Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

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FrequencyTable 1: ANOVA indicating perception Along Gender DimensionSource of Variation Sum of squares df Mean Squares F Sig.Between GroupsWithin GroupsTotal1.05632.05333.1095131136.211.245.863 .508100gender8060402001.001.502.00Std. Dev = .49Mean = 1.59N = 137.00Fig. 1.1genderThe findings of the study as shown by the results of ANOVA summarized in table 1 above did not confirm this hypothesis.This by implication means that the respondents’ perception along gender dimension is statistically significant andtremendously varies. The indication going by this findings seem to have supported the notion that all human beings areunique while by inference our perception of concepts and, or situation as typified in the study, would ultimately not be thesame. In consequence therefore, human uniqueness not-with-standing, whether the individuals are males or female, wouldalmost always affect the way they reason, perceive and interpret events just as it is the case with the mentally-ill in HaLeqele, Lesotho.Hypothesis TwoThe second hypothesis stated that religious affiliation of respondents will not affect their perception of the stigma attached tothe mentally-ill people at Ha Leqele. In testing this hypothesis the data was analyzed using ANOVA. The results aredisplayed in table 2 below. From the table, the results [F(5,131)=0.035;P

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