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pieces and to take the largest piece for themselves and compelled the State to proclaim the Tanzimat. By usingchanges the Tanzimat brought about, they intervened in internal affairs of the Ottoman and precluded therecovery of the empire. (Ayverdi 1993: 324) Since with the renovations a solution wasn‟t found to break-downsin the State and morals, desired result wasn‟t able to be taken and the State wasn‟t able to be saved fromcollapsing. Since the Tanzimat Edict came into being with the will of people but with unilateral will of thesultan, it couldn‟t be understood by people completely. For the Tanzimat Edict to be able to be understood betterby people, although officers were sent to Anatolia and Rumelia, the goal wasn‟t able to be arrived. The OttomanState goaled to take the support of European States when proclaiming this edict. The Western style renovationswere made about outward appearance, life style and social area and the law, trade, penal codes and courts. Alsoin the army and education areas renovations were made by taking the West as a sample. Immediately after theTanzimat, the Mehmed Ali Pasha problem was able to be solved with the support of them. Europeans and Non-Muslims benefited from rights the edict brought along more than Turks and Muslims. The most importantcontribution of the Tanzimat Edict to the Turkish history is that the first Ottoman intelligentsia raised in this termand that the first important step was taken on the way to realize the constitutional regime.BIBLIOGRAPHYAkgündüz, Ahmet-Said Öztürk;, İstanbul 1999,Bilinmeyen Osmanlı, Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı Yay..Armaoğlu, Fahir; Ankara 1993, 20.Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihi, Türkiye İş Bankası Yay., C. I,.Ayverdi, Samiha; İstanbul 1993, Türk Tarihinde Osmanlı Asırları, Damla Yay.Gencer, Ali İhsan; İstanbul 1993, “Tanzimat Fermanı (1839)‟dan 1876‟ya Kadar Osmanlı İmparatorluğu”,D.G.B.İ.T., Çağ Yay.Hayta, Necdet-Refik Turan; Ankara 1999, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi, Siyasal Yay.Hayta, Necdet-Uğur Ünal; Ankara 2003,Osmanlı Devleti‟nde Yenileşme Hareketleri (XVIII.yüzyıl başlarındanyıkılışa kadar), Gazi Yay.İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin-Feridun Emecen; İstanbul 1999, Osmanlı Devleti Tarihi, C. I, Feza Yay.İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin-Nuri Yüce; İstanbul 1999, Osmanlı Medeniyeti Tarihi, C. I., Feza Yay.İnalcık, Halil; Eskişehir 2001, “Tanzimatın Uygulanması ve Sosyal Tepkileri”, M.E.B. İ.A., C. 12/2.Karal, Enver Ziya; Ankara 1988,Osmanlı Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay., C. V.Kaynar, Reşat; Ankara 1991, Mustafa Reşit Paşa ve Tanzimat”, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.Koçu, Reşad Ekrem; İstanbul 1981,Osmanlı Padişahları, Ana Yay.Küçük, Cevdet; İstanbul 1999 ,“Abdülmecid”, T.D.V. İ.A., C. I.Kütükoğlu, M.S.; Eskişehir 2001, “Osmanlı-İngiliz İktisadi Münasebetleri (1838-1850)”, M.E.B. İ.A., C. 12/2.Lewis, Bernard; İstanbul 1993,Modern Türkiye‟nin Doğuşu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.Sofuoğlu, Ebubekir; İstanbul 2004, Osmanlı Devletinde Islahatlar ve I.Meşrutiyet, Gökkubbe Yay.Türköne, Mümtazer; Ankara 1999, “Tanzimat Fermanı ve Mehmet Sadık Rıfat Paşa”, Osmanlı, Yeni TürkiyeYay., C. VII.Yıldız, Hakkı Dursun; Ankara 1992,150. Yılında Tanzimat, T.T.K..Zürcher, Eric Jan; İstanbul 1996, Modernleşen Türkiye‟nin Tarihi, İletişim Yay.195

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