2007 Annual Report - YMCA Canada

2007 Annual Report - YMCA Canada

2007 Annual Report - YMCA Canada

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children and youth and 2,000 children withdisabilities made good friends and learned valuablelife lessons at <strong>YMCA</strong> Resident Camps.908,400 MEMBERS &PARTICIPANTS STAYEDACTIVE THROUGH <strong>YMCA</strong>HEALTH, FITNESS ANDRECREATION.YOUTH GAINEDLEADERSHIPSKILLS AT <strong>YMCA</strong>DAY CAMPS.Canadian <strong>YMCA</strong>s in partnershipwith 23 <strong>YMCA</strong>s around the worldfocus on youth leadership, healthpromotion, peace and conflictresolution programs.12 <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT

<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADASTRATEGIC PLAN<strong>2007</strong>-2011“BUILDING ON OUR STRENGTH”After 12 months of consultations with some 150 leaders and keystakeholders, a new <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> Strategic Plan was approvedin <strong>2007</strong>. This exciting new plan builds on the momentum gainedover the past few years and sets the strategic direction for anational Healthy Children and Youth Strategy in addition toenhancements to <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s core functions. For a full copyof this strategic plan visit www.ymca.ca.

<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA STRATEGIC INITIATIVESASSOCIATION SUPPORTSTRONG ASSOCIATION PROFILE – Support associations in monitoringtheir overall performance with recommended practices and nationalbenchmarks for strengthening associations.SUPPORT CONTINUUM AND PROTOCOL – Clarify the role of the localassociation, <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> and the national Delivery of ServiceSystem in managing operational challenges.COLLABORATIVE INITIATIVES BETWEEN ASSOCIATIONS – Supportand initiate, when appropriate, collaborative initiatives to strengthen<strong>YMCA</strong> capacity.PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTDEVELOP A NATIONAL <strong>YMCA</strong>HEALTHY CHILDREN ANDYOUTH STRATEGY –LEVERAGE THE CURRENT<strong>YMCA</strong> WORK AND ENGAGEMORE CHILDREN AND YOUTHTO EMBRACE FUN, HEALTHYHABITS THAT CAN BECOMEA LIFELONG PRACTICE.<strong>YMCA</strong> PLAYING TO LEARN – Continue to implementthis national child care curriculum, train staff anddevelop resources, led by the <strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Torontoon behalf of <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA PROGRAM LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENTSYSTEM (PLDS) – Evaluate and mentor <strong>YMCA</strong> TrainingEducators and Trainers in Fitness and Aquatics.<strong>YMCA</strong> FITNESS AND AQUATICS – Enhance programresources geared to aging adults to reflect currentdemographic trends and research.CREATING BALANCE: A <strong>YMCA</strong> WEIGHT MANAGEMENTRESOURCE – Develop best practices and additionalprogram resources for this new weight managementand lifestyle balance program.LEADERSHIP &HUMAN RESOURCES<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENTPROGRAM (LMDP) – Create a national leadership development strategyto support the career development of senior <strong>YMCA</strong> staff.VOLUNTEERISM – Select an association to take the lead in developingnew national resources to support associations with their volunteerstaffpartnerships.NEW ORIENTATION TOOLS – Develop resources to assist associationBoard members with understanding <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, the national Deliveryof Service System, and the work of the <strong>YMCA</strong> nationally and globally.MAINTAIN THE <strong>YMCA</strong>’S POSITION IN HEALTH, FITNESSAND RECREATION – Keep national fitness and aquaticsprogram resources up to date.MAINTAIN <strong>YMCA</strong> PRIORITY: SAM (SERVING ALLMEMBERS) – Support national standards that promoteexcellence in service and program quality for all <strong>YMCA</strong>members.PHILANTHROPY – Leverage <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s partnershipwith the North American <strong>YMCA</strong> Development Organizationto provide <strong>YMCA</strong>s with fundraising resources neededfor success.STRATEGIC INFORMATIONMANAGEMENTSUSTAIN A RELEVANT ANNUAL DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM –Enhance this system to provide support and analysis on associationperformance and benchmark comparators.IDENTIFY <strong>YMCA</strong> EVIDENCE-BASED OUTCOMES – Conduct research toassist with the demonstration and communication of the positive impactof <strong>YMCA</strong> programs on the health of children, youth and families.MONITOR CANADIAN SOCIAL TRENDS – Support future <strong>YMCA</strong> programmingwith a focus on the aging population, new immigration, and diversity.NATIONAL DAY CAMP SATISFACTION SURVEY – Share the results andsuccesses of this annual survey with associations to enhance <strong>YMCA</strong> DayCamp programs across <strong>Canada</strong>.NATIONAL REPRESENTATIONREPRESENT THE INTERESTS OF ASSOCIATIONS NATIONALLY & LIAISEWITH FEDERAL POLICY–MAKING DEPARTMENTS – Focus on specifickey areas such as: health, children and youth, employment, immigration,international development, the charitable/voluntary sector, and themunicipal sector to represent <strong>YMCA</strong> associations and advocate ontheir behalf.WORK WITH OTHER NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS – Continue to partnerand liaise with national organizations in the <strong>YMCA</strong>’s key focus areas.PREPARE FOR REGIONAL AND PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATION – Leada dialogue on enhancing the capacity of our Delivery of Service Systemto advocate on behalf of <strong>YMCA</strong>s at regional and provincial levels.MOVEMENT-WIDECOMMUNICATIONS & NETWORKINGMATTERS OF NATIONAL INTEREST AND THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT –Help associations stay current with the charitable sector’s regulatoryenvironment and with emerging issues.ENHANCE THE <strong>YMCA</strong> VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES AND OBTAIN KEY<strong>YMCA</strong> TRADEMARKS – Continue to build and protect the <strong>YMCA</strong> brandand reputation.COORDINATE ONGOING NATIONAL EVENTS – Participate in planning a2009 national conference for <strong>YMCA</strong> leaders to discuss a collective newvision for the <strong>YMCA</strong> in <strong>Canada</strong> in addition to ongoing national events.INTERNATIONALREPRESENTATION<strong>YMCA</strong> INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY –Conduct a consultation processwith associations to set the directionfor achieving our collective visionfor <strong>Canada</strong>’s participation in theglobal <strong>YMCA</strong> movement.MORE <strong>YMCA</strong> TO <strong>YMCA</strong>PARTNERSHIPS – Encourage<strong>YMCA</strong>s in <strong>Canada</strong> to forgerelationships with overseas<strong>YMCA</strong>s to further the goal ofstrengthening <strong>YMCA</strong>s aroundthe world.<strong>YMCA</strong> WORLD PEACE WEEK –Create new resources for <strong>YMCA</strong>World Peace Week held annuallyin November.MEMBERSHIP IN WORLDALLIANCE OF <strong>YMCA</strong>s – Participateas an active member of this Alliance,a federation of 124 national <strong>YMCA</strong>movements. <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> willcontinue to work collaboratively withthe following organizations to supportprogram initiatives that strengthenthe global network of <strong>YMCA</strong>s:• the Africa Alliance of <strong>YMCA</strong>s;• the Asia and Pacific Alliance of <strong>YMCA</strong>s;• the Latin America and CaribbeanAlliance of <strong>YMCA</strong>s;• the Middle East Committee of <strong>YMCA</strong>s;• <strong>YMCA</strong> Europe; and• <strong>YMCA</strong> of the USA.

<strong>YMCA</strong> HEALTHYCHILDREN ANDYOUTHA major initiative of our new strategic plan is the development of a national<strong>YMCA</strong> Healthy Children and Youth Strategy. With 7 million children andyouth under the age of 18 in <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>YMCA</strong>s are working to instill healthyhabits in children and youth that can be carried into adulthood.We currently reach half a million children and youth, and we’d like to help manymore enjoy a fun, healthy lifestyle. <strong>YMCA</strong> programs help lay the foundationfor their future health habits and emotional well being. Through <strong>YMCA</strong> childcare, recreation, fitness, leadership development, camp and youth clubs,<strong>YMCA</strong>s help children and youth build character, resilience and encouragepersonal growth and well-rounded lives.Over the next five years, <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> together with associations will leveragethe <strong>YMCA</strong>’s current children and youth programs, expertise, community linksand vast knowledge-base to create a <strong>YMCA</strong> Healthy Children and Youth Strategy.It will guide and support everything we do related to children and youth. Itwill direct our work in policy development, <strong>YMCA</strong> program development,design of facility spaces, best practices, partnership choices, training ofstaff and volunteers, communication messages, and the development ofsuccess measures.Our ultimate goal is to engage children,youth and families to embrace fun,healthy habits that can become a lifelongpractice. Our emphasis is on total healthin spirit, mind and body.<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT 15

children and 201,500youth up to age 17 served.MORE INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES RECEIVED <strong>YMCA</strong>FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR <strong>YMCA</strong> MEMBERSHIPS& PROGRAMS THAN IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR.individuals participated in <strong>YMCA</strong> OutreachPrograms including stay in school, newcomerservices, and literacy.YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS RECEIVED TRAININGIN <strong>YMCA</strong> EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS.16 <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT

<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADABALANCE SHEET<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADASTATEMENT OF OPERATIONSAS AT DECEMBER 31 <strong>2007</strong> 2006ASSETSCurrentCash and cash equivalents $ 646,709 $ 526,036Accounts receivable 218,007 229,508Current portion of note receivable 178,864 168,597Program materials held for sale 231,422 230,105Prepaid expenses 68,392 47,9671,343,394 1,202,213Investments, at market value 12,515,236 12,335,655Note receivable 2,226,718 2,406,414Capital assets, net 28,265 35,106$ 16,113,613 $ 15,979,388LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSCurrentAccounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 362,636 $ 400,016362,636 400,016Deferred contributions 363,899 402,793726,535 802,809Net AssetsInvested in capital assets 28,265 35,106Endowments 12,896,732 13,220,780Board restricted 2,429,516 1,888,641Unrestricted 32,565 32,05215,387,078 15,176,579$ 16,113,613 $ 15,979,388This information has been extracted from the full audited financial statements, which are available upon request.FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 <strong>2007</strong> 2006REVENUEAllocations $ 4,442,315 $ 4,109,465Sales of program materials 360,677 317,379National training programs and conferences 165,980 83,600Government income 78,465 79,334Miscellaneous 287,984 209,150<strong>YMCA</strong> Management Resource Centre dues 1,058,233 1,018,536Government and other grants 1,258,179 1,052,7787,651,833 6,870,242EXPENSESSalaries and employee benefits 1,453,905 1,336,191Travel and meetings 845,488 660,389Purchased services 714,274 625,804<strong>YMCA</strong> Management Resource Centre support 409,740 315,618<strong>YMCA</strong> Lead and other Association agreements 394,762 355,735Communications 352,542 395,496Cost of program materials sold 258,306 227,560World <strong>YMCA</strong> services 214,710 215,017Rent 120,785 124,106Office expenses 118,354 121,974Professional services and insurance 78,509 93,941Affiliations 77,549 88,864Amortization of capital assets 30,353 37,205Miscellaneous 15,585 45,585<strong>YMCA</strong> Management Resource Centre dues 1,058,233 1,018,536Grants distributed 1,258,179 1,052,7787,401,274 6,714,799Excess of revenue over expenses before the following: 250,559 155,443Bequests – 12,802Investment (loss) income (117,480) 1,065,137Interest income on note receivable 146,491 156,217Excess of revenue over expenses for the year 279,570 1,389,599Appropriations and interfund transfers (279,057) (1,388,348)Increase in unrestricted fund balance $ 513 $ 1,251Beginning unrestricted fund balance $ 32,052 $ 30,801Ending unrestricted fund balance $ 32,565 $ 32,05222 <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT 23

ASSOCIATIONS BUILDINGSTRONG KIDS, STRONG FAMILIESAND STRONG COMMUNITIESBRITISH COLUMBIA<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of the Central Okanagan<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of Kamloops<strong>YMCA</strong> of Prince George<strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Vancouver<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of Greater VictoriaALBERTA<strong>YMCA</strong> of Calgary<strong>YMCA</strong> of Edmonton<strong>YMCA</strong> of Lethbridge<strong>YMCA</strong> of Medicine Hat<strong>YMCA</strong> of Wood BuffaloSASKATCHEWAN<strong>YMCA</strong> of Moose Jaw<strong>YMCA</strong> of Regina<strong>YMCA</strong> of SaskatoonMANITOBA<strong>YMCA</strong> of Brandon<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of WinnipegONTARIO<strong>YMCA</strong> of Belleville and Quinte<strong>YMCA</strong> of Brantford<strong>YMCA</strong> of Brockville<strong>YMCA</strong> of Cambridge<strong>YMCA</strong> of Chatham-Kent<strong>YMCA</strong> of Fort Erie<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of Guelph<strong>YMCA</strong> of Hamilton/Burlington<strong>YMCA</strong> of Kingston<strong>YMCA</strong> of Kitchener-Waterloo<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of the National Capital Region<strong>YMCA</strong> of Niagara<strong>YMCA</strong> of North Bay & District<strong>YMCA</strong> of NorthumberlandONTARIO (CONTINUED)<strong>YMCA</strong> of Oakville<strong>YMCA</strong> of Owen Sound<strong>YMCA</strong> of Peterborough<strong>YMCA</strong> of Sarnia-Lambton<strong>YMCA</strong> of Sault Ste. Marie<strong>YMCA</strong> of Simcoe/Muskoka<strong>YMCA</strong> of Stratford-Perth<strong>YMCA</strong> of Sudbury<strong>YMCA</strong> of Timmins<strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Toronto<strong>YMCA</strong> of Western Ontario<strong>YMCA</strong> of Windsor-Essex CountyQUÉBECThe <strong>YMCA</strong>s of QuébecNEW BRUNSWICK<strong>YMCA</strong> of Fredericton<strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Moncton<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of Saint JohnNOVA SCOTIA<strong>YMCA</strong> of Cape Breton<strong>YMCA</strong> of Cumberland<strong>YMCA</strong> of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth<strong>YMCA</strong> of Lunenburg County<strong>YMCA</strong> of Pictou County<strong>YMCA</strong> of YarmouthPRINCE EDWARD ISLAND<strong>YMCA</strong> of SummersideNEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR<strong>YMCA</strong> of Exploits Valley<strong>YMCA</strong> of Humber Community<strong>YMCA</strong>-YWCA of Northeast AvalonSUPPORTING <strong>YMCA</strong>ASSOCIATIONSPATRONHer Excellency The Right HonourableMichaëlle Jean C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.Governor General of <strong>Canada</strong>HONOURARY VICE-CHAIRDr. John M. MagwoodNATIONAL BOARDChair: Patricia Pelton (Alberta)Vice-Chair, Finance: Marty Reynolds(British Columbia)Vice-Chair: Louise Bergeron-de Villiers (Ontario)Vice-Chair: Marilyn Kapitany (Manitoba)Past Chair: Sandy McIntyre (Ontario)MEMBERSDoug Auld (Ontario)Greg Auld (Nova Scotia)Perry Bellegarde (Saskatchewan)Don Black (Saskatchewan)Michele Calogheros (British Columbia)Tom Hirst (Alberta)Brian Law (Ontario)David McBride (Ontario)Kristy McKitrick (Ontario)Margot McLaren Moore (British Columbia)Robert Reid (Ontario)Caroline Sauriol (Québec)Susan Waterfield (Ontario)<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADAMichael Weil, President and Chief Executive OfficerRustam Adigamov, Manager of KnowledgeSupport SolutionsFranca D’Angelo, Manager of Administrative ServicesJanet Emmett, Vice President, AssociationServices & Leadership DevelopmentIan Fleming, ArchivistBrenda Gervais, Manager of Program DevelopmentHanna Goschy, Chief Financial OfficerYlana Harel, Administrative AssistantAlise Rimniceanu, Administrative AssistantMary Anne Roche, Vice President,International Development & RelationsBeta Siebenmann, Administrative Assistant(until July <strong>2007</strong>)Matthew Chin, Administrator, InternationalServices (as of August <strong>2007</strong>)John Slatcher, Manager of ResearchMary Stobbe, Manager of CommunicationsAmy Sutherland, Administrative Assistant(until March <strong>2007</strong>)Stewart Doma, Administrator, Inventory &Accounts Receivable (as of May <strong>2007</strong>)Ida Thomas, Vice President, ProgramDevelopment & ResearchOlga Zavgorodnya, Senior AccountantMANAGEMENT RESOURCE CENTRESBritish Columbia<strong>YMCA</strong> OF GREATER VANCOUVERWilliam Stewart, President and CEODenis Gagnon, MRC CoordinatorPrairies<strong>YMCA</strong> OF EDMONTONFranco Savoia, President and CEOJanet Fry, MRC CoordinatorOntario<strong>YMCA</strong> OF GREATER TORONTOScott Haldane, President and CEORob Armstrong, MRC Coordinator<strong>Canada</strong> EastTHE <strong>YMCA</strong>s OF QUÉBECStéphane Vaillancourt, President and CEOMargaret Kay-Arora, MRC CoordinatorLead Associations<strong>YMCA</strong> OF CALGARY:<strong>YMCA</strong> Fitness<strong>YMCA</strong> OF GREATER TORONTO:Canadian Post Secondary AccessPartnership ProgramCIBC Youthvision Scholarship ProgramFederal Public Sector Youth Internship Program<strong>YMCA</strong> Aquatics<strong>YMCA</strong> Playing to Learn<strong>YMCA</strong> Summer Work Student Exchange<strong>YMCA</strong> Youth Exchanges <strong>Canada</strong>THE <strong>YMCA</strong>s OF QUÉBEC:National Linguistic Centre24 <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT 25

SUPPORTING <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA<strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA HERITAGE CLUBWe thank the following membersof the <strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> HeritageClub for their generosity:Greg AuldRichard & Nancy Baileyand FamilyLouise Bergeron-de VilliersBetty BlackDon BlackRon & Olga BoulterDr. & Mrs. Don BrundageJean BruneauAl & Jane BurpeeMollie CartmellSarah CoombsHelen CorkumLee CrawfordGordon CressyJim & Karon CrollDonald CurtisFranca D’AngeloRuss & Keitha DaveyVictor M. DruryBarbara DugganPaul DunneIvan & Evelyn EatonBlair FilykBrent ForemanCasey ForrestBill GallawayMark GalonskiHamer GuestRowley HastingsMarilyn KapitanySol KasimerHenry LabatteBrian LawAl LennoxDr. John M. MagwoodMedhat & Ann MahdyMary MansworthRay ManthaDavid McBrideDon & Sue McCreesh*Don & Peggy McGregorSandy McIntyreJim & Marlene McPhersonHoward P. MillerRichard MooreJack MulkinsDoug PeltonPatricia Pelton*Niels PetersenMary PollockBill ReesMarty ReynoldsTed RobinsonGeorge & Ann RodgerBeverly SawickiPatricia Schneider*George SingletonDaphne SpenceBryn StylesHarvey ThomsonPat Thompson & John BrewinMargaret & *Bob TorranceMichael & Judy Weil and FamilyCatherine Van-Alstine WoodsWenda Yenson* deceasedWORKING TOGETHER WITH…The <strong>YMCA</strong> Family:Canadian <strong>YMCA</strong> Urban GroupMexican Federation of <strong>YMCA</strong>sNorth American <strong>YMCA</strong>Development OrganizationNorth American <strong>YMCA</strong> Metro 30North American <strong>YMCA</strong>Urban GroupWorld Alliance of <strong>YMCA</strong>s<strong>YMCA</strong> of the USA<strong>YMCA</strong> World Urban NetworkY Service ClubsOTHER AGENCIESGovernment of <strong>Canada</strong>:Canadian HeritageCanadian InternationalDevelopment AgencyHealth <strong>Canada</strong>Human Resources andSocial Development <strong>Canada</strong>Public Health Agencyof <strong>Canada</strong>Active Healthy Kids <strong>Canada</strong>Active Living Coalition forOlder AdultsBig Brothers Big Sistersof <strong>Canada</strong>Boys & Girls Clubs of <strong>Canada</strong><strong>Canada</strong> MillenniumScholarship FoundationCanadian Child Care FederationCanadian Coalition for PublicHealth in the 21st CenturyCanadian Council forInternational CooperationCanadian Diabetes AssociationCanadian Parks & RecreationAssociationCanadian Public HealthAssociationCanadian Red CrossCanadian Tire Foundationfor FamiliesChronic Disease PreventionAlliance of <strong>Canada</strong>CIBCCIVICUS World Alliancefor Citizen ParticipationClub 2/3/Oxfam QuébecCoalition for Active LivingConcerned Children’s AdvertisersFederation of CanadianMunicipalitiesHealth Charities Coalitionof <strong>Canada</strong>HR Council for theVoluntary/Non-Profit SectorImagine <strong>Canada</strong>Lifesaving Society of <strong>Canada</strong>National Alliance of Childrenand YouthNational Youth Serving AgenciesOsteoporosis <strong>Canada</strong>ParticipACTIONPublic Policy ForumSearch InstituteUnited Way of <strong>Canada</strong> –Centraide <strong>Canada</strong>Voices for ChildrenVoluntary OrganizationsInvolved in CollaborativeEngagement in Health PolicyVoluntary Sector ForumWeston Foods (<strong>Canada</strong>) Inc.Youth Challenge InternationalYWCA of/du <strong>Canada</strong>26 <strong>YMCA</strong> CANADA <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORTConcept and Design: Sputnik Design Partners Inc. / Photography: Evan DionMarketing and Design Consultant: Joe Ruddy / Printed in <strong>Canada</strong>

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