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Push-Off Trailer SAW4 5Typ SAW 14Technische DatenNet WeightTotal Weight (highway code rating)(40 km/h version)Total Off-Road WeightTravel SpeedHydraulically Adjustable DrawbarHydraulically Operated Rear GateTow Ball or Towing Eye9700 kg21 tons32 tonsup to 40 km/hThis trailer’s low center of gravity provides significantlybetter stability out in the field than a dump truck. Nowthe material no longer gets stuck in the through, butis discharged completely instead. Its overall height ofless than 3190 mm even lets you unload it within lowbuildings. Special attention was given during the designphase to the fact that it will be mostly used in harshconstruction conditions away from public roads andhighways. This is why a low net weight is not as importantas the ability to haul a large payload. Its remarkablysturdy construction allows a working load of approximately22 tons, not to mention a 32-ton axle assembly.The push plate is guided by ball-bearing-mounted steelrollers in a precision U-shaped frame like the rails usedon forklifts, and moved by a double-action telescopiccylinder. The trough-like design with the exterior dimensionsof 3.45 x 2.24 x 1.26 m can hold more than12,6 m³ of material. The floor and side walls are madeof 8 mm Hardox

Plate Compactors for Excavators6 7BenefitsExerting impact forces of 30 to 120 KN at a frequencyof 60 Hz, Stehr attachable compactors have a speciallyshaped base plate, with no complicated rotary motor oroil line, enabling them to be placed in any position fromwherever the carrying vehicle is stationed.The hexagonal base lets the compactor be positionedanywhereOptimum compactionNo extra hydraulic circuit needed on the digger for therotary driveTechnical DataType SBV 120 HF SBV 60 HFImpact force 120 KN 60 KNFrequency 60 Hz 60 HzOil required 65 l/min. 39 l/min.Pressure 210 bar 180 barBase plate width 1000 mm * 850 mmWeight 764 kg 295 kgCarrying vehicle from 7.5 tons** from 2.5 – 14 to.* optional quick-change plate** Head plate: Krupp hole pattern no. 6No complicated rotary motor or oil lineSBV 60 plate compactor attachment: Newly designedsystem especially for use on mini excavatorsThe double-shaft vibration gear produces oscillationsdirected 100 % vertically downward, which means almostnone of the vibration is passed on to the carriervehicle (only SBV 60).The same is valid for SBV 120 HF plate compactorattachment, however with a four-shaft-vibration gearand the double compaction

Towed Grader SG8 9BenefitsGrade both quickly and flawlesslyGooseneck main frame for large volumes of materialHydraulically foldable blade for road transportHorizontally adjustable bladeTechnical DataType SG 300 SG 400LPower Requirement 90 HP or above 120 HP or aboveWorking Width 3,00 m 4,00 mBlade Height 0,90 m 0,90 mTransport Width 2,45 m 2,45 mLength with Single Axle 4,10 m 4,10 mLength with Double Axle 5,00 m 5,00 mWeight 1.600 kg 2.350 kgType SG 400 SG 500Power Requirement 160 HP or above 200 HP or aboveWorking Width 4,00 m 5,00 mBlade Height 1,10 m 1,10 mTransport Width 2,45 m 2,45 mLength with Single Axle 5,80 m 5,80 mLength with Double Axle 6,20 m 6,20 mWeight 3.170 kg 3.300

Scraper Attachment SASK10 11BenefitsThe Stehr-Scraper attachment loosens the material,loads is, transports it and works it in all by itself. Thematerial can even be graded using a laser controlmechanism. A hydraulic discharge mechanism pushesthe material out in front of the dozer blade, where it isimmediately worked/graded into the surface. It onlytakes about 10 seconds to discharge and finish workingthe material. Such efficiency eliminates all that un productivedowntime with its related high operator wagesand material book costs.Carrying, Compacting, Transporting Uploading,Filling, GradingLoosens the material, loads it, transports it andworks it in all by itselfThere’s no work stoppageTechnical DataType SASK 9Volume ca. 8,5 m 3liquid measureWidth3000 mmWeight7,1 tonsTowing Powermind. 250 HPTires 4 × 445 / 65 × 22,

Bonding Agent Spreader SBS12 13Features – all modelshydraulically driven rotary vane feeder, exactadjustable spreading quantityTechnical DataType SBS 10 SBS 3000 FrontmountedspreaderBonding Agent Capacity 10 m 3 3 m 3Features – SBS 10filling process: filling cover (0,8 x 0,8 m ) ) fromfree-standing silo, worm conveyor or big bagfill level check: optical with electronic sensors(full/empty)dust filter (option): cleans in-blown air during fillingprocess, filter is easy to clean and serviceair-brake systemWeight 3.670 kg 890 kg with plane1.030 kg withsteelroofDimensionsW: 2.665 mmH: 3.190 mmL: 4.775 mmSpread Width 2.400 mm /1.200 mmhydraulicallyreduceablePrime Mover ab 130 PS –Wheels 600/55 × 22,5 16 PR –W: 2.600 mmH: 1.750 mmL: 1.740 mm2.400 mm /1.200

Soil Stabilisation dustfree14 15Combining Stehr-SBF 24 Soil Stabilisation Grinder withSBS Binding Agent Spreader solves one of the biggestproblems in soil stabilisation by letting you apply additivesand grind the soil without producing a lot of dust.This no-dust adding and mixing of bonding agents withthe soil in one single machine can also save you a lot ofmoney. Now you don’t have the added expense of havingto use a separate spreader vehicle. And your machineryand the surrounding objects and areas won’t be dirtiedsince the additives are inserted directly into the mixingchamber itself.Technical DataType SBF 24-6WeightGrinding DepthGrinding WidthSpread Width9.110 kg400 mm max.2400 mmBonding Agent Capacity 6,0 m 3Tractor2.400mm, hydraulically reduceable to1.200 mm230 HP or largerBenefitsHydraulically driven rotary vane feederFilling Process- Filling cover (0,8 x 0,8 m), worm conveyor or big bag- Blow-in device with shut-off valve for silo vehiclesFill level check (optical) with electronic sensorsOption: computer-controlled spreading quantityregulation, independently of the driving

Soil Stabilisation SBF16 17Stehr- Soil stabilisation mixers were designed to be usedwith tractors to provide a complete and economical alternativeto self-propelled equipment. Towed attachmentmixers offer a wide range of advantages:Significantly lower investment outlays (tractor andginder)Tractor is available for other jobsLess fuel costsAvoids unwanted compaction caused by driving overthe processed materialTechnical DataType SBF 22 L SBF 24 L SBF 24Grinding Width 2.200 mm 2.400 mm 2.400 mmGrinding Depth max. 400 mm 400 mm 600 mmWeight 2.220 kg 2.550 kg 4.670 kgDrive PTO PTO PTOPTO Output 1.000 rpm 1.000 rpm 1.000 rpmPower Requirement125 kW/170 HP147 kW/200 HP170 kW/230 HP or larger600 mm mixing depth with a cutting widthof 2400

Gravel Road Finisher GRF24 25Stehr-System for Maintaining Gravel RoadsThe Gravel Road Finisher is mounted on the front andback of tractors, wheeled loaders, Unimogs and similarcarriers. The rear-mounted system consists of a mixingapparatus with an attached shaping device or built-inscreed. As the vehicle moves in its normal directionof travel, the roadway material is loosened, mixed andshaped. The built-in screed is designed so that everyfamiliar roadway cross-section or profile can be formedin only one pass of the system.BenefitsSystem to restore streets and roads with water-boundsurfaces as rapidly as possible and with a minimum ofexpense and effortThe dimensions of the Stehr-Gravel Road Finisherhave been engineered to allow a road of 3 meters inwidth to be built and restored in three steps:- Push organic material (vegetation, humus etc.) fromthe center of the road outward onto the embankments- Loosen, mix and camber- Then compact; the latter is accomplished using platecompactors mounted on the front (Stehr Plate CompactorSBV 60 H 4)Technische DatenTypeWorking widthTransport widthCarrying vehicleWeightStehr-Plate Compactor SBV 60 H4Working widthFrequencyOil required / PressureCentrifugal forceGRF3600 mm3000 mmmin. 200 HP3280 kg3000 mm60Hz100 l / 200 bar4 x 60

Manhole Cutter SKF18 19System Stehr / conicalconventional SystemTechnical DataThe Stehr SKF 950 manhole cutter is the only attachmentsystem that successfully met all the rigorousdemands of a long-term test that was funded by thestate of North Rhine-Westphalia and conducted by therespected IKT Institute for Underground Infrastructurein Gelsenkirchen. Several large German cities includingDüsseldorf and Munich now require that manhole restorationsbe performed according to the Stehr system. Therestoration system patented Europe-wide consisting ofa conical grinder head and the Budaplan tapered shaftsleeve from Buderus not only guarantees a long servicelife, but is the only one that delivers what it promises:Sinking and settling are as good as ruled out. Among itsmany fields of application are new road construction andrestoration work using self-leveling shaft frames.Type SKF 950WeightOil flowPressureTorqueCutting DepthDiameter of CutterOil Bleed pressureCutter Heads availableBenefits890 kg with cutter head Ø 885 mm100 l/min (max. 240 l/min)210 bar12.000 Nm max.300 mmup to 1.420 mmmax. 1 barfrom 400 up to 1.420 mmProfessional tool for use in surface repaving and repair,new road construction, restoration of embeddedassembliesGrinding time is about two minutes per shaftMore Flexible start-up timeA long useful life and lower costs for replacing thecutter toolsFor use on: wheeled excavators, compact loaders,truck loader cranes, Unimog, wheeled

Dozer Blade SPS20 21BenefitsFor earthmoving and grading, also useable ascounter-weightHorizontal Adjustment (2 x 20°)Cutter-Blade is replacableIt can be mounted and removed in seconds using thequick-coupler mounting frameTechnical DataType SPS 3000WeightWidthTractor2.800 kg3.000 mm230 HP or largerFrame with quick-couplingA frame with a quick-coupling assembly has beendeveloped that lets you rapidly attach and detach frontadd-on equipment such as binding-agent spreaders,dozer blades and scarifiers right from within the cab ofthe vehicle. Now you can switch out front attachmentsin seconds.The frame even directs the enormous thrustthat arises when using the 6-way dozer blade under therear axle.The dozer blade is designed to supplement, not replacea bulldozer. How often have you encountered areasat construction sites where grading work needs to bedone? Now you can save all the money involved in havinga bulldozer driven back and forth on a

Plate Compactors SBV22 23Technical DataType SBV 55 H2 SBV 55 H3 SBV 55 H3CWeightOperating Weight (kg) 820 1315 1235WidthOperating Width (mm) 1725 2600 2120DriveHydraulic Motor Cog Wheel* Cog Wheel* Cog Wheel*Absorption Capacity (ccm) 2 x 19 3 x 19 3 x 19Carrier vehicle requirementsPump Delivery Rate (l/min) 67 67 67Min. Operating Pressure (bar) 180 180 180Operational CharacteristicsLaterally Adjustable R/L (mm) – – 700 possibleAdjustable Vibration SystemFrequency (Hz) 40 – 60 40 – 60 40 – 60Amplitude (mm) 2,12 2,12 2,12Centrifugal Force (kN) 2 x 60 3 x 60 3 x 60Type SBV 55 H1S SBV 55 H4WeightOperating Weight (kg) 685 1890BenefitsStehr-Compactions systems offer great flexibility in useand are adaptable to solve any number of challengingcompaction tasks. Stehr’s comprehensive programoffers hydraulically driven vibrating plate compactorsas single, double or triple-plate assemblies that canbe easily attached to various utility vehicles. Since theStehr Plate Compactors have no drive capability of theirown, they are either pulled or pushed by these primemovers. This means that the force produced by the unit’stwo counteracting eccentric shafts is concentrated100 % vertically and is dedicated entirely to the job ofcompaction. This in turn results in a significantly greaterlevel of compaction performance than can be deliveredby conventional plate compactors.WidthOperating Width (mm) 850 3000DriveHydraulic Motor Cog Wheel * Cog Wheel *Absorption Capacity (ccm) 1 x 19 2 x 14Carrier vehicle requirementsPump Delivery Rate (l/min) 67 67Min. Operating Pressure (bar) 180 210Operational CharacteristicsLaterally Adjustable R/L (mm) 900 –Adjustable Vibration SystemFrequency (Hz) 40 – 60 40 – 60Amplitude (mm) 2,12 2,12Centrifugal Force (kN) 1 x 60 4 x 60* Hydraulic motor connected in

Plate Compactors on Road Roller26 27Stehr has developed a vibrating plate compactor forattachment to road rollers. Thanks to its combined rollerand plate configuration, it puts several complex stepstogether into one machine and does them all in onesingle run. Stehr plate compactors achieved absolutelyamazing results when employed at the constructionsites of several wellknown companies. Tests made byearthworks laboratories have proven its excellence.EV2 values of over 100 MN/m² were often attained inonly on run!BenefitsA completely vertical compaction line using two counteractioneccentric shafts, this means that the forceis applied 100 % vertically into the groundThe roller operates at low frequency and high amplitude(30 Hz), while the plate compactors work at highfrequency (60 Hz) and low amplitudeTechnical DataTypeSBV 55 H3CWeightOperating Weight (kg) 1235WidthOperating Width (mm) 2120DriveHydraulic Motor Cog Wheel *Absorption Capacity (ccm) 3 x 19Carrier vehicle requirementsPump Delivery Rate (l/min) 67Min. Operating Pressure (bar) 180Operational CharacteristicsLaterally Adjustable R/L (mm)700 possibleAdjustable Vibration SystemFrequency (Hz)40 – 60 (variable)Amplitude (mm) 2,12Centrifugal Force (kN) 3 x 60* Hydraulic motor connected in

Recycler / Mixer Bucket SR28 29For adding binding agents, mixing, crushing, siftingand for refining and processing construction waste andrubble.BenefitsImproves the earth through the addition of bindingagents such as lime or cementMechanically enhances soil quality by working in crushedconstruction waste, rubble and manufacturedsand to the standards set forth in the SupplementaryTechnical Regulations for Earthworking and RoadConstruction (ZTVE 12.2)Recovers and crushes construction debris and a widerange of other materialsThoroughly mixes, blends and sifts loose earth beingstored on waste heaps or in dumpsTechnical DataType SR 15 SR 12Weight 2.400 kg 1.650 kgPower Rating105 kW at210 ltr./min/300 barRotor Diameter 650 mm 650 mm105 kWat 210 ltr./min/300 barRotor Speed 180 rpm variable 180 rpm variableVolume 1,5 m 3 1,2 m 3Width 1.200 mm 1.200 mmPrime Mover21-ton or largerexcavators17-ton or largerexcavatorsHydraulics 210 l/min/300 bar 210 l/min/300 barActionHammer and shearcontrolsHammer and shearcontrolsHead plate: Krupp hole pattern no.

Pipe Trench Compactor30 31Technische DatenTypSBV 30 dOverall Height2080 mmBase Plate Width 220 mm *Impact Force30 kNFrequency60 Hz.Power12 kW.Oil Flow40 L/180 barLänge der Grundplatte700 mm* making it the plate compactor with the narrowest base plate on the marketThe Stehr pipe trench compactor was engineeredto handle those tough compaction challenges oftenencountered in canalization projects and to meet thestandards set forth by German canal and wastewaterindustry associations, such as the Güteschutz Kanalbauquality assurance organization. This equipment replaceshard manual labor with easy, hand-operated compactiondevices in problem areas like those hard-to-reach spacesalong the lower half of embedded pipes. Never beforehas there been a compactor attachment for excavatorsthat allows you to set the compaction force and therebyeliminate any chance of damaging the pipe. Gone are thedays when equipment operators had to simply estimatehow much pressure the excavator arm needed to applyto the compactor. This new Stehr invention redefines thestate of the art. All you do is simply position this add-oncompactor onto the area to be compacted. Activatingthe hydraulic circuit for the exciter gear causes a hydrauliccylinder to exert a previously set, consistent pressureon the plate compactor, without the equipment operatorhaving to guide it. And, a hydraulic rotating motor letsyou put the compactor anywhere you need

Quick change coupling SSKfor hydraulic hoses32 33BenefitsAll coupled up within 3 secondsSecure, fast, effortless and simpleTechnical DataType SSK 004 SSK 003bring in placeFlow Rate up to 400 l/min up to 150 l/minPressure 320 bar 300 barBack Pressure at 300 l/min = 3,5 bar at 100 l/min = 4,5 barConnection Inside thread 1 ¼" BSP Inside thread ¾" BSPType SSK 002Flow RatePressureBack PressureConnectionup to 60 l/min300 barat 60 l/min = 3,5 barInside thread ½" BSPturn

Compaction Wheel SVR34 35Technische DatenType SVR 15 MB SVR 25 MB SVR 28Rollerswith compactionfeetwith compactionfeetwith compactionfeetHeight to Mounting Plate 655 mm 655 mm 1.070 mmOverall Wheel Diameter 610 mm 610 mm 920 mmOverall Wheel Width 150 mm 250 mm 280 mmCarrier Vehicle 1.5 - 5 tons 1.5 - 7 tons 6 - 14 tonsNumber of Rims 1 1 1Weight ca. 145 kg ca. 185 kg ca. 500 kgLine Pressureup to 200 kg/cm* mountedon 1,5-tonexcavatorup to 480 kg/cm* mountedon 4-tonexcavatorup to 300 kg/cm* mountedon 14-tonexcavatorBenefitsEconomical and fast compaction at lifts rangingto 1.000 mmUp to five-times-better compaction performance andquality than plate compactors and trench rollersEasier to compact canalization ditches and problemareas such as embankments and backfillsSafer, because it keeps workers out of the trenchduring operationsOften eliminates the need to replace soilsNo vibrationNo malfunction of electronic equipment(computers, etc.)Suitably for cohesive soilsType SVR 40 SVR 60 HD SVR 60 CW40Rollerswith compactionfeetwith compactionfeetwith compactionfeetHeight to Mounting Plate 1.070 mm 1.070 mm 1.070 mmOverall Wheel Diameter 920 mm 920 mm 920 mmOverall Wheel Width 400 mm 570 mm 570 mmCarrier Vehicle 6 - 16 tons 12 - 50 tons 12 -50 tonsNumber of Rims 1 2 2Weight ca. 550 kg ca. 850 kg ca. 1040 kgLine PressureTypeRollersHeight to Mounting PlateOverall Wheel DiameterOverall Wheel WidthCarrier VehicleNumber of Rims 2WeightLine Pressureup to 259 kg/cm* mountedon 16-tonexcavatorSVR 80 HDwith compactionfeet1.070 mm920 mm770 mm18 - 50 tonsca. 940 kgup to 198 kg/cm* mountedon 25-tonexcavatorup to 262kg/cm* mountedon 25-tonexcavatorup to 262 kg/cm* mountedon 25-tonexcavator* Compare thesefigures with othercompaction equipment!

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