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<strong>Ozean</strong> Journal of Social Sciences 2(3), 2009teaching/lecturing, 76.0% in studying/researching, 44.0% in consulted services, 60.0% in paper presentation atconferences/seminars and 44.0% in proposals writing. All the respondents claimed to emerge in research work andregular workshop attendance. Less than 20.0% of the respondents claimed to engage in each of all other activities, mostespecially in matters concerning research activities.Table 3: Distribution of Respondents according to some selected characteristics.Distribution of Item Frequency (N = 50) (100) PercentageResearch Activities carried out5429178.058.034.0How often do you publishOftenOccasionallyNeverNumber of <strong>Publications</strong>None10Books/articles co-authored/publishedNone51234417169824. of research activities in progress in journal papers 50 100.0Frequency of writing/publishingEvery year2 years interval3-5 yearsHelp indigenous form in publishingLarge extentMinimalVery low extentNot satisfactory251788294950. of publicationsLocalContinentalLocal and continentalLocal and globalGlobal, continental and local1241391224. of section as aid to publication 50 100.0According to Table 3, all respondents had participated in research activities. However, 58.0% claimed to have carriedout at least two research activities. While 34.0% indicated that they had carried out at least five research activities.Distribution of respondents by frequency of publication showed that 68.0% published occasionally, 24.0% often and8.0% had not taken part in publication. On the kind of research activities in progress, all the respondents indicated thatthey were preparing papers for publication in the journal. Half of the respondents (50.0%) published every year, 34.0%published every two years. On whether they received help from indigenous firm as regarding publishing, almost 60.0%claimed to receive minimal support. In respect of rotation of section as aid to publication all respondents agreed to alarge extent.143

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