Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

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Frequency80religion604020Std. Dev = 1.07Mean = 3.10N = 2.2religionThe results of ANOVA as shown in table 2 above did not confirm this hypothesis. Thus, with the findings, the educationalstatus of respondents play a significant influence in the perception of the stigma attached to mentally-ill people. Though theargument may not be too different from that given already, the fact still remains that when people are well educated they areeasily not gullible in their perception and reception and, or rejection of information and, or ideas considered inimical andobnoxious. This finding, in consequence, therefore corroborate Scaife (2001) that educational status of individuals wouldusually have its effect when he opined that the younger and better educated people are, the more they tend to express a morefavourable accepting attitudes than it should have been if they are less educated. Although, while noting the trend asportrayed in the finding, it is also imperative to emphasize here that education as an important index in attitude change,might have been equally influenced by other personality factors which the present study was limited to.Hypothesis ThreeThe third hypothesis stated that the respondents’ educational status will not significantly affect their perception of the stigmaattached to the mentally-ill people at Ha Leqele. In testing this hypothesis, ANOVA was employed. The results are displayedin Table 3 below. From the table, the results [F(5,131)=0.878;P

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