Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

Founders Day February 21 - William Penn Life

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Branch NewsMembers and friends of Branch 15 Chicago gathered in December for thebranch’s annual family Christmas party.Mary Tirpak and Irene Korpak were among members attendingBranch 18’s election meeting and Christmas party.cultural connection between youngand veteran participants.After the performance, St. Nicholasmade his appearance and surprisedthe children by passing outtreats to all the good boys and girls.Their enjoyment was evident by thesmiles on their faces and laughter inthe hall as they opened their stockingsand relished the sweet goodnessof the candy and chocolates.Finally, as with any Hungarianevent, food, spirits and good conversationwere in abundance. Guestsenjoyed their lunch comprised ofsausages, potatoes and yummyhomemade pastries. Everyone wasthankful for the delicious holidaymeal prepared by members of thechurch.On behalf of Chicago’s Branch15, we wish you and your families abright, happy and healthy New Year.Branch 18Lincoln Park, MIby Barbara A. HouseWell, here we are in Florida. I’mjust a wee bit home sick. Glenn, ourson-in-law, is cooking us some supermeals, which we are really enjoying.We love the time we spend withDebbie, Glenn, Tony and Tina.I am looking forward to the WhiteRose Ball in a few weeks. Maybea few days of snow will help meappreciate being in Florida. Ourweather has been unseasonablywarm, as yours has been also. I hopewe have just a little snow when I amhome for the ball. Hope to see youthere.We received a lot of Christmascards this year. I especially enjoyedthe ones with pictures. I get to seehow wonderful you all look. Specialthanks to the Vargo, Jackson, Walker,Gall and House families.Thank you, Mark Schmidt, for thekind words.Thanks also to Sandra Stocks forthe great pictures, including theone above of her mother with mymother, both 89 years old, at thebranch Christmas party.Congrats, Lori Gross. You lookedgreat. Keep up the good work.Get well wishes to Endre Csoman,Carol Truesdell, Steve Nagy, EmmaPoliska, Al and Olga Wansa, GlennDavenport and John E. Lovasz. Thislist in entirely too long. I hope nextmonth you are all better and yourname will not be here. You are allsuch special people. We send youlots of love and best wishes.Please remember the familiesof our deceased members in yourprayers, especially the families ofRudy Korpak, Helen Fekete andGeraldine Nagy. May they all rest inpeace.Welcome new members Aureneand Ambrielle Stoltz-Bango. Thankyou, Steve.Didn’t you love the January andConvention issues of <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong><strong>Life</strong>? They both kept me busy for along time. Debbie’s health articlewas especially cute. Thank you, John,for the pictures. Kathy Megyeri dida lovely job on the St. Stephen’sCrown story. Very informative.WPA was instrumental in the Crowngoing back home to Hungary. I alsoenjoyed Tibor’s column on balancingAmerican and Hungarian life. I, too,am proud to be an American, butI’m just as proud to have Hungarianroots. Chef Béla’s article on soupwas great. Soup has always beenan important part of the Hungarianmeal.I thank all of you who made theseissues of our magazine so successful.I have asked all the members of theBoard of Directors to start writingarticles about what their branchesare doing. Perhaps this way wecan learn from each other. You sentsome great pictures for last month’sissue. I enjoyed every one of them.Many branches are taking a breakduring the winter months. Branch18 is one of them. But, you can writeabout what events you have plannedfor the coming year. Looking forwardto hearing from all of you.I am so looking forward to ourtrip to Hungary this year. I hope youall plan on joining us. We are alsospending some time in Prague.Branch 18 meetings will resumeon April 11. Remember, we are nowmeeting at the Hungarian AmericanCultural Center at 7:00 p.m. The CulturalCenter is on Goddard betweenBeech Daly and Inkster Road. Comehungry to this meeting. They are sotickled to have us that they are makinga pot of gulyás just for us. Weappreciate the warm welcome theyhave extended to all our members.Many Cultural Center members arealso WPA members. It is so nice thatwe can support each other. That isthe only way we can all stay in businessand remain good HungarianAmericans.Enjoy the rest of the winter. Havea wonderful Valentine’s <strong>Day</strong>. I hopeyou spend it with those you love. Iwill....Think Spring!18 º <strong>February</strong> 2012 º <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

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