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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe writers wish to thank Mrs. Coralie Wallace for assistance in preparation of the diagrams.REFERENCESANON (1966). Bay of Bengal Pilot. Hydrographer of the Navy, London, 21 pp.CHAKRAVORTTY, K.C. and BASU, S.C. (1956). How to predict recurvature of storms in theBay of Bengal. In: Proceedings of the Tropical Cyclone Symposium, Brisbane, December1956. pp. 359-365. Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia.COHEN, S.P. and RAGHAVULU, C.V. (1979). The Andhra Cyclone of 1977, Individual andInstitutional Responses to Mass Death. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 131P.DAS, P.K., MIYAZAKI, M. and JELESNIANSKI, C.P. (1978). Present techniques of storm surgeprediction. Report No. 500, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 87 pp.DUNN, G.E. (1962). The tropical cyclone problem in East Pakistan. Monthly Weather Review, 91,83-86.ELIOT, J. (1900). Handbook of cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal, 2 vols. Government of IndiaMeteorological Dept., Calcutta.FLIERL, G.R. and ROBINSON, A.R. (1972). Deadly surges in the Bay of Bengal: Dynamics andstorm tide tables. Nature, 239, 213-215.FRANK, N.L. and HUSSAIN, S.A. (1971). The deadliest tropical cyclone in history. Bulletin ofthe American Meteorological Society, 57,438-444.MOOLEY, D.A. (1980). Severe cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal, 1877-1977. Monthly WeatherReview, 108, 1647-1655.MOOLEY, D.A. and MOHILE, C.M. (1983). A study of the cyclonic storms incident on the differentsections of the coast around the Bay of Bengal. Mausam, 34, 139-152.MOWLA, K.G. (1968). Cyclogenesis in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Tellus, 20, 151-162.MURTY, T.S. (1984). Storm Surges - Meteorological Ocean Tides. Bulletin No. 12, CanadianJournal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 897 pp.MURTY, T.S. and HENRY, R.F. (1983). Recommendations for improving storm surge predictionin the Bay of Bengal area. Report to WMO-ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones, 11 pp.MURTH, T.S., FLATHER, R.A. and HENRY, R.F. (1986). The storm surge problem in the Bay ofBengal. Progress in Oceanography, 66, 195-233.PROUDMAN, J. (1929). The effects on the sea of changes in atmospheric pressure. MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Geophysical Supplement, 2, 197-209.RAGHAVENDRA, V.K. (1973). A statistical analysis of the number of tropical storms anddepressions in the Bay of Bengal during 1890 to 1969. Indian Journal of Meteorology andGeophysics, 24, 125-130.209

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