. Baje and M. Tomczak(eds.), Upwelling ecosystems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 101- 110.DELALO, E.P. (1966). Distribution of zooplankton biomass in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden inwinter 1961-62. Okeanol. Issled., 15, 131-139.DENSER, W.G., ROSS, E.H. and NELODZINSKA, Z.J. (1978). Evidence for, and rate ofdenitrification in the Arabian Sea. Deep-sea Res., 25,431-445.In addition to the references quoted in this paper, any available bibliographic entries pertinent to the oceanographyand biotic resources of the Gulf of Aden were included in an attempt U, initiate an appropriate regional bibliography.Readers are kindly invited to inform the authors on overlooked references and any other sources of pertinentinformation.27 1

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