139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center 139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center


Low oxygen content in subsurface waters suggests a long residence time, but the reportedhigh productivity in the euphotic layers, which may be significantly deeper than the upper thermocline(reported values are 60 - 80 m for the euphotic zone in the Gulf of Aden), may cause a high oxygenconsumption through the subsequent remineralization processes. The high silicate content suggests,however, a relatively long residence time. This, in turn, has a consequence not only for the oxygenconsumption and nutrient accumulation processes but also for the eventual accumulation of harmfulsubstances, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons and trace metals.The upwelling of subsurface waters is the principal mechanism by which the upper layers ofthe west Arabian Sea are enriched with nutrient salts. Though the data coverage leaves large gaps intime and space, this part of the Arabian Sea appears to be one of the most productive parts of theIndian Ocean. The mean production of the entire west portion of the Indian Ocean, up to severalhundred kilometers offshore, is several times that for the worlds oceans. Primary production is aslarge, if not larger than that encountered in upwelling regions along the coast of Peru and off WestAfrica. One of the most important findings of the IIOE is the extremely high rate of primaryproduction and the large standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Arabian Sea,especially along the west side (WOOSTER et al., 1967).The inner waters of the Gulf of Aden and those off Ras-Fartak and Socotra show chlorophylla values of about 0.5 mg m3. The potential productivity in the upper 50 m exceeds 1.00 mg C m-3hr-l. In autumn, surface photosynthesis is moderately high throughout the area, but is decreasing. Itis, however, higher off Ras-Fartak and Socotra. During the NE monsoon (December-February),chlorophyll a is low, and so is the potential productivity (McGILL and LAWSON, 1966).The highest zooplankton volumes for the Indian Ocean are found in the Arabian Sea off theSomali coast and Cape Fartak and further east. Here average values as high as 54.7 ml m-2 have beenobtained; the rest of the Indian Ocean ields values less than 15 ml m-2 (RAO, 1973). During the NEmonsoon, a biomass of 20 - 40 ml m- r occurs in the region of the Gulf of Aden, but occurrences ofhigher volumes up to 80 ml m-2 have been identified more offshore, between Socotra and Ras-Fartak.The period of the rising SW monsoon (May-June) yields a comparable volume of 20 - 40 ml m-2between Ras-Fartak and the Gulf of Aden. During the full SW monsoon period (July-September) highbiomass values of 40 ml or above are found around Socotra. Unfortunately data from the rest of theYemeni waters are too scanty for comparison. The transition period between the end of the SWmonsoon and the beginning of the NE monsoon shows a general rise in the biomass, with a densepatch of up to 80 ml m-2 off and around Cape Fartak. From this brief account of the seasonaldistribution of the zooplankton biomass, it appears that Democratic Yemen waters, particularly in thearea between Socotra and Cape Fartak, show a consistently high level of secondary production in spiteof the seasonal fluctuations in primary productivity. It also appears that the area of higher densityspreads out from the area of upwelling, in the direction of the prevailing currents.Unfortunately, the authors of the above review (HALIM et al.) were probably aware of morerecent results, obtained by Soviet investigations of the Gulf of Aden (references of available sourcessee above). On the one hand these more recent and extensive data have substantiated many of thereview's statements, particularly for primary and secondary productivity. On the other hand theyprovide clear evidence on some oceanographic phenomena of a crucial importance, such as thefour-layer structure of the Gulfs water masses, development of upwellings in the Gulf itself, etc.Nevertheless, one has to agree fully with the following introductory statement of the abovequoted review: ". . development and management of the fisheries resources is (sic) dependent on asound and comprehensive knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological conditions whichcontrol those resources. Unfortunately, these conditions are, as yet, inadequately known . . basichydrographic information is still fragmentary and knowledge about water structure and circulation isscarce" (HALIM et al., 1980).Recognizing these gaps in knowledge, both as related to applied fisheries and to the generalobjectives of basic marine sciences, the recently established Marine Science and Marine ResourcesResearch Center (MSRC)' started in 1984 with systematic oceanographic and pelagic bioproductivityinvestigations of the Gulf of Aden. Since then a considerable amount of data has been gathered whichis used in this paper to discuss oceanographic and bioproductivity conditions in this region.1 MSRC as a unit of PDRY Ministry of Fish Wealth was established in 1983, partly through UNESCOFund-in-Trust Project 703/PDY/40, financed by the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.257

Simultaneously, rather extensive fish stocks surveys were carried out in this region by MSRC andFAO/Norway cruises of R/V Dr F. Nansen, allowing us to consider exploitable resources of thisregion for the first time interrelated with the complex and oscillating ecosystem of the Gulf of Aden.Preparation of this paper would not have been possible without the generous support andcooperation from the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway. In addition to allowing us to usetheir fish stock and hydrographic data, ship facilities were provided for our research team during thesummer of 1984 when our ship could operate due to heavy monsoon seas. Assistance of scientistsbilaterally assigned to PDRY from USSR is gratefully acknowledged.MATERIAL AND METHODSOCEANOGRAPHY AND PELAGIC B IOPRODU~~Since February 1984, 10 monthly and 4 seasonal cruises were carried out on R/V Ibin Magid(except in August 1984, by R/V Dr. F. Nansen); stations are shown in Figure 1. Standardhydrographic sampling and measurements were performed at all stations down to a depth of 1,000 mwhen applicable. Hydrographic samples were taken by Nansen bottles, nutrient/phytoplanktonsamples by atoxic Van Dohrn samplers. Samples for nutrients were taken at the surface, 50, 100,200, 500, 800 and 1,000 m; phytoplankton/chlorophyll at surface, 50 and 100 m. Zooplanktonsamples were taken from vertical hauls (twice at 30 - 0 m, one sample being preserved dee -frozen forsubsequent biomass determination, and at 100 - 0 m) with a WP-2 net (mouth 0.25 m ?, mesh 200pm).Except for pH and oxygen, which were measured on board, all samples were preserved anddeep frozen (chlorophyll samples were filtered immediately after the sampling and dry filters frozen)because laboratory facilities were not available on the ship. Consequently, subsequent analyses,although carried out soon after the cruises, showed quite doubtful results for nitrite and ammonia,while the rest of nutrient analyses delivered consistent results.Salinity was determined by the Grasshoff modification of Mohr-Knudsen titration. Nutrientswere analyzed spectrophotometrically: phosphate after Murphy and Riley, ammonia after Solorzano asmodified by Koroleff, nitrite after Bendschneider and Robinson, nitrate by the Grasshoff modificationof the Moms and Riley reduction method, silicate after Koroleff modification of the Chow andRobinson procedure. Chlorophyll determinations were carried out basically as recommended bySCOR/UNESCO; however, the Humphry trichromatic formula was applied. Zooplankton biomasswas obtained as displacement volume, dry weight (70°C) and ash-free weight (500°C). Processing ofpreserved zooplankton samples for quantitative taxonomic studies followed procedures asrecommended by FAO/STIRN. Quantitative taxonomic analyses of preserved phytoplankton werecarried out by the improved Uttermoehl settling-inverted microscopy technique recommended byscoR/uNEsco.FISHERIES BIOLOGYDemersal FishThese were surveyed by the following trawling methods:0R/V Ibin Magid trawl of 28 m headline with a vertical opening of 4 m. The mesh inthe codend was normally 65 mm but sometimes was changed to 120 mm when trawlingfor cuttlefish. Trawls were taken at 3.2 to 3.6 knots for 1 to 3 hours duration; depthswere between 15 and 120 m. In total, during 1983-85 on 9 cruises over 300exploratory trawls were made, covering the whole stretch of Yemeni coastal waters, yetfocusing upon traditional trawling grounds in the eastern part.258

Low oxygen content in subsurface waters suggests a long residence time, but the reportedhigh productivity in the euphotic layers, which may be significantly deeper than the upper thermocline(reported values are 60 - 80 m for the euphotic zone in the Gulf of Aden), may cause a high oxygenconsumption through the subsequent remineralization processes. The high silicate content suggests,however, a relatively long residence time. This, in turn, has a consequence not only for the oxygenconsumption and nutrient accumulation processes but also for the eventual accumulation of harmfulsubstances, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons and trace metals.The upwelling of subsurface waters is the principal mechanism by which the upper layers ofthe west Arabian Sea are enriched with nutrient salts. Though the data coverage leaves large gaps intime and space, this part of the Arabian Sea appears to be one of the most productive parts of theIndian Ocean. The mean production of the entire west portion of the Indian Ocean, up to severalhundred kilometers offshore, is several times that for the worlds oceans. Primary production is aslarge, if not larger than that encountered in upwelling regions along the coast of Peru and off WestAfrica. One of the most important findings of the IIOE is the extremely high rate of primaryproduction and the large standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Arabian Sea,especially along the west side (WOOSTER et al., 1967).The inner waters of the Gulf of Aden and those off Ras-Fartak and Socotra show chlorophylla values of about 0.5 mg m3. The potential productivity in the upper 50 m exceeds 1.00 mg C m-3hr-l. In autumn, surface photosynthesis is moderately high throughout the area, but is decreasing. Itis, however, higher off Ras-Fartak and Socotra. During the NE monsoon (December-February),chlorophyll a is low, and so is the potential productivity (McGILL and LAWSON, 1966).The highest zooplankton volumes for the Indian Ocean are found in the Arabian Sea off theSomali coast and Cape Fartak and further east. Here average values as high as 54.7 ml m-2 have beenobtained; the rest of the Indian Ocean ields values less than 15 ml m-2 (RAO, 1973). During the NEmonsoon, a biomass of 20 - 40 ml m- r occurs in the region of the Gulf of Aden, but occurrences ofhigher volumes up to 80 ml m-2 have been identified more offshore, between Socotra and Ras-Fartak.The period of the rising SW monsoon (May-June) yields a comparable volume of 20 - 40 ml m-2between Ras-Fartak and the Gulf of Aden. During the full SW monsoon period (July-September) highbiomass values of 40 ml or above are found around Socotra. Unfortunately data from the rest of theYemeni waters are too scanty for comparison. The transition period between the end of the SWmonsoon and the beginning of the NE monsoon shows a general rise in the biomass, with a densepatch of up to 80 ml m-2 off and around Cape Fartak. From this brief account of the seasonaldistribution of the zooplankton biomass, it appears that Democratic Yemen waters, particularly in thearea between Socotra and Cape Fartak, show a consistently high level of secondary production in spiteof the seasonal fluctuations in primary productivity. It also appears that the area of higher densityspreads out from the area of upwelling, in the direction of the prevailing currents.Unfortunately, the authors of the above review (HALIM et al.) were probably aware of morerecent results, obtained by Soviet investigations of the Gulf of Aden (references of available sourcessee above). On the one hand these more recent and extensive data have substantiated many of thereview's statements, particularly for primary and secondary productivity. On the other hand theyprovide clear evidence on some oceanographic phenomena of a crucial importance, such as thefour-layer structure of the Gulfs water masses, development of upwellings in the Gulf itself, etc.Nevertheless, one has to agree fully with the following introductory statement of the abovequoted review: ". . development and management of the fisheries resources is (sic) dependent on asound and comprehensive knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological conditions whichcontrol those resources. Unfortunately, these conditions are, as yet, inadequately known . . basichydrographic information is still fragmentary and knowledge about water structure and circulation isscarce" (HALIM et al., 1980).Recognizing these gaps in knowledge, both as related to applied fisheries and to the generalobjectives of basic marine sciences, the recently established Marine Science and Marine ResourcesResearch <strong>Center</strong> (MSRC)' started in 1984 with systematic oceanographic and pelagic bioproductivityinvestigations of the Gulf of Aden. Since then a considerable amount of data has been gathered whichis used in this paper to discuss oceanographic and bioproductivity conditions in this region.1 MSRC as a unit of PDRY Ministry of Fish Wealth was established in 1983, partly through UNESCOFund-in-Trust Project 703/PDY/40, financed by the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.257

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