Aluminium extrusion compounds and assemblies - Otto Fuchs KG

Aluminium extrusion compounds and assemblies - Otto Fuchs KG Aluminium extrusion compounds and assemblies - Otto Fuchs KG
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We bring form and function to high performance materialsTechnical InformationAluminium extrusioncompoundsand assembliesOTTO FUCHS KGShaping the future of metal forming

We bring form <strong>and</strong> function to high performance materialsTechnical Information<strong>Aluminium</strong> <strong>extrusion</strong><strong>compounds</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>assemblies</strong>OTTO FUCHS <strong>KG</strong>Shaping the future of metal forming

2 OTTO FUCHSThe <strong>Aluminium</strong> profi le technologyis the key to forward-looking lightweightdesign. Our sophisticated<strong>extrusion</strong> designs offer solutionsfor technical problems in the dailyroutine: e.g. in modern façade<strong>and</strong> solar-constructions, in themechanical engineering as wellas in the aerospace <strong>and</strong> automotiveindustries. Our lightweightconstructions achieve the customerrequirements wherever massis an issue.More capacity, greater payload, lessconsumption, less toxic – these areare the musts in both logistics <strong>and</strong>transportation. The future belongs tothe most effi cient commercial vehicles<strong>and</strong> we develop innovative conceptsto reduce weight <strong>and</strong> costs.Our constructions are optimized withregard to economical <strong>and</strong> ecologicalaspects.Give us a challenge!

OTTO FUCHS 3Contents4 The OTTO FUCHS cold joining process5 Outst<strong>and</strong>ing properties -Extrusion joint6-7 Outst<strong>and</strong>ing properties -Extrusion <strong>compounds</strong>8 Your advantages at a glance9 Conclusion10-11 Examples of use

4 OTTO FUCHSThe OTTO FUCHS cold joining processDefi ned properties - long durability guaranteedThe use of single <strong>extrusion</strong>s in modernlightweight designs is limited by thefeasible maximum size of the available<strong>extrusion</strong>s. In addition increasing thesize of <strong>extrusion</strong>s leads to increasingthe minimum wall thickness. Thus largeload bearing constructions, made from<strong>extrusion</strong>s, become heavier than is requiredby the specification for static loads.The solution: The use of a few small,lightweight <strong>extrusion</strong>s, joined togetherto form an integral structure.The cold joining technique, developed<strong>and</strong> patented by OTTO FUCHS, offersthe possibility of a strong <strong>and</strong> durableconnection of <strong>extrusion</strong>s. Instead ofheavy large-sized <strong>extrusion</strong>s, lightweight<strong>extrusion</strong> <strong>assemblies</strong> can beproduced. Compared to large <strong>extrusion</strong>sthe necessary tooling investmentis considerably lower for small<strong>extrusion</strong>s, which makes it easy tooptimize a design concept to anyparticular application.The OTTO FUCHS cold joining techniquehas proved its capability inthous<strong>and</strong>s of components in differentapplications. These <strong>extrusion</strong> <strong>compounds</strong>show their unique static <strong>and</strong>dynamic load bearing capacity dayby day.The OTTO FUCHS - cold joining process (OFCJ)The OFCJ is a capable <strong>and</strong> economicjoining process. It requires that the individualprofiles are appropriately designedfor their purpose, by incorporating anintegral tongue <strong>and</strong> groove system.The actual joining process consists ofthe profi les to be integrally connectedwith each other, clamping of the parts- especially the connection zone - <strong>and</strong>actual rolling of the individual profiles.The integral couples of tongue <strong>and</strong>grooves are thus squeezed together.For this reason our cold joining processis an economical alternative to the weldingtechniques. No distortion is produced becauseno heat is introduced into the componentduring the joining phase, as it is forwelded joints. So on one h<strong>and</strong> no additionalalignment is necessary <strong>and</strong> on theother h<strong>and</strong> the process prevents the material’sproperties from being influenced ina negative manner. In addition, the eliminationof welding causes a visually cleansurface without any disturbance/distortionby the welded joint zone.groovetonguejoining toolThe OFCJ is particularly environmentfriendly:no use of fi ller metal, <strong>and</strong> alsono inert gas resulting in no emissionslike smoke residue, UV or IV. The essentialadvantage is the economicaspect of this technique. The coldjoining operation can be performedmuch faster than a welding operation.The freedom of design, given by <strong>extrusion</strong>-moldingtechnology, is maintainedto almost its complete extent whendesigning individual profi les. In this wayfor example, screw head grooves foraccepting sliding nuts can be integratedinto individual profi les; as can sealinggrooves for fi tting rubber seals, or screwchannels for connecting further constructionparts. A great variety of modularpanels can be manufactured from afew profi les, because individual profi lescan be inserted at the preferred location.The edge profi les of panels can alsobe equipped with tongue <strong>and</strong> groovesystems, which enable individual,<strong>extrusion</strong> panels to be assembled tocover larger areas.

OTTO FUCHS 5Properties of <strong>compounds</strong>Properties of the <strong>extrusion</strong> platesTechnological preferences.The OTTO FUCHS cold joining processis characterized by technological outst<strong>and</strong>ingproperties.The main characteristic is a high static<strong>and</strong> dynamic load bearing capacity,which does not alter even under repeatedloading. No distortion is producedbecause no heat is introduced to thecomponent during joining. The resultis: elaborate alignment work is not required<strong>and</strong> has no infl uence on thematerial’s properties. A further economicadvantage for the customer is theuse of thin walled single profi les resultingin high material utilization. The visuallyappealing joining zone is anaesthetic advantage of our Aluminum<strong>compounds</strong>.Our strong, durable <strong>and</strong> rigid connectionis an attractive alternative to thecommon clips or snap connections -of course based on an economical<strong>and</strong> environmentally friendly process.Material competence.The OTTO FUCHS material AS 05.71that is used preferentially, allows itselfto be processed well by <strong>extrusion</strong> technology,even for dem<strong>and</strong>ing profi les inconstruction. It also offers the coldworkability required for cold joiningapplications.material propertiesMaterial Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation to fractureEN AW 6060/6063* > 160 N/mm 2 > 215 N/mm 2 > 12%(AS 05.71)* different materials on enquiry!example of use: loading ramp

6 OTTO FUCHSProperties of <strong>compounds</strong>Properties of the <strong>extrusion</strong> platesCorrosion resistance.The material used also has a very goodresistance to corrosion <strong>and</strong> could beused in various areas of applicationwithout further additional surface treatments.No corrosive reaction of thesamples - particularly in the rolled connectionarea- was ascertainable after10 hours in the Kesternich device atSF W 2.05 according to DIN 50018<strong>and</strong> an additional, salt spray test accordingto SS DIN 50021.Strength.Because the basic strength of the materialused is not achieved in the rolledconnection it is essential to ensure thatthe design must take into account thehighest bending stresses orientated asparallel as possible to the rolled seam.The following strength -values can beapplied for the cold joint:Transverse strength of the rolled connectionLongitudinal strength of the rolled connection> 200 N/mm**> 100 N/mm**typical strength values** These values do not represent the characteristic values of materials, but the results of technologicaltests on the rolled connection which are related on the metal deck‘s thickness; theyare heavily dependent on the sample‘s geometry. The attainable strengths can currently beconsiderably higher. Please speak to us about this feature.25020015010050Woehler diagram01,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 1,00E+07maschined platform element

OTTO FUCHS 7FEM-Analyse einer Profilplatten-KonstruktionLoad-bearing capacity.The panel’s structural properties aredetermined to one part by the <strong>extrusion</strong>-moldedprofi les used for them.The dem<strong>and</strong>s for rigidity should beclearly defi ned <strong>and</strong> the panel’s optimumprofi le should match the requirements.Our <strong>extrusion</strong>-molding technologyoffers all possibilities for designto meet loading stresses in this respect.Particular attention must begiven to the fact that with increasingpanel thickness the moment of inertiawill rise steeply whereas the weightjust increases in a linear manner.OTTO FUCHS offers unlimited supportwhen adapting the profi le’s crosssectionto suit the customer’s specifi crequirements, e.g. FEM.Dependency of the geometric moment ofimertia <strong>and</strong> weight on the panel‘s thickness[cm 4 , kg/m 2 ]4035302520151050moment of imertiaweightplate thickness [mm]Range of possibilities.Connecting identical kinds of hollowprofi les that have rectangular crosssections,thus gives the possibility ofmanufacturing <strong>extrusion</strong> panels havingdimensions that are only limited by thecapability of fabrication equipment.TypewhHParameterExtrusion height H:> 12 - 150Internal height h:Internal width w:> 9> 48Range of possible dimensionspossible compound dimensions:Width W W max = 3.600 mmLength L L max = 6.300 mmWL

8 OTTO FUCHSYour advantages at a glanceTechnical advantagesEconomical advantages• high load bearing capacity• a clearance free, unsolvableconnection• shear strength• no infl uence on material propertieshappens in welded joints due to theapplication of welding heat• aesthetically appealing joint patch• low minimum wall thickness,resulting in low weight per metreof the <strong>extrusion</strong> as compared tolarger <strong>extrusion</strong>s• lower construction weight = lower costs• application of lower strength alloys ascompared to welded components• the high degree of design freedomcomes along with low tooling costs• short manufacturing times• costs effective high speed joiningtechnique• high availability, low minimum volumesper fabrication lot• favourable ratio of stiffness to weight• paintable due to the absence of relativemovement of adjacent profi les• variant designs by possibility ofcombining different <strong>extrusion</strong>s• (virtually) waterproof

OTTO FUCHS 9ConclusionParticular light <strong>and</strong> rigid panels can bemanufactured by combining the conventional,<strong>extrusion</strong>-molding technology withthe OTTO FUCHS cold joining process.Significantly improved rigidity <strong>and</strong> weightratios are achieved compared with componentsmade from larger welded profi les.The lower tooling costs for individual profiles,that are joined together, facilitate aneconomic <strong>and</strong> technical optimization ofdesign regarding the respective dem<strong>and</strong>s.The elimination of the welding processavoids an influence on the material’sproperties <strong>and</strong> the distortion of the wholeassembly. This technique enables veryeven panels to be manufactured, withoutany elaborate <strong>and</strong> expensive alignmentwork.The OTTO FUCHS cold joining processallows the manufacturing timeto be shortened <strong>and</strong> thus reducesmanufacturing costs, compared withwelded constructions.We would be glad to assist with thedesign of profi les <strong>and</strong> <strong>extrusion</strong> compositesto suit specifi c problems.Give us a challenge!Lightweight construction in perfection

10 OTTO FUCHSSelective examples of useOTTO FUCHS -your development <strong>and</strong> system partnerSelf-supporting freight floors,front <strong>and</strong> side walls for trucks.The customer specifi c concept incorporatesa self-supporting design of analuminium freight fl oor. The applicationof the OTTO FUCHS cold joiningtechnique resulted in a pronouncedweight saving. The front wall alsoconsists of <strong>extrusion</strong> profi les, whichare joined together using this technique,which results in better economicperformance.By producing these large-sized, preassembledcomponents OTTO FUCHSsubstitutes the costly <strong>and</strong> manualmanufacturing process previouslyapplied.Costumer advantages <strong>and</strong>values:• Increasing payload• Faster production <strong>and</strong>assembly• Easier disposition:one assembled componentinstead of single parts• Increased vehicle value byuse of aluminium materialTaillift platformsThe cold joint <strong>extrusion</strong> <strong>compounds</strong>,developed <strong>and</strong> produced by OTTOFUCHS, substituted the welded platformsusually applied. The eliminationof the welding process allowed theuse of an aluminium grade of loweralloy content <strong>and</strong> strength, which,in turn, improves the processabilityby extruding <strong>and</strong> reduces costs.Costumer advantages <strong>and</strong>values:• cost reduction (./. 30% ascompared to welding)• short manufacturing time• aesthetic appearance• high fl exibility for productvariants

OTTO FUCHS 11Costumer advantage <strong>and</strong> values:Bridge designs, made from Steel, woodor concrete, can be substituted by aconcept, based on durable aluminium<strong>extrusion</strong> <strong>compounds</strong>. High costs,caused by the construction of thebridge on the building ground can besaved as well as maintenance cost.The large-sized bridge componentsare preassembled at OTTO FUCHS<strong>and</strong> incorporated in the fl oor construction.Costumer advantages <strong>and</strong>values:• short assembly time by industrialpreassembly of fl oorcomponents• low costs on the building siteby use of preassembled bridgesections• high durability <strong>and</strong> low maintenancecost• aesthetic appearanceShading elements for constructionindustryOTTO FUCHS also offers innovativesolutions for modern building conceptswith dem<strong>and</strong>ing architecture.Shading elements, initially made fromlarge sized <strong>extrusion</strong>s, are replacedby an <strong>extrusion</strong> compound from asymmetrical, small <strong>and</strong> light weight<strong>extrusion</strong> profi les.The application of a smaller <strong>extrusion</strong>offers not only the advantage of lowerweight, allowing a lighter subassembly,but also a higher surface quality, whichis of particular interest in architecturalapplication.Costumer advantages <strong>and</strong>values:• lower tooling cost• pronounced weight advantage• better surface quality <strong>and</strong>appearance• optional two-tone appearanceof shading element• smaller minimum productionbatchPlatform for ladder scaffoldWooden scaffolding, which is subjectedto ageing <strong>and</strong> fouling, means asevere safety risk to the operators.An aluminium platform, made byOTTO FUCHS from a shear resistantaluminium compound, allows the eliminationof a welded frame, which inturn resulted in a considerable reductionof production cost. So a safe <strong>and</strong>durable aluminium design replacesthe usual wooden construction withoutreducing the economical efficiency.Costumer advantages <strong>and</strong>values:• safety <strong>and</strong> reliability underhigh-duty application inconstruction industry• weight advantage• resistant to ageing• durability, low maintenance• aesthetic appearance

OTTO FUCHS <strong>KG</strong>Derschlager Straße 26D-58540 MeinerzhagenGermanyPhone +49 2354 73-0Fax +49 2354

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