sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

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BALLYCASTLE FLEADHON BBCIn a sun drenched B<strong>all</strong>ycastle one ofthe fillest traditional music festivals,Fleadh Amhran agus Rince, was stagedin June. It would be fair to say that theinflux of traditional musicians, singersand dancers who entertained large numbersof enthusiasts <strong>for</strong> hours, couldcompare favourably with any majorevent of its kind in the country.The atmosphere from the word gowas electric and the glorious weatherplayed no sm<strong>all</strong> part in attracting largecrowds who listened intently at theDiamond Plat<strong>for</strong>m where an extravaganzaof music, song and dance tookplace.The opening event of Friday eveninggot off to a good start with an. entertainingcaUin peas competition with fmalistsfrom <strong>all</strong> over the Province. Theadjudicator Mrs. Maire MacAogainfrom Dublin complimented <strong>all</strong> the corn.petitors and oongratulated the committeeon organising this novel event.Cailin Deas 1986 was declared when shearmounced that this year's winner wasAngela Reid from Trillick, Co. Tyrone.Rurmer-up Ann Marie O'Neill, Rasharkin,3rd place was awarded to Mairead.McMahon, Dunloy. Highlycommended Maire McNi<strong>all</strong>as, Co.Donegal, Hilary Scott, Co . Derry andFionuala M1,lldoon, Eunis!cillen . Thecompetition was sponsored by the IrishNews and set a festival mood <strong>for</strong> therest of the weekend. The Irish NewsShield was presented to the fIrst CailinDeas by Mr.. Peter MonteJler, assistanteditor.The official opening was per<strong>for</strong>medby Mr. Petet: Tieroey, Ulster chairmanof CCE. Mr. Labhras b MurchUCashel, Director General of Comhalta~once again thanked the local committeeunder the. direction of chairmanPadraig McCaughan, and secretary Mrs.Jeannie McGrath, <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> the hard wqrkwhich is an integral component in themounting of any event.The chairman of MQyle pistrictCouncil, Mr.. Malachy McSparron,welcomed <strong>all</strong> the Southern musicians,singers and dancers. to B<strong>all</strong>ycastle aswell as those from aritain. For theremainder of the week-end events ransmoothly with crowds of visitorsMr. & Mrs. PADDY TUNNEY at the Aeadh.(Photo: Caoilnhghin Mac an tntaigh)coming to the town to enjoy some ofthe fInest displays of traditional talentever witnessed in B<strong>all</strong>ycastle.Also aware of the fine display oftalent was BBC producer Mr. TonyMcAuley a{ld his team who spent manyhours filming the weekend events. McMcAuley spoke highly of the standardof per<strong>for</strong>mances throughout the entiretwo days and he was speci<strong>all</strong>y delightedwith the cultural parade in whicheleven floats took part from TyroneCCE, Ring of Gullion CCE, South Armagh,l3ellaghy CCE, Dungiven CCE aswell as the local branches from Co .Antrjm and the local Chamber ofCommerce .The Cailin Deas on the Co . Antrimfloat led the parade and providinglaughs <strong>all</strong> round was the Dl!ngiven CCEentry with Selj.mus O'Kane and the localPoteen makers having a fIeld day. Twodancing schools took part - Carey­McQuigg.an School, and the Made.neOunlop Dancers.MOst tJ;aditional of the flQats was anexcellent flOat from Dunloy and bestdressed from Rasharkin CCE. Cups <strong>for</strong>20the winning floats were presented byMc Peter Tiemey and the localChamber of Commerce.On Saturday evening music, song anddance continued into the night withmusicians from practic<strong>all</strong>y every countyin Ulster as well as the Harper family,Donegal, Seamus MacMathuna andLarry Kinsella from Clare and Wexf~f(.irespectively, to mention but a few.The Singing Workshops were led bySeamus MacMathuna, Paddy Tunney,Seamus 0 BaoiU, Jirn Mcf'arland, BrianMqUan, lIelen Curran Glasgow, origin<strong>all</strong>yDungloe to mention but a few.A hard working Ceili Committeefrom head office organised the dancingcompetitions led by Bllly Boylan,Jimmy Brennan and Nora O'Sullivan.The adjuidicators <strong>for</strong> the weekendwere Maire MacAogain, P~b1in , M~rt~Bolger, RoscommOn, Uarn Suckley,B<strong>all</strong>ybunion, .6reda Hession, B<strong>all</strong>inasloe,Tony McNulty, Balbriggan.Junior Dance winners - 4 Hand.1. Grianan CCE, Derry; (2) Carey, B<strong>all</strong>ycastle;CD Clonduff, Co . Down.8 Hand- (1) Grianan CCE; (2) Clonduff;(3) Carey.Junior Set Dance- 0) Pride of Erin,Warrenpoint (2) Clonduff.

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