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Table 1.Clinical symptoms of various types of fish and shellfish poisoning.Causative Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa, Dinophysis fortii; Gambierdiscus toxicus.organism Protogonyaulaxxtamarensis; Protogonyaular Dinophysis acuminata; Ostreopsis siamensis;catenella; Gymnodinium catenatumDinophysis acutaProrocentrum limaSymptomsmild case:tingling sensation or numbness aroundlips, gradually spreading to face andneck; prickly sensation in fingertipsand toes; headache, dizziness, nausea,vomiting, diarrhoeasevere case:incoherent speech; progression ofstiffness and non-coordination oflimbs; general weakness and feelingof lightness; slight respiratorydifficulty; rapid pulse.after 30 min to afew hours: diarrhoea,nausea, vomiting,abdominal pain.Symptoms develop within12-24 hrs of eating fish.Gastro-intestional symptoms:diarrhoea, abdominal painnausea, vomitingNeurological symptoms:Numbness and tingling ofhands and feet; cold objectsfeel hot to touch; difficultyin balance; low heart rate andblood pressure; rashesExtreme case:Muscular paralysis; pronouncedrespiratory difficulty; chokingsensation; death through respiratoryparalysis may occur within 2 to 24 h afteringestionIn extreme cases,death through respiratoryfailureTreatmentPatient has stomach pumped and is givenartificial respiration. No lastingeffects.Recovery after 3 days,irrespective of medicaltreatment.No antitoxin or specifictreatment is available.Neurological symptoms maylast for months and evenyears. Calcium may helprelieve symptoms.113

Table 1.Clinical symptoms of various types of fish and shellfish poisoning.Causative Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa, Dinophysis fortii; Gambierdiscus toxicus.organism Protogonyaulaxxtamarensis; Protogonyaular Dinophysis acuminata; Ostreopsis siamensis;catenella; Gymnodinium catenatumDinophysis acutaProrocentrum limaSymptomsmild case:tingling sensation or numbness aroundlips, gradually spreading to face andneck; prickly sensation in fingertipsand toes; headache, dizziness, nausea,vomiting, diarrhoeasevere case:incoherent speech; progression ofstiffness and non-coordination oflimbs; general weakness and feelingof lightness; slight respiratorydifficulty; rapid pulse.after 30 min to afew hours: diarrhoea,nausea, vomiting,abdominal pain.Symptoms develop within12-24 hrs of eating fish.Gastro-intestional symptoms:diarrhoea, abdominal painnausea, vomitingNeurological symptoms:Numbness and tingling ofhands and feet; cold objectsfeel hot to touch; difficultyin balance; low heart rate andblood pressure; rashesExtreme case:Muscular paralysis; pronouncedrespiratory difficulty; chokingsensation; death through respiratoryparalysis may occur within 2 to 24 h afteringestionIn extreme cases,death through respiratoryfailureTreatmentPatient has stomach pumped and is givenartificial respiration. No lastingeffects.Recovery after 3 days,irrespective of medicaltreatment.No antitoxin or specifictreatment is available.Neurological symptoms maylast for months and evenyears. Calcium may helprelieve symptoms.113

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