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REALITY eng dossier copia - PAV

REALITY eng dossier copia - PAV


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<strong>REALITY</strong><br />

new piece 2012<br />

by Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini

We found out about the story of Janina Turek and her diaries in March 2010 through the publication<br />

of an excerpt of the reportage by Mariusz Szczygiel in the newspaper La Repubblica . After deciding<br />

to start working from this story we contacted the Szczygiel through the italian publisher Nottetempo,<br />

and he gave us permission to use his text to develop our own original play.<br />

When in December 2010 Andrea Nanni, director of Festival Inequilibrio/Armunia, has given us the<br />

support for our project, proposing the premiere in July 2012, the time in front of us seemed very<br />

long and almost ‘dangerous’. Could we do other things and and pick up the thread of Reality later? Or<br />

present preparatory studies in the meantime? Prepare the piece immediately and leave it sitting for one<br />

year? Interesting questions, questions about the contemporary condition of creation in Italy, even<br />

more urgent in a time of crisis like the one that our society is going through.<br />

Project Reality shows our attempt to pursue the path in the middle, a set of finished objects but<br />

deeply interconnected. Meet the audience is our job. It charge us, motivates us, reports errors, makes<br />

us grow in our thoughts and forms.<br />

Reality<br />

Preview - May 11, 2012 at Angelo Mai, ZTL-Pro - Rome<br />

Premiere - June 29th, 30th and July 1st 2012 - Festival Inequilibrio / Armunia - Livorno<br />

Next date<br />

July 26th 2012 - “Da vicino nessuno è normale” - Milan<br />

Foto di Janina Turek

project reality<br />

Reality<br />

idea and performance Daria Deflorian e Antonio Tagliarini<br />

from the reportage by Mariusz Szczygieł <strong>REALITY</strong>, translation by Marzena Borejczuk, Nottetempo 2011<br />

light design Gianni Staropoli<br />

consultancy for the polish langauge Stefano Deflorian, Marzena Borejczuk e Agnieszka Kurzeya<br />

collaboration Marzena Borejczuk<br />

production Filipe Viegas<br />

produced by Planet3/Dreamachine, Festival Inequilibrio/Armunia, ZTL-Pro<br />

supported by Provincia di Roma, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali<br />

in collaboration with Fondazione Romaeuropa / Palladium e Teatro di Roma<br />

residencies Armunia/Festival INEQUILIBRIO, Ruota Libera/Centrale Preneste Teatro, Dom Kultury<br />

Podgórze<br />

with the support of Istituto Polacco di Roma , Nottetempo, Kataklisma/Nuovo Critico, Istituto Italiano di<br />

Cultura a Cracovia, Dom Kultury Podgórze<br />

thanks to Janusz Jarecki, Iwona Wernikowska, Melania Tutak, Magdalena Ujma and Jaro Gawlik<br />

premiere july 2012, Festival Inequilibrio/Armunia<br />

Reality is only a possibility, weak and fragile as all possibilities. (William Burroughs)<br />

Reality, reality without show, without audience. To be anonymous and unique. Special and trivial. To have the<br />

daily as a horizon. Like Janina Turek, polish woman that for 50 years wrote, in a detailed way, the facts of her life:<br />

how many phone calls she got at home and who had called her (38.196); where and who she met by chance and<br />

to whom she said “Good-morning” (23.397); how many meeting she had (1.922); how many presents she gave,<br />

to whom and what kind (5.817); how many time she played domino (19); how many times she went to the theatre<br />

(110); how many TV shows she had seen (70.042). 748 notebooks found after she died in 2000 by her unaware<br />

and shocked daughter.<br />

Mariusz Szczygieł (author of one of the most surprising history books in the last years, “Gottland”) writes in the<br />

reportage where we got to discover this story ”Always something happens in the daily routine. We hurry in<br />

endless litle tasks without expect it to leave traces in our memory and even less in the memory of the others.<br />

Our actions are not in fact made to be remembered but by need. Over time, any effort undertaken in our daily<br />

chores is destined to oblivion. Janina Turek chose the daily, everything that is unnoticed, as her object of<br />

observation.” It would not be a surprise if this would be the choice of a visual artist like Sophie Calle, or there is<br />

nothing different from the works of art imagined by Michel Houellbecq in his last book “ La Carte et le Territoire”<br />

where the main character spends 15 years filming casual details of the foliage around his house. What gives a<br />

strange thrill in the flow of life of this anonymous housewife of Krakow is that is not a work of art, it is not an<br />

intellectual paradox and it was not destined to an audience. From her own personal choice she had intuitively<br />

started to ennoble the daily tam tam itself. Why?<br />

In 2008 for Rewind, homage to Cafè Müller by Pina Bausch” we had as an object the show of the german<br />

choreographer, in the next year we focussed the work “From a to d and back again” around “The philosophy of<br />

Andy Warhol”. For us to start from this colossal and mestirious work that are the notebooks of Janina Turek is a<br />

natural step to make. It is not about doing a mise-en-scene or a theatrical story about her, but to dialogue<br />

between what we know and not know about Janina and to create a series of short-circuits between us and her<br />

and between us and the audiance around the preception of what is reality.

BIO<br />

Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini in 2008 start to make some co-creations Rewind – homage to Café Müller by Pina<br />

Bausch (Festival Short Theatre di Roma, Festival Vie di Modena, Festival Autunno Italiano in Berlin), Blackbird, public<br />

reading of the text by David Harrower (Festival Trend, Roma) and now from a to d and back again inspired on the book<br />

“From a to b” by Andy Warhol.<br />

Daria Deflorian. Actrice, author and theatre director. Her last productions were: Manovre di volo (2001) by Daniele Del<br />

Giudice in collaboration with Leonardo Filastò, Torpignattara (2004) by P.P.Pasolini, Corpo a Corpo (2007) by Dorothy<br />

Porter in collaboration with Alessandra Cristiani, Bianco (2008), text by Azzurra D'Agostino in collaboration with<br />

ArgheTeatro. Has worked has an actress with Marcello Sambati, Fabrizio Crisafulli, Remondi and Caporossi, Mario<br />

Martone, Martha Clarke (New York), Accademia degli Artefatti, among others. Did the direction assistance to Mario<br />

Martone, Pippo Delbono and for Anna Karenina by Eimuntas Nekrosius<br />

Antonio Tagliarini (1965), performer, director and choreographer.<br />

Artistical school and training: Emilia Romagna Theatre School 1996/97; teachers:M.Baliani,M.Martinelli, C.Lievi,<br />

G.B.Corsetti,R.Molinari.<br />

TEE (Teatro Stabile delle Marche)Polverigi Theatre and Dance School 1997<br />

Teachers: Francois Pesenti, Francesca Latuada among others<br />

Studied drama and dance with: D.Manfredini,T.Salmon,R.Giordano,G.Rossi, D.Damiani.<br />

Last creations presented in Italy and Europe:<br />

Freezy (2003 / premiere Rialto sant’Ambrogio),<br />

Temporary title: Untitled (2005 / premiere Enzimi Festival)<br />

Show (2007 / premiere Teatro India of Roma).<br />

Rewind- homage to Caffe Muller by Pina Bausch (2008/ premiere Teatro India di Roma) created with Daria Deflorian<br />

L’ottavo giorno (2008 / premiere Festival Esterni), created with A.Senatore.<br />

From a to d and back again (2009 / premiere Teatro Palladium di Roma) created with D.Deflorian.<br />

Royal Dance (2009 / premierre La Fundicion, Bilbao) created with Idoia Zabaleta<br />

Antonio e Miguel (2010 / premierre Culturgest, Lisbon) created with Miguel Pereira.<br />

International projects: “A viagem” 2005, APAP 2007 , “ Sites of Immagination” 2008 , Pointe to Point 2009.<br />

He worked as dancer and actor with many director and choreographer: Miguel Pereira, Raffaella Giordano, Giorgio Rossi,<br />

Alessandro Certini, Marco Baliani, Massimiliano Civica, Thierry Salmon, Bill T. Jones, Fabrizio Arcuri.

Video: https://vimeo.com/42374097<br />

Password: reality


a production Planet3/Dreamachine, Festival Inequilibrio/Armunia, ZTL-Pro<br />

supported by Provincia di Roma, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali<br />

in collaboration with Fondazione Romaeuropa / Palladium e Teatro di<br />

Roma<br />

sponsor Istituto Polacco di Roma<br />

.<br />

in collaboration with Nottetempo, Ruota Libera/Centrale Preneste Teatro, Kataklisma/Nuovo Critico,<br />

Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Cracovia, Dom Kultury Podgórze, Ass. Sassiscritti, SPAM! rete per le arti<br />

contemporanee<br />

Contacts<br />

artistica@pav-it.eu<br />

via Buonarroti 30 - 00185 Roma Tel +39 06 44702823<br />

SPAM!<br />

<strong>PAV</strong> | DIAGONALE ARTISTICA accompagna il lavoro di: MK, Tony Clifton Circus, Deflorian/Tagliarini, Lucia Calamaro/L'origine del<br />

mondo.Ritratto di un interno

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