Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

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Table 7: Treatment Sub-categoryMentally ill people are sources of fun. Agree Disagree NeutralMentally ill people must be tortured to immobilize them.The opinions of mentally ill people are undermined.People provoke mentally ill people as an intention to amuse themselves.The mentally ill people must be treated like children.Mentally ill people are not capable of making independent decision. They needapproval of sane people.The mentally ill people are seen as minors by the law.Mentally ill people should be kept indoors as a way to protect other people fromtheir violent behaviour.Mentally ill people are useless.Both Western and traditional medicine can cure mental illness, not social support.Western and traditional medicine cannot cure mental illness absolutely.Mentally ill people have got not to have friends.Mentally ill people need not to work at public offices.Table 8: Support Sub-categoryOffering mentally ill people social support helps them to recover quickly. Agree Disagree NeutralMentally ill people need to be cared for by their communities, families andgovernment in the villages.It is a waste of money to fund mental health services to improve quality oflife for mentally ill people.Giving mental ill people tasks help to improve their concentration.As much as mentally ill people need medicine as much they need socialsupport.Mentally ill people’s rights should be protected by law.Mentally ill people cannot be treated from home. They should all behospitalised.If the person seek help from a mental department or professional it meansthey are wimps.Social support or no social support, the mentally ill cannot always getbetter.Enacting laws for the mentally ill is a waste of time.188

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