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<strong>Ozean</strong> Journal of Social Sciences 2(3), 2009Dependent and Independent Variant. The dependent variant of the study is the concept of rough andsmooth acquisition levels of the subjects. Independent Variant of the study is usage of teaching materialof smooth and rough concept presented by the direct instruction.SampleParticipants. Three autistic children (two boys and one girl) aged between 4 and 6 participated in thestudy. All the participants were receiving support from a private teaching institute for language andcommunication skills. All of them were also receiving integrated education. They had not been educatedsystematically by the direct instruction before. They could understand and carry out the verbalinstructions such as look, hold, touch, show, give, sit down.Trainers. The study was conducted by one researcher. The maintenance period was conducted by one ofthem. Conducting this period, the instructor had a ten-year experience in teaching children with mentalretardation.Research InstrumentsSetting. The study was conducted in the personal training class of a rehabilitation centre. In the class,there were no stimulants to disturb the child. A desk and a chair suitable for the physical development ofthe child and a VCR to record data were provided.Data Collection Tools. Tools used in this study were rough and smooth concept measuring tools, datacollecting tools for reliability among observers, data collecting tools for application reliability, and avideo camera. Resources to teach and evaluate smooth and rough concepts by using direct instructionconsisted of wood, fabric, marble, floor-covering, and leather material. Glass, paste-board, Formica,faience, and emery have been used in the assessment period.The Prepared Sets. Two objects of different texture (rough-smooth) but same type (color, shape andsize.)Two objects of different texture (rough-smooth), different size (small-big), same kind (materialshape).Two objects of different texture (rough-smooth), different type (color, shape, material, size).The Preparation of the Data Collecting Tool to Be Used ın the Study. A measuring instrument wasdesigned to collect the data of baseline of the instruction, and follow-up of the students for instructingsmooth and rough surfaces depicted in the study. This measuring instrument was composed of three partssuch as notification, criteria, and measure tool directions. In addition, the information about the reasonswhy the target behavior was chosen; the area in which the measure tool would be used; the duration ofthe students‟ reactions; the determination of measure tool, and the preparation of data collecting table arethe other parts of measuring instrument.Validity and ReliabilityReliability. In the study, all data were recorded to make it possible to analyze the inter-observerreliability and independent variable reliability.Inter-Observer Reliability. The data of the inter-observer reliability and independent variable reliabilitywere collected in the least 20% of the instruction and independent variable sessions. Reliability wasimproved by having two researchers not participating to the maintenance period of the study and theinter-observer reliability was processed on The Data Collecting Form by watching the video recordsseparately. The coefficient of inter-observer reliability was calculated by “Agreement/ (Agreement+Disagreement) x 100” formula. While the acceptable coefficient of inter-observer reliability was 80%in single subject studies, the coefficient of ideal inter-observer reliability was 90% or more (Kırcaali-Ġftar& Tekin, 1997). In this study, a 100% coefficient was obtained in the inter-reliability analysis.Independent Variable Reliability. Independent variable reliability analysis was improved to evaluatewhether independent variable was applied as planned or not. All the sessions of this study were recordedto collect the data of independent variable reliability. 50% of these records depicted by independentappointment were studied by the researchers inspecting the reliability of this study.160

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