Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

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From the National President by George S. Charles, Jr.The spirit of our founders is alive and wellON FEBRUARY <strong>21</strong>, 2012, our Association will celebrateits 126th anniversary as the only Hungarian fraternal lifeinsurance society in the United States. As we celebrate yetanother milestone, we must always remember the dedicatedfounders of <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> Association. We also rememberand thank all of the past and present officers, directors,former auditors, employees, sales representatives andmembers who devoted so much time in building our Associationthat is shared by us today, with much pride andfond memories.Our Association remains dedicated to the promotion ofservice to others. While our members always come first inour minds, we also assist others outside of our membership.We have a history of dedicated individuals who overthe years have labored long and hard to promote our Associationand the fraternal spirit of volunteerism.<strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> Association flourishes because we striveto preach and practice fraternalism, brotherhood andfinancial security. To sustain this tradition, we must growwith new members, products and services, and in fraternalactivities and benevolent acts of generosity towards others.Our foundation was built on caring, sharing and performingacts of loving kindness, and it is right that we continuethis fraternal mission as we build our future.These are essential considerations in this most competitivebusiness world. Let us not forget, we are competingfor our members’ insurance and investment needs as wellas their leisure and recreational time.We are continuously working on developing new programsand products for growth.So remember, the next time one ofour sales representatives asks toreview your insurance, welcomehim or her into your home. Oursales representatives, along withyou, our membership, represent our Association’s future.In our 126th year of service to our members, we haverenewed our commitment with steadfast faith to restoreand support branch fraternal activities and continue thepassion and commitment of our Home Office staff to renderprompt and efficient service.Our National Directors are prepared to meet the manynew challenges which lie ahead. Our National Directors,along with your National Officers, have been planning forgreater participation and attendance in our fraternal andbranch activities.There are emerging signs of “new life” at <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong>Association. Our members are seeking information aboutlearning the Hungarian language, asking for assistance inlocating relatives and showing greater interest in culturalsubjects. They are searching for their “roots,” practicingthe traditions they have inherited and passing them on tofuture generations.We have begun to communicate, reassert and reestablish<strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> Association’s preeminent position as arecognized leader in American-Hungarian life. We shallcontinue to do so.Our National Directors and National Officers are committedto making the changes necessary for <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong>Association’s future growth and long-term success.As we move forward, our Association will continue todedicate itself to you. Our fraternal spirit is still glowinglike the spirit in the hearts of the founders of our Associationmore than 126 years ago.ON THE MOVE?Have you moved recently, or are you planningto move soon? If so, please complete this form and send it to the WPA Home Office. That way, we cankeep our records up-to-date and keep you informed about important information regarding your lifeinsurance and annuity certificates, your fraternal benefits and WPA events and activities. Please mail to:<strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> Association, 709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15233.Name:Date:OLD Address:City: State: Zip:NEW Address:City: State: Zip:Current Telephone Number:Current Email Address:2 º <strong>February</strong> 2012 º <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

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