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REFERENCES AND NOTESAbolaji, Adediji. 1981. Improving the standards of teaching of history in Nigerian schools: the role of the library.West African Journal of Education. 22 (1, 2 & 3): 211 – 218.Aboluwarin, Abimbola.1998. The role of rural libraries in information dissemination to Nigerian farmers. RuralLibraries 18(1): 36 – 43.Aboyade, B. O. 1984. Communication potentials of library for non-literates – an experiment in providinginformation services in rural setting. Libri. 34 (3): 246 – 262.Aboyade, B. Olabimpe. 1987. The Provision of information for rural development. Ibadan: Fountain <strong>Publications</strong>.Adediran, F. 1971. Libraries in Nigerian secondary schools. In: Adaralegbe A, ed. Education in Nigeria: Towardsbetter administration and supervision of instruction: proceedings of the First Seminar on schooladministration and supervision. Ile- Ife: Institute of Education: 104 – 113.Agboola, Abayomi T. 2000. Rural information supply and Nigerian agricultural libraries. Rural Libraries. 20(2): 29-37.Akinbulumo, Elizabeth. 2008. The new library‖. NLA – online forum @ yahoo.com Tuesday, July 1Akinyotu, A. 1971 Proposals for restructuring library education in Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries. 7(14): 33 – 42.Bertot, John, et al. 1998. The 1997 National survey of U.S. public libraries and the Internet: final report. AmericanLibrary Association Office of Information Technology Policy.Brown, Eleanor Frances. 1971. Library service to the disadvantaged. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.Dean, John. 1969. Objectives of college library in Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries. 5 (3): 78 – 82.DeGruytes, Lisa. 1980. The history and development of rural public libraries. Library Trends. 28(4):513 – 523.Dipeolu, J. O. 2002. Leisure reading collection at H. O. Library. Title of a correspondence from a retired UniversityLibrarian of Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife to the author.Eastwood, C. R. 1967. Mobile libraries and other public library transport. London: Association of AssistantLibrarians.Fadero, J. O. 1968. The problems of unused books in Nigerian secondary schools. Library Association Records.72(5): 205 – 205.Gunter, Judith B. 1986. The traveling library in England. Rural Libraries. 6(11): 17 – 25.Holland, William B. 1999 Teaching the Internet to staff and library users: 10 Ready-to–go workshops at work. NewYork: Neal – Schuman PublishersIkhizama, Bose O. and Victoria O. Okoje. 2001. Library and information services for development and ruraltransformation. Bookmobiles and Outreach Services. 4 {2): 22 – 30.Johnson, Gerald W. 1966. The Roles of Public Library. In: Minimum standards for public library systems. Chicago:ALA. 1 – 7.Ogunsheye, F. A. 1966. What the NLA should do for school libraries. Nigerian Libraries 2(3): 128 – 129.204

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