كيتب حفل ختريج الدفعة الرابعة - The Petroleum Institute

كيتب حفل ختريج الدفعة الرابعة - The Petroleum Institute كيتب حفل ختريج الدفعة الرابعة - The Petroleum Institute


Your Excellency Yousef Omeir Bin Yousef,Secretary General of the Supreme PetroleumCouncil, Chief Executive Officer ofADNOC and Secretary General of the PetroleumInstitute’s Board of Trustees.Our Valued Guests.On behalf of all my fellow graduates, I would like to expressour extreme gratitude and appreciation for yoursponsorship and support on this very special day.Today, we leave the Petroleum Institute, but we will neverforget the lasting impact of our experiences… of being partof the PI.Today, we become independent…Today, we leave the shelter of the PI, ready to engage thechallenges of reality.Today, we start a new journey equipped with the bestknowledge, experience, skills and training to succeed.Today, we can proudly say that we have earned one of themost sought after degrees ever to be offered in the MiddleEast.Today, we graduate… eager to start applying everythingwe learned at the PI.We take great pride in the outstanding academic preparationwe received at the PI. We had the best faculty… Wehad the best facilities… We were educated using state-ofthe-arttechnology only fit for the best universities. We areaware of how respected and valued the PI graduates areand we are not surprised. We have had a first-hand accountof how every single person at the PI spares no effort towardsreaching the ultimate goal of preparing graduateswho are armed with the ability to be original (innovative)and creative.We have been waiting passionately for this day… the daywhen we start using our knowledge to serve our belovedcountry. Today, we start repaying our debt to the UAE andto the soul of the founder of its union and the master architectof its civilization - His Highness Sheikh Zayed BinSultan Al Nahyan - May Allah have mercy upon his soul.We have a pledge to make to the wise government of theUAE under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh KhalifaBin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, and to TheirHighnesses, Members of the Federal Supreme Council, Rulersof the Emirates, and to His Highness Sheikh MohammadBin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.We pledge to spare no effort, to be dedicated and to workhard for the prosperity of the UAE. We pledge to followyour lead and to always offer our best for the better futureof the UAE.Last, but definitely not least, we acknowledge our gratitudeto the Petroleum Institute with all its academic andadministrative divisions for everything they offered us,along with their care and dedication. We wish all PI studentssuccess and good luck and hope that they will cherishthis great moment of graduation.Above all, our appreciation, love and respect to our dearfamilies for their care and support. Without your effortsand your prayers, none of this would have been possible.Thank you very much. Peace be upon you all.Graduate’s Speech

سعادة يوسف بن عمري،‏األمني العام جمللس أمناء املعهد البرتولي،‏املدير التنفيذي لشركة برتول أبو ظيب الوطنية‏)أدنوك(،‏ضيوفنا الكرام،‏السالم عليكم و رمحة اهلل و بركاته،‏ وبعد:‏فأود أوال أن أتقدم إليكم باسمي و اسم زماليئ الخريجني بخالص الشكر وعظيماالمتنان لرعايتكم و احتفائكم بنا يف هذا اليوم التاريخي يف حياة كل منا.‏إننا سنغادر اليوم املعهد البرتويل و لن يغادرنا أبدا ملا تركه فينا من أثر طيب،‏حيث ننطلق إىل مرحلة جديدة يف حياتنا هي الحياة العملية بآفاقها الواسعةمسلحني مبا اكتسبناه من معرفة و علم و خربة و مهارة.‏ وبينام نحن نتوق إىلمامرسة وتطبيق كل ما تعلمناه،‏ نشعر بالفخر و االعتزاز باإلعداد األكادميياملتميز الذي وفره لنا املعهد من خالل أسا تذة أكفاء متميزين و تقنيات وتجهيزات أكادميية تفوق أرقى الجامعات العاملية.‏ ولقد ملسنا التقدير واإلحرتاملخريجي املعهد من جهات عديدة نظرا للتأهيل العلمي الراقي الذي يتمتع بهخريجوه يف حياتهم املهنية،‏ وال عجب يف ذلك فنحن قد رأينا بأم أعيينا الجهدالذي يبذله كل فرد هنا لتوفري أرقى مستويات التعليم الذي يؤهل الطالبلخوض الحياة العملية مسلحا بالقدرة عىل التميز و اإلبداع.‏لقد كنا ننتظر بفارغ الصرب هذا اليوم الذي ميكننا من نقل ما تعلمناه إىل وطنناالغايل دولة اإلمارات العربية املتحدة لرند بعض الجميل إىل هذه األرض الطيبةو إىل روح مؤسس وحدتها و باين تهضتها املغفور له باذن الله صاحب السموالشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان.‏و نحن نعاهد حكومتنا الرشيدة بقيادة صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايدآل نهيان رئيس الدولة،‏ و إخوانه أصحاب السمو أعضاء املجلس األعىل حكاماإلمارات،‏ وويل عهده األمني العام صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد آلنهيان،‏ نعاهدهم جميعا عىل التفاين و اإلخالص يف العمل و املحافظة عىل ماتحقق تحت رعايتهم الكرمية من إنجازات يشهد لها القايص و الداين و تقديماملزيد لرفعة اإلمارات و خدمة شعبها.‏و أخريا،‏ فالشكر و العرفان للمعهد البرتويل بكل هيئاته األكادميية و اإلداريةملا قدموا لنا من رعاية خالل دراستنا متمنيني لكل زمالئنا الطالب النجاح والتوفيق.‏و آلبائنا و أمهاتنا عظيم الشكر والتقدير ملا قدموه من رعاية وتشجيع فلوالذلك ملا تكللت مسريتنا بالتوفيق والنجاح.‏و السالم عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته.‏خريج خطاب

Your Excellency Yousef Omeir Bin Yousef,Secretary General of the Supreme <strong>Petroleum</strong>Council, Chief Executive Officer ofADNOC and Secretary General of the <strong>Petroleum</strong><strong>Institute</strong>’s Board of Trustees.Our Valued Guests.On behalf of all my fellow graduates, I would like to expressour extreme gratitude and appreciation for yoursponsorship and support on this very special day.Today, we leave the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, but we will neverforget the lasting impact of our experiences… of being partof the PI.Today, we become independent…Today, we leave the shelter of the PI, ready to engage thechallenges of reality.Today, we start a new journey equipped with the bestknowledge, experience, skills and training to succeed.Today, we can proudly say that we have earned one of themost sought after degrees ever to be offered in the MiddleEast.Today, we graduate… eager to start applying everythingwe learned at the PI.We take great pride in the outstanding academic preparationwe received at the PI. We had the best faculty… Wehad the best facilities… We were educated using state-ofthe-arttechnology only fit for the best universities. We areaware of how respected and valued the PI graduates areand we are not surprised. We have had a first-hand accountof how every single person at the PI spares no effort towardsreaching the ultimate goal of preparing graduateswho are armed with the ability to be original (innovative)and creative.We have been waiting passionately for this day… the daywhen we start using our knowledge to serve our belovedcountry. Today, we start repaying our debt to the UAE andto the soul of the founder of its union and the master architectof its civilization - His Highness Sheikh Zayed BinSultan Al Nahyan - May Allah have mercy upon his soul.We have a pledge to make to the wise government of theUAE under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh KhalifaBin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, and to <strong>The</strong>irHighnesses, Members of the Federal Supreme Council, Rulersof the Emirates, and to His Highness Sheikh MohammadBin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.We pledge to spare no effort, to be dedicated and to workhard for the prosperity of the UAE. We pledge to followyour lead and to always offer our best for the better futureof the UAE.Last, but definitely not least, we acknowledge our gratitudeto the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> with all its academic andadministrative divisions for everything they offered us,along with their care and dedication. We wish all PI studentssuccess and good luck and hope that they will cherishthis great moment of graduation.Above all, our appreciation, love and respect to our dearfamilies for their care and support. Without your effortsand your prayers, none of this would have been possible.Thank you very much. Peace be upon you all.Graduate’s Speech

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