Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

Download complate issue - Ozean Publications

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<strong>Ozean</strong> Journal of Social Sciences 2(3), 2009maintenance was continued. While the right responses were supported by verbal and social appreciation,nothing was done for the wrong ones.Follow-Up and Generalization Sessions. Follow-up data and generalization data were collected 6 weeksafter the completion of application. Generalization data between people and materials were collected 6weeks after the completion of the application sessions. The inter-personal generalization data werecollected by two private teaching teachers and a lecturer from the department of private teaching.The instruction was started by teaching the depicted skill to the first subject and continued until thecriteria depicted for the skill were met. While teaching the concept to the students, advanced chainingmethod was used.FİNDİNGS AND RESULTSThis part summarizes the findings related to the levels of learning smooth and rough surface concepts bythe subjects.Baseline: B Instruction: I Probe: P Maintain: MFigure 1. Smooth surfaces162

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