Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

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<strong>Ozean</strong> Journal of Social Sciences 2(3), 2009As it can be seen in the first graph in figure 1, the baseline level data is 10% in the first subject but it is 0in the others. As stability was gained in three sessions in the baseline level data, the instruction wasstarted with the first subject. The established criteria were met by conducting the instruction of smoothsurface as 100%. After the subject maintenance sessions, the maintenance phase was ended when thedesired behavior was gained, and the second maintenance phase was started. It was observed that thefirst subject showed the desired behavior as 100% in three probe sessions.As it can be seen in the second graph in figure 1, the baseline level data is 0 in the second subject. As thestability was gained for the baseline level data in three sessions, the instruction was started with thesecond subject. The established criteria were met by conducting the instruction of smooth surface as100%. After the subject maintenance sessions, the maintenance phase was ended when the desiredbehavior was gained, and the second maintenance phase was started. It was observed that the first subjectshowed the desired behavior as 100% in three probe sessions.As it can be seen in the third graph in figure 1, the baseline level data is 0 in the third subject. As thestability was gained for the baseline level data in three sessions, the instruction was started with the thirdsubject. The established criteria were met by conducting the instruction of smooth surface as 90%. Afterthe subject maintenance sessions, the maintenance phase was ended when the desired behavior wasgained, and the second maintenance phase was started. It was observed that the first subject showed thedesired behavior as 90% in three probe sessions.Baseline: B Instruction: I Probe: P Maintain: MFigure 2. Rough surfaces163

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