sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

sligo for all-ireland? - Comhaltas Archive

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and culture and who accompanied himto almost <strong>all</strong> his coirmeacha ceoil, hisceilithe, his seisiuin, etc. To her weoffer our deepest sympathy. If Paddy'sdeath hurt us <strong>all</strong> so much what a blow itmust have been to her. Grasta b Dhia 'ort, a Mhaire.Perhaps the best way <strong>for</strong> me to endthis tribute to Paddy McEntee is toquote some lines from a beautiful littlepoem written by that great Irish patriot,Brian na Banban, Brian O'Higgins. Theyare:The tears will f<strong>all</strong>, tho' it is vain to weepthee;One c<strong>all</strong>ed thee Home to Him - and Heknows best;No bond of human love on earth couldkeep thee-Great soul, dear friend, true guide, Godgive thee rest.The "Mountain Lark" producer BRIANEUSTACE (centre) with his production teamduring a film ing session.{{THE MOUNTAIN LARK"MAYFLY TO AMERICAAs the "Mountain Lark" series oftraditional music programmes continues,the production team has nowvisited the four provinces and Britain<strong>for</strong> rehearsals. Many well known facesand some up-and-coming stars have appearedon the series. It is understoodthat the audience reaction to the seriesto date has been exception<strong>all</strong>y good andseveral new programmes are already inthe can <strong>for</strong> transmission.The setting <strong>for</strong> the "Mountain Lark"is Culturlann na hEireann and theartistes <strong>for</strong> each programme workthroughout the day and into the night.Brian Eustace, the Producer of the serieswhich is a co-production with <strong>Comhaltas</strong>,has expressed himself very pleasedwith the standard of talent available inIreland and abroad. Further visits areplanned to Britain in the near future.One question now exercising theminds of the production team is when avisit to North America- can be undertaken.There is a vast reservoir of talentavailable on that Continent and this,coupled with the unique role played bythe Irish community in North Americain the preservation and promotion oftraditional music throughout thiscentury makes a visit there inevitable.The success of North Americanmusicians at this year's Fleadh Cheoil inListowel adds a further claim to theirpriority <strong>for</strong> recognition. Such plumchampionships as Senior Fiddle (BrianConway, New York); Senior Accordeon(Billy McComiskey, New York); andSenior Grupai Cheoil (St. James's GateGroup, San Antonio) went to theUnited States.It is known that RTF: executives arefavourably disposed to covering the traditionalmusic scene in North Americabut there are many technicalities whichwould have to be resolved be<strong>for</strong>e such amajor venture could be undertaken.Meanwhile, the 20-strong <strong>Comhaltas</strong>group from Ireland will have travelled20,000 miles to give 17 concerts on the15th annual Concert Tour of NorthAmerica and the musical links betweenthe two countries will have been furtherstrengthened.31

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