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interdependence movements in Europe, some guarantees provided to individuals with the Tanzimat Edict in theOttoman State can be deemed the first step taken toward constitutional order. (Armaoğlu 1993: 55-56)With this edict, which brought equality between Muslim and Non-Muslim citizens in terms of right and law,since such an equality was being deemed unavailable according to Islamic rules in the past, deep injuriesoccurred in the society structure. (İhsanoğlu 1999: 95) A thing that citizens living in the Ottoman State beforethe Tanzimat Edict had not basic rights and freedoms and everything was between two mouths of the sultan cannot be told. The administration of the kings in the West was absolutely a monarchy and they had legislation,execution and juridical forces in their hands. There isn‟t an autocracy of this meaning in the Ottoman State.Sherry provisions were accepted in return for legislation power and anybody wasn‟t able to intervene in theseprovisions. Sometimes oppositions and exploits happened. In juridical power, if the sultan hadn‟t got thischaracteristic, then this authority was not given to him. Execution came together in the sultan being the head ofexecution, being suitable with sherry provisions. So in the text of the Tanzimat Edict it was observed that somedefects in the application were stated. The Imperial Edict of Gulhane proclaimed by Sultan Abdulmecid with theefforts of Mustafa Reshid Pasha was a good starting concerning rights and freedoms and an important step takenfor justice to be realized within the State. The reason of that Western States made pressures in the proclamationof this edict was sourced not from unavailability of rights and freedoms in the Ottoman State but from theexistence of some exploits. Therefore they wanted limitations and liabilities brought by Islamic Law to Non-Muslims to be abolished. (İhsanoğlu 1999: 96)Prior to the Tanzimat, while reforms were made to be able to produce solutions for problems in the country,external pressures came out in the reforms made with the Tanzimat Edict and in consequence of this, somechanges were made. Mustafa Reshid Pasha stated that the solution way to problems the Ottoman State lived wasintegration with the West. And Western States directed the Ottoman State in realizing economical, political andadministrative reforms. (Sofuoğlu 2004: 79)Since embassies of European States were invited by Mustafa Reshid Pasha in the proclamation of the ImperialEdict, a sort of guarantorship was given to the Western countries for the sultan to not abolish the edict. Thereforethe related people deemed this situation a baseline for themselves and started to intervene in internal affairs ofthe Ottoman State and to intermeddle continuously. (Sofuoğlu 2004: 81-82)3. Application of the Tanzimat EdictViews taking place in the Tanzimat Edict are quite important and have formed a milestone for the modernizationof the Ottoman State. This edict stating that it did“Usûl-i atîkayı bütün bütün tağyir ve tecdîd (completelydisordered the old procedure and then renovated it)” not only stayed on the paper and most of it were applied. Soit differed from its similar ones. (Türköne 1999: 275)The Imperial Edict of Gulhane can be evaluated in two terms with respect to applying its provisions. The first isthe term which continues until the Reform Edict and in which Mustafa Reshid Pasha is leading performer andthe second is the time which continues until the 1 st Constitution Act term under the leadership of Ali, Fuad andMithat Pashas. Since there wasn‟t any preparation about the application of provisions in the first term, theapplication of renovations became an important problem. So a new Edict (1840) was prepared by ministerscouncil for the Tanzimat Edict to be understood better by the people and to prevent riots and it was clearly statedthat it wouldn‟t be against laws and regulations the sultan wanted to be applied. It was stated that everybodyfrom the vizier to the shepherd would be deemed equal, life, goods and chastity safety of all citizens would beensured, the penalty of death was abolished except obligatory reasons, those acting against these provisionswould be punished no matter which ranks they had and so injustice would be prevented. These provisions startedto be applied primarily in Istanbul and vicinity and then information was sent to other provinces and they wereinformed about applications. Taxes started to be taken from everybody according to their incomes and the landtenure system torturing to the villager was abolished in 1840. Officers were assigned to be able to gather taxesregularly. New laws were enacted and the Treasury was upgraded and courts concerning commerce werefounded. To be able to prevent the fiscal stress, a paper money called “kaime-i mutebere-i nakdiyye” was putinto circulation. It was desired to found a State Bank but later desisted from founding it. However precautionstaken in fiscal area did not make glad Muslim and Non-Muslim people. Especially with the Tanzimat, that Non-Muslim people freely could perform their religious rituals and so they could ring the church bells freely formedhate among Muslim people. Clergy in churches also didn‟t become glad for their incomes went out due to newtaxes. The reason of the rebellions occurring in some provinces primarily in Istanbul was sourced from newapplications. The application of renovations was accelerated by solving the Egypt problem but the oppositionwasn‟t be able to be prevented. In consequence of this, Mustafa Reshid Pasha falling from grace was reappointed192

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