Charles Booth letters - Senate House Libraries - University of London

Charles Booth letters - Senate House Libraries - University of London

Charles Booth letters - Senate House Libraries - University of London

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<strong>Senate</strong> <strong>House</strong> Library<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>London</strong><strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> <strong>letters</strong>in the<strong>Booth</strong> family papers (MS797)MS797/I/1160 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> 26February185821 Water St., [Liverpool]. Palmerston hasresigned. Doesn't think Palmerston has donemuch wrong and hopes he will return.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1161 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> 1864January 7-8SS. Australasian [about one day's voyage fromQueenstown]. Should keep £1000 in gold orsterling in reserve at New York. Doesn't do to rundry.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1162 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>15 Croxteth Rd., [Liverpool]. Enjoyed LordDerby's speech in the Queen's speech debate.Agrees with Lord Derby's unflattering view <strong>of</strong> LordJohn Russell. Wishes the books would balance.5 February18645 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1163 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>.With enclosures.12 March18641

Enclosing a drawing [wanting] <strong>of</strong> headstone forThomas <strong>Booth</strong>'s grave, and a drawing by <strong>Charles</strong><strong>Booth</strong> <strong>of</strong> the ground plan <strong>of</strong> his <strong>of</strong>fice.8 India Buildings, [Liverpool].4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper and a planMS797/I/1164 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Their prospects <strong>of</strong> grand steamerscheme getting worse. Expects to lose contractfor Jamaica mail. News from Washington: Leehas retreated from his position. <strong>Booth</strong> is pleased:Lee cannot hold his own.25 May18648 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1165 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Is pleased about Italian-Frenchagreement about Rome. Louis Napoleon couldnot have gone further for fear <strong>of</strong> the priests. TheAustrians will not try to take Lombardy back.12 October18643 and a half pages <strong>of</strong> large sheetsMS797/I/1166 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Many physical changes to Liverpoolrecently. Exchange has been pulled down, forinstance.1 January18655 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1167 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Is hopeful about the pacification <strong>of</strong> thesouth <strong>of</strong> the United States. They have promptlyrectified General Sherman's mistake. AdmiresGrant, even more than Lincoln.10 May18654 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1168 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>3 October18662

[Liverpool]. Aunt Louisa died on Monday.2 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1169 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> 16February1867Liverpool. Is very pleased that Alfred has hit it <strong>of</strong>fwith Lydia Butler.1 page <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1170 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Dresden, Germany. Discusses business <strong>of</strong>fer toTom Jevons.29 March18674 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1171 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Dresden, Germany. Has no particular conscienceabout British income tax. Suggests Alfreddeclares £500. Can re-write accounts ifnecessary.31 March18674 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1172 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> 1867September29, October2[Liverpool]. Tempted to attend Alfred's wedding.6 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1173 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Addressed: 'per Russia. Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> Esq., NewYork bearer waits'. [Liverpool]. Fears he won't beable to make it to Alfred's wedding.19 October18673 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper3

MS797/I/1174 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>Hyires, [Var, France]. Calculates the cheapestway to bring home a steamer loaded with wheat.Detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> shipping costs anticipatingvarious types <strong>of</strong> sea conditions.21 March187514 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1175 Draft <strong>of</strong> letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred[<strong>Booth</strong>]f.1.<strong>London</strong>. Considers <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> money at 5.5%interest.27 April18762 sidesMS797/I/1175A Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]Canc. f.2r. <strong>London</strong>. Draft letter (later crossedout). Discusses costings <strong>of</strong> ships.28 April18761 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1175B Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [CZ]Mff.2v-3v. <strong>London</strong>. Mary has had a miscarriage.Discusses work on the house. Water closets inaccordance with the latest Acts <strong>of</strong> Parliament.28 April18763 sides <strong>of</strong> paper <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1175C Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]No address. f.4r. Returns figures <strong>of</strong> steamervaluations.28 April18761 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [G.R.] Heise<strong>London</strong>. Details <strong>of</strong> shares and pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong>companies.28 April18764 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper4

MS797/I/1176A Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [G.R.] HeiseNo address. f.4r. Returns sheets (regardingcapital). Queries addition to reserve fund.[28] [April]18761 page <strong>of</strong> a notebookMS797/I/1176AA Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] 9December1876ff.28v-30v. <strong>London</strong>. Discusses <strong>of</strong>fer to EdwardNorton.5 pages <strong>of</strong> a notebookMS797/I/1176B Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher] 5 May 1876No address. Canc. ff.4v-5r. Discusses thecompany's accounts.2 sides <strong>of</strong> a notebookMS797/I/1176C Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] 5 May 1876No address. ff.5v-6r. Draft copy. Discussesfinancial affairs.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176D Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. f.6r. Draft letter relating tocompany's accounts. <strong>Booth</strong> happy to havereceived "what is fairly mine".[5] [May]18761 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176E Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] 8 May 18765

No address. ff.6v-7r. Company business. Willask Romilly what extra freight could go tocontinental ports.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176F Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. ff.7r-8r, and f.10r. Companybusiness including port charges.18 May18763 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176G Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Louisa[Hancox?]No address. Canc. f.8 2 draft <strong>letters</strong>. Thanksher for her <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> money but refuses. Notmoney which will keep him apart from Mary andthe children - rather business trips.18 May18764 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176J Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [J.R.] Webbf.11r. <strong>London</strong>. Will try to help him getemployment in <strong>London</strong>.23 May18761 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176K Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. ff. 11r-12v, and f.14. Companyplans. He will take charge <strong>of</strong> the steamers.Needs to know how much Alfred wants to do.30 May18764 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176L Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]No address. f.13. Plans to go to New York.30 May18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebook6

MS797/I/1176M Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. ff.14v-15v. Romilly deserves aholiday, having worked continuously since 1874.31 May18763 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176N Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. ff.15v-16v, enclosing next item.Describes various planned journeys.7 June18763 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176O Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [Messrs.Singlehurst]No address. Draft <strong>of</strong> letter to Messrs.Singlehurst, enclosed with letter <strong>of</strong> 7 June to T.Fletcher. f.17. Hopes they can arrangedeparture dates.1876 June2 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176P Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Edward[Norton?]ff.18-19r. <strong>London</strong>. Explains Augustine diagrams.Hopes voyages can be more efficient.9 June18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176Q Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. folio19 onwards. Draft letter. Askshim to ponder calculations about costs <strong>of</strong>voyages.[9?] June18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176R Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]No address. ff.19v-20r. Draft letter. Sorry thatthe New York plan has been abandoned. Hasno fear <strong>of</strong> voyage on health grounds.9 June18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebook7

MS797/I/1176S Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [CZ]MNo address. Folios 20v-21r. Draft. Maryplanning to travel with him but only after anxiousconsideration <strong>of</strong> her health and the effect on thechildren.10 June18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176T Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Hetty [-?]ff.21r-22r. <strong>London</strong>. Cancelled draft. Would behappy for her to look after the children during thevoyage.12 June18763 sides <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176U Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to The Hand inHand [Insurance] Co.ff.22v-23r. 6 Grenville Place. Asks aboutinsurance for the trip.17 June18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176V Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher] 10November1876No address. ff.23v-24v. Discusses Norton'ssalary demands. Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] is ready to giveup his salary and only work when he wants to.Alfred <strong>Booth</strong> and Norton would buy the goods.3 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176W Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] 17November18768

No address. ff.25-26r. A draft <strong>of</strong> one paragraph<strong>of</strong> this letter is written on last page <strong>of</strong> letter fromAlfred <strong>Booth</strong> to CB, 14 Nov. 1876. He shouldwrite down what he plans to do and whatNorton's role will be.3 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176X Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>] 25November1876No address. ff.26v-27r. Speculates about whatGrant might do in the aftermath <strong>of</strong> thePresidential election.1 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176Y Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]No address. f.27. Will take up extra work ifNorton declines the <strong>of</strong>fer.3 December18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1176Z Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. f.28r. Tells Tom that, if Nortondeclines the <strong>of</strong>fer, he (<strong>Charles</strong>) will do the extrawork.3 December18761 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Joe [-?] 1876No address. Draft letter. Has discussed theirbusiness proposal with Tom. Would be apossibility if <strong>Booth</strong>'s company had an <strong>of</strong>fice in<strong>London</strong>. He hopes to move in that direction butnot for a while. Couldn't act as buyers for Joe'scompany at the moment, therefore.3 sides <strong>of</strong> note paperMS797/I/1177A Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]3 January18779

No address. f.31r. Norton's version <strong>of</strong> events isincorrect. (NB Previous draft letter in notebook,dated 9 December 1876, details history <strong>of</strong>Edward Norton's negotiations with Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>.It comprises 5 pages).1 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177B Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Agnes[Prange?]No address. Two drafts, canc. ff.31v-32r. Hopesthat the strained relations between them will beover.3 January18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177C Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Agnes[Prange?]No address. ff.32r-33r. He and Mary feel greatsympathy for Agnes. Hopes 1877 will be abetter year.4 January18772 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177D Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. Cancelled draft, starting folio 33.Hopes Romily can return to New York in theautumn. Will help the business.22 January18772 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177E Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. Comprises folios 34r-37r. Draftletter. Surprised that Alfred, who "has a peculiargift <strong>of</strong> silence", hasn't told Romilly when heshould come to England. Update on "difficulties"with the job <strong>of</strong>fer to Edward Norton. Givesdetailed instructions about cargoes.22 January18777 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177F Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]23 January187710

No address. Draft letter, beginning folio 37r.Should tell Romilly when he should come over.1 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177G Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. Cancelled draft, beginning folio37v. Business will benefit from Romilly andTom (Fletcher) having time together.24 January18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177H Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Louisa[Hancox?]No address. Begins folio 9. Thanks her "kindand generous" <strong>of</strong>fer but refuses it. Voyage isconcerned with experiments to save fuel at sea.18 May18762 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1177Ha Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. Begins folio 38r. Glad he agreesabout Norton.24 January18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177I Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Messrs.TathamProctor & Co.No address. Begins folio 38v. Relates toinsurance <strong>of</strong> the company's building.21February18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177J Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Francis[Prange?]No address. Three drafts, two <strong>of</strong> them cancelled,beginning folio 39. For reply, see F.Prange, 7Mar. 1877. Would like Alfred to be a trustee <strong>of</strong>his marriage settlement.4 March18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebook11

MS797/I/1177K Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to 'Uncle James' [-?]No address. Two drafts, one cancelled, startingfolio 40r. Has he considered investing at 5- 5.5% in <strong>Booth</strong> & Co.?1877March1 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177L Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyNo address. Five drafts, four cancelled. Folios40v-44v. Thanks him for information aboutRomilly's brother Arthur. Thinks should be cleardistinction between family ties, friendship, andbusiness connections.17 March18773 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177M Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to J. GardnerDraft letter beginning folio 45r. Address: <strong>London</strong>.Assumes that negotiations with Thorn havefallen through. Hopes that a deal can be maderelating to houses.21 March18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177N Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to J. GardnerBegins folio 45v-46r. Addressed from <strong>London</strong>.Hopes to fix exchange <strong>of</strong> houses. Sanitaryfacilities are good.22 March18772 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177O Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Alfred [<strong>Booth</strong>]No address. Draft letter beginning folio 46v.Hopes Alfred will take the opportunity to visitGreece. He will run the business in themeantime.23 March18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebook12

MS797/I/1177P Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher] 1877Draft letter. No address. Begins folio 47r. He ishappy for Alfred to go away.1 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1177Q Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [CZ]M 1877Draft letter. No address. Begins folio 47. Marywon't be travelling: she is in bed with a bad cold.Will exchange houses in April.2 pages <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1178 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher] 20September1877No address. Draft. 7 leaves; written on the backs<strong>of</strong> printed 'washing lists' (i.e.laundry lists) for the<strong>Booth</strong> family at 6 Grenville Place. Some leavesappear to be missing. Discusses value anddepreciation <strong>of</strong> shipping.14 sides <strong>of</strong> large paperMS797/I/1178A Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]Draft letter, comprising folios 48-52r. Addressedfrom <strong>London</strong>. Has spoken to Alfred, who hasreiterated his desire to give up work in thebusiness. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> will not take risks in acompany in which he does not play amanagement role. Might dispose <strong>of</strong> theAmerican part <strong>of</strong> the business.'2-'September18777 sides <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1178I Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyDraft letter. No address. Begins on folio 10. Hasreceived his calculations regarding pr<strong>of</strong>it and losson the grain freight. His plans for sailing to NewYork.21 May18762 pages <strong>of</strong> notebook13

MS797/I/1179 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to -. MacKee 1877No address. His wife has sent a present to MrsMacKie.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1179A Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] RomillyDraft. No address. Begins folio.52v. The plan isfor Romilly to go to America and for Dwight tocome over to England to work with Alfred.28 October18771 page <strong>of</strong> notebookMS797/I/1180 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H.] Romilly 1877[?December]No address. Draft. Discusses workingarrangements with Dwight and Tom. Hopes"disagreeable business" will soon be settled.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1181 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to T. [Fletcher]No address. Draft. Needs detailed information onKent and Co.undated3 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1182 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to William [Aikin?]No address. Draft. 'Dear Aikin' has been crossedout and 'Dear William' written instead. Sorry tolose him after his work in Liverpool but doesn'tthink there would have been a future for him.undated2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1183 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [-] Purcellundated14

No address. Draft. Discusses cocoa trade.Figures relating to scale <strong>of</strong> depreciation <strong>of</strong>proposed steamer.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1184 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>85 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. Romilly's and histalk will be much easier once they have spoken tothe two captains.2 January18787 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1185 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>India Buildings, Liverpool. Has had a useful longtalk with Alfred.22February187810 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1186 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[Liverpool.] Just about to leave. Discusses familymatters.23February18784 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1187 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Latest from Liverpool'. Just about to leave.[23?]February18781 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1188 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>SS. Algeria, Queenstown, Co. Cork. Relates hisbusiness discussions with Alfred and Romilly.Describes their habits at work.24February187812 sides <strong>of</strong> paper15

MS797/I/1199 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Disraeli has been very clever.The war if it comes will be awful. He can't seeRussia backing down although most <strong>of</strong> Europeapproves <strong>of</strong> Britain's actions.1 April18786 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1200 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Office <strong>of</strong> Kent & Co., Dealers in leather...,Gloversville, N.Y. Feels very happy. Glad that sheis well.2 April18782 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1201 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Today is the debate on theQueen's message. Doesn't think things are verybad. Glad no "hollow alliance" with the Austrians.4 April18782 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1202 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Enclosing: Nelia Fletcher to <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>, 5 April1878 [MS797/I/4863]. 'New York again.' Has gotfigures from factory. They are very bad. Supportsa prospective war although his opinion is notwidely shared.1878 April6-88 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1203 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[New York]. Tom is still ill but will leave soon.<strong>Booth</strong> is working hard.12 April18782 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1204 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>14 April187818

New York. The bank will not oppose the plans.Expects to lose around £21000. Working to settlewith all the creditors. The best chance <strong>of</strong> peace isif England is firm.12 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1205 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Office <strong>of</strong> Kent & Co., Dealers in leather...,Gloversville, N.Y. Work is going well. He issplendidly well.18 April18782 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1206 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Alvord <strong>House</strong>, Gloversville, N.Y. Winding up isgoing well but is time consuming. Town isdominated by the glove trade. <strong>House</strong>s are mostlywooden and white.20-22 April187820 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1207 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Alvord <strong>House</strong>, Gloversville, N.Y. Cheered up aftertalk with Mr. Kent, who agrees with <strong>Booth</strong>'sproposals.25 April18782 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1208 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Alvord <strong>House</strong>, Gloversville, N.Y. Hopes to rescuesomething from the factory.28 April18784 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1209 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Time he left as he believes thatthe business can pay. More people - though still aminority - agree with him that war is thehonourable option.1 May 187819

4 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1210 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. He does not think Russia will give in.Hopes to be home before hostilities start.1878 May4-512 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1211 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Loss on Kent's business not as big asfeared. Finances looking good.8 May 18784 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1212 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Scarsdale, N.Y. Not sure if war can be avoided.Distrusts the Tsar.12-13 May187812 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1213 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Thanks her for the photographs <strong>of</strong> thechildren.15-16 May18784 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1214 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>No address. Detailed update on winding up thebusiness in Gloversville.17 May18788 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1215 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>20 May187820

The Union League Club, Madison Avenue,Cor[ner] 26th St., New York. Gives details <strong>of</strong>colleagues and their traits.8 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1216 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Gives his itinerary.26 May18788 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1217 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>The Union League Club, Madison Avenue, NewYork. Has had a productive time at Waterbury.Believes in importance <strong>of</strong> meeting men on theirown ground to make businesses work. Most <strong>of</strong>Alfred's building up <strong>of</strong> the business is down to this.29 May18782 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1218 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Mr. Wm. Allen Butler's <strong>House</strong>', Yonkers, N.Y.Now understands needs <strong>of</strong> principal customersafter time at Waterbury.31 May18784 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1219 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Mr. Wood, the bank manager atGloversville, has been arrested and charged withfraud. Needs Mary's help and would love to talkthings over with her. Gloversville is in crisis.2 June18786 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1220 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>3 June187821

New York. Long detailed letter. Includes somefinancial figures relating to Gloversville. Alsodomestic matters, especially relating to servants.Suspects Sarah <strong>of</strong> selling meat: "she was aservant <strong>of</strong> the regular class and they all do it".Also politics: admires Lord Beaconsfield(Disraeli), "a very great man" who has done theright thing by going to Berlin. "If we are to havepeace now, we shall owe it all to him". But,though war unlikely, still dangers to peace.Attempts to shoot the Kaiser have done greatdamage to the socialist party. Pleased thatBismarck appears to have lost out in recentEuropean diplomacy: "I am glad he should notalways bully and succeed".12 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1221 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Peabody, Mass. Describes his hosts and Peabodyin some detail. Has been reorganising the NewYork <strong>of</strong>fice. Speculates on business prospectsgiven abilities <strong>of</strong> colleagues and businesspartners. Some description <strong>of</strong> Congregationalistservice.1878 June8-96 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1222 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Short note. Concerned about herheart trouble but reassured she is not dangerouslyill.12 June18782 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1223 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[Boston.] Lengthy but incomplete letter (first pagehas not survived). Very anxious to get back toher. Credits her with helping him: "you have mademe a new man and ready for anything". Detaileddescription <strong>of</strong> hotel and <strong>of</strong> his employee, Mr.Gaenslen, <strong>of</strong> whom <strong>Booth</strong> approves. Gaenslenrespects <strong>Charles</strong> and Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>: "he praisedAlfred for going right into things himself and said I[12] June187822

was the same".12 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1224 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass., and Gloversville, N.Y. Detaileddescription <strong>of</strong> Mr Gaenslen. Sorry that Mary hasbeen ill: assumes it is stress-related.1878 June15, 184 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1225 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Things are looking better butthere may be some dangers from a creditors'meeting next week. Worries about Alfred'sreaction to the fact that he has "got the businessinto my own hands".19 June18784 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1226 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Rockaway, N.Y. Encloses a copy <strong>of</strong> the letter hehas sent to Alfred [nb not enclosed with this letter],which gives an idea <strong>of</strong> the work he has beendoing. Hopes Alfred will approve. Has theGerman scheme (<strong>of</strong> Alfred's) been given up? Shehas to use the telegraph to answer some <strong>of</strong> hisquestions.23-4 June18788 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1227 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Rockaway, N.Y. Family affairs. Has dined withthe Romillys: describes their plans.28-9 June18788 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1228 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>2 August187923

Kenilworth, Warks. Describes theiraccommodation.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1229 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Letter headed <strong>London</strong>. [Liverpool]. Self consciousabout their <strong>letters</strong>. Could ask their executors toomit them from memoirs. Alfred is difficult tocommunicate with.17 August18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1230 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Happy with a carefully chosen nurse.18 August18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1231 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Liverpool. Steamers are not doingvery well this year. Much business activitytelegraphed from New York: the busiest halfmonth they have had.19 August18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1232 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Liverpool. Gives a description <strong>of</strong> hissocial life.20 August18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1233 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>6 Grenville Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Plans trip toRotterdam and Antwerp.10September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper24

MS797/I/1234 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>From 6 Grenville Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Beer at themusic hall was atrocious. Has had to delay histrip to Antwerp.11September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1235 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from <strong>London</strong>. Hopes to leave tomorrow.MacLeod has finally turned up.12September18793 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1236 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Kaizerkroon Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hasfinished his work in Rotterdam, which hedescribes in some detail. Rotterdam is a curiousplace: its main streets "are real "high streets" oncauseways, and the between streets slopingdown to the canals - giving a very picturesquevariety <strong>of</strong> levels". Amsterdam described indepth: it is "delicious", and it rivals Venice.13September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1237 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from the Oude Kasteel van AntwerpenHotel, Utrecht, Netherlands. Long description <strong>of</strong>Utrecht. Great contrast between Catholic andProtestant churches and worshippers. Hasmostly spoken German in Holland: waiters are allGerman.[14]September18798 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1238 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[16]September187925

Sent from Hotel de la Paix, Antwerp, Belgium.Charmed by The Hague, which he describes insome detail.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1239 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Hotel de Suede, Liege, Belgium.Just about to leave for the Ardennes.18September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1240 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Hotel du Nord, La Roche, Belgium.Detailed description <strong>of</strong> the area.19September18798 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1241 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from La Roche, Belgium. Not feelingwell: inclined to come home.21September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1242 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from La Roche, Belgium. Afraid that hewill become a frail old man.22September18796 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1243 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from La Roche, Belgium. Describes hisfellow guests.23September18796 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper26

MS797/I/1244 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Spa, Belgium. Has a cold butlooking forward to coming home. Worried aboutthe "ease with which I break down".27September18794 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1245 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Liverpool. Detailed description <strong>of</strong>family's financial affairs.12 January18809 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1246 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from Sefton Drive, Liverpool. Has readGladstone's budget: "which takes one back to hisgreat days - he has a most wonderful gift onthese things". Tom says pr<strong>of</strong>its in hand are£10,000.11-12 June18804 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1247 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Letter dated '11 June'. Written from SS. Gallia.Describes his fellow passengers.[12-13]June 18804 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1248 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from SS. Gallia. Has recovered fromdepressed period. Detailed description <strong>of</strong> voyageand passengers. Trying to suppress his disliketowards the American passengers. Just seen"water sprout" (tornado).20 June188027

5 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1249 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from New York. Romilly and his wife donot look well.22 June18802 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1250 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[Written from New York.] Short note. Is very welland believes he is getting a good deal done.[25] June18802 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1251 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from 25 5th Avenue, New York. Hopes toavoid "making some mess with my hasty tongueand thick head". Is enjoying work. Detaileddescription <strong>of</strong> colleagues. Thinks Romilly hasconsumption.27 June188011 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1252 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from New York. Short note. "Gladstone'sleadership is a disgrace".29 June18801 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1253 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written from 25 5th Avenue, New York. Getting onwell with Kuettner. Trains are safer here.1-2 July18803 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1254 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>4 July 188028

Written from Rockaway, N.Y. Situation hasimproved at Gloversville since he was there twoyears ago.2 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1255 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>25 5th Avenue, New York. Wishes she were thereto advise him on business decisions. They haveallowed "dry rot" to get into system but he ishopeful that his changes will work. Not surewhether to discuss matters with Alfred.1880 July7-85 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1256 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[New York.] Fragment <strong>of</strong> letter. Gloversville andBoston are fine: New York is where work isneeded. State <strong>of</strong> New York business is"disgraceful". Detailed description <strong>of</strong> businessplans and Gloversville negotiations.[11?] July18805 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1257 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Written in New York. Alfred coming out soon.Gives her code for messages so she can advisehim. Feels comfortable about the business.16 July18806 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1258 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>From Gloversville, N.Y. Has discovered they arein pr<strong>of</strong>it (£6000 for 6 months). This exceeds theirwildest hopes.19 July18802 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1259 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>21 July188029

No address. Things look good in Gloversville.2 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1260 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>From New York. Is pleased she is getting better.He is fine despite the hectic travel.26 July18801 page <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1261 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>From 25 5th Avenue, New York. What he is doing[with the business] "amounts to a revolution".Describes Oceans Grove, a Methodistdevelopment, in some detail.27 July18809 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1262 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Describes buying and selling <strong>of</strong> lambskins.29 July18802 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1263 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Long passage about Mary and herfather. Values her advice on Alfred. Not troubledby management responsibilities at this stage.Admits to other self-doubts: "I <strong>of</strong>ten flag and growlow-spirited".2-3 August18809 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1264 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Reminds her that it will be a long timebefore she fully recovers.4 August18804 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paper30

MS797/I/1265 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Wishes "an aerial machine" could flyher to the States: "we have lived too soon".1880August 6-[?7]2 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1266 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Trade "is mendingeverywhere". Believes they will see their moneyback from Gloversville.10 August18801 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1267 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Tells her not to worry about imperialaffairs: "England has turned worse corners thanthis".13 August18803 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1268 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Discusses his colleagues.18 August18802 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1269 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Worries about her health.22 August18804 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1270 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Regrets his "prejudiced"temperament. Is working with a "good team" butthey need management.26 August18805 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paper31

MS797/I/1271 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Continued from 31 August on 2September. Gloversville going very well.1880August 31-September27 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1272 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Has had a long talk with Kuttner.1880September2, 42 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1273 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Has bought another factory forthe business. Details <strong>of</strong> the sale and thestrategy behind the purchase. Some backgroundon their businesses generally.7September18804 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1274 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. Has sorted out new agreementregarding new factory and regards it as a gooddeal. The business is "making money fast all thetime".9September18801 side <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1275 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gloversville, N.Y. If she sends a cable to himshe must use "real words": he hasn't kept the"little code". Organisation <strong>of</strong> the business nowcomplete apart from the credit book. Will leaveinstructions for Alfred but will make them concise:12September188032

"I don't think I should get my ideas into his headwhatever I wrote or even if I had him to talk to fora week". Describes Alfred's letter to him as "mostpitiful. It reads almost like a cry. He has noconception <strong>of</strong> what a great strong thing thisbusiness <strong>of</strong> ours is". Is confident that colleagueswill be able to continue and improve what he hasstarted. Some details on characteristics <strong>of</strong>colleagues. Plans for Liverpool <strong>of</strong>fice.7 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1276 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>25 5th Avenue, New York. Is in good spirits: "butyou must learn that I tell you everything and evenexaggerate my work and troubles to gain yourpity".15September18803 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1277 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. "We will talk <strong>of</strong> everything when wemeet - especially as to "the firm". Encloses aletter from Alfred: she shouldn't be alarmed byAlfred's doubts about the Gloversville business.18September18801 side <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1278 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Philadelphia, [Pa.?]. Confident he will finish workin time: the test will be if things work for 6 monthsafterwards. "Business is springing up and theprospects are good".20September1880MS797/I/1279 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>23September188033

New York. Last letter before his voyage. Isspending time with a colleague going thoroughly"over the credits".1 side <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1280 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>63 Catherine St., Liverpool. Mostly family affairsincluding illnesses. Alfred sailed yesterday andshould arrive on Tuesday.12December18804 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1281 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>63 Catherine St., Liverpool. Mostly family affairsalthough some allusions to business going"smoothly".. Discusses Alfred: "I think the drift isagainst business and towards religion".13December18806 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1282 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>63 Catherine St., Liverpool. Gives details <strong>of</strong>purchases <strong>of</strong> ships. Is sorry about Beaconfield's(Disraeli) illness.8 April18814 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1283 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>63 Catherine St., Liverpool. Hopes to repairrelations with Philip. Description (with very littledetail) <strong>of</strong> his work.10 April18818 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1284 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>11 April188134

63 Catherine St., Liverpool. Life will be difficult ifthe Land Bill passes.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1285 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [TheTimes?][See also MS797/II/28]. Draft letter about the IrishLand Bill. Gives his suggestions relating to fairrents.1881[?May]4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1286 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to St. JamesGazetteStating, '...not...for publication'. A draft rejoinderto their notice about his letter in the Times aboutthe Irish Land Bill. Suggests linking rent withproportional payment for tenant right.[See also MS797/II/28].7 June18811 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1287 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [TheTimes?][See also MS797/II/28]. Irish Land Bill: <strong>Booth</strong>gives his views on sub-letting <strong>of</strong> land. Fears"creation <strong>of</strong> land jobbers or middlemen" who use"land hunger" to keep up the prices tenants haveto pay.14 June18813 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1288 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Catherine St., Liverpool. Describes the Romillys'house. "Usual tale" when someone rentssomeone else's house: no glasses, crockery,pans or inventory. Therefore necessary for theRomillys to interrogate the servants for 10 days.12 July18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1289 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>15-16 July188135

SS. Cordillera, Pauliac, [Bordeaux, Gironde,France]. Explains plans for travel in France.2 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1290 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Bordeaux, Gironde, France. Descriptions <strong>of</strong>travels and business dealings in France.16 July18813 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1291 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. Descriptions<strong>of</strong> his time in France.17 July18814 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1292 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. Descriptions<strong>of</strong> life in France such as bathing in the river.18 July18813 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1293 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Dated '?July 1881' by <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>.Descriptions <strong>of</strong> his travels.Mazamet, Tarn, France.[20?] July18813 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1294 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Millau, Aveyron, France. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> placeshe has visited.22 July18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1295 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>25 July188136

Millau, Aveyron, France. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> places hehas visited.5 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1296 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Meyrueis, Lozere, France. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> histravels and <strong>of</strong> the area.26-27 July18815 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1297 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Meyrueis, Lozere, France. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> thearea and <strong>of</strong> his travels.27 July18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1298 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Chez Boulet, Hotel du Commerce, Meyrueis,Lozere, France. Description <strong>of</strong> his time there.28 July18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1299 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Clermont Ferrand, Puy-de Dome, France.Descriptions <strong>of</strong> his travels including a visit to St.Etienne.1881 July30-3111 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1300 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Orleans, Loiret, France. Has enjoyed his"successful" holiday. Takes to foreign ways "likea duck to water".2 August18815 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1301 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>4 August188137

Caen, Calvados, France. Briefly hints at hisreligious views. Also descriptions <strong>of</strong> Orleans andother places he has visited.5 sheets <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1302 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cherbourg, Manche, France. Would have likedanother week in France. Gambetta is speaking atTours.4 August18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1303 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liege, Belgium. Has had preliminary talks inAntwerp.19September18812 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1304 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[Liverpool]. 'Wednesday'. Couldn't sleep on thetrain.18814 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1305 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to The Times[See also MS797/II/28]. Concerns Irish Land Act.16 April18822 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1306 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Llantillio' [Llantilio Pertholey?, Mon.] Gossipyletter about a party he had attended.11 August[1882]3 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paper38

MS797/I/1307 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Sunday'. No address. Mostly family anddomestic matters.[LateAugust-EarlySeptember][1882]12 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1308 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Beatrice PotterGracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Typescript extracts (4pages) from <strong>Booth</strong>'s original letter. Responds toher letter about political economy by discussingdeductive and inductive methods, use <strong>of</strong> statisticsetc. "Too many hasty deductions" are beingmade. <strong>Booth</strong> is "doubtless out <strong>of</strong> his depth".31 July18864 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1309 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Beatrice Potter 5September1886Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Typescript copy <strong>of</strong>original letter. Detailed description <strong>of</strong> methods forLife and Labour in <strong>London</strong> survey. "Theinformation will have to be got by personalinterview with each visitor and a good manyhours <strong>of</strong> it for each...". Potter will haveresponsibility for women visitors: "we shallrelegate any female visitors to your care". "Weonly deal with the heads <strong>of</strong> families but toseparate them from the young persons orunmarried men and women is an important step".4 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1310 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [A. Marshall]2 Talbot Court, E.C., [<strong>London</strong>]. Asks for adviceon proposed methods for survey <strong>of</strong> life and labourin <strong>London</strong>.18 October18864 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper39

MS797/I/1311 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. Marshall2 Talbot Court, Gracechurch St., E.C., [<strong>London</strong>].Thanks him for looking at methods <strong>of</strong> survey <strong>of</strong>life and labour in <strong>London</strong>. Sends enclosuresincluding schedules for St Paul's and list <strong>of</strong>occupations.20 October18863 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1312 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. MarshallGracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Admires his analysis<strong>of</strong> <strong>London</strong> industry. <strong>Booth</strong> explains how he will lethis secretaries get on with the Hackney division.22 May18874 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1313 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves6 Grenville Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Likes his paper.3 March18892 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1314 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Beatrice PotterGracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Extracts from letter.Don't be "alarmed by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Marshall'sbogeys".16 June18891 side <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1315 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Shortnote. Thanks her for the paper. "Desperate fog"this morning.21February18912 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1316 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>30 April189140

R.M.S. Britannic [at Liverpool?]. Description <strong>of</strong>how he expects the voyage to go. He imagineshow her recuperation will go.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1317 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Britannic [one day's voyage from NewYork]. Describes the voyage and his fellowpassengers.7 May 18918 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1318 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Wishes her a happy 12th birthday.28 July18912 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1319 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Describes thebeautiful weather.27December18912 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1320 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves 24February189224 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Describes methodology <strong>of</strong> the survey <strong>of</strong> <strong>London</strong>industries.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1321 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>2 Talbot Court, 55 Gracechurch St., E.C.,[<strong>London</strong>]. Has finished reading the pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> hisbook.5 March18923 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper41

MS797/I/1322 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Majestic [in Queenstown Harbour].Voyage has been rough so far.17 March18924 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1323 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Majestic [one day's voyage from NewYork.] There are more children on board now.Looking forward to the holidays.22 March18924 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1324 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. MarshallNorth Western Hotel, Liverpool. Thanks him forhis critical letter: "I like your hard hitting evenbetter than the thousand kind things you have said<strong>of</strong> me". Doesn't think Marshall's plan (for poorrelief) is practical.27 April18923 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1325 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. Marshall 3 May 1892North Western Hotel, Liverpool. <strong>Booth</strong> makessuggestions for poor relief. Thinks there is "agood deal <strong>of</strong> scope for just discrimination" by PoorLaw Guardians.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1326 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>North Western Hotel, Liverpool. Describes hismeeting with Mr. Purcell.10 July18925 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1327 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>22February189342

Naples, Italy. Describes the opera and the ballethe has seen.7 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1328 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Palermo, Italy. Describes their sight seeing.10 March18937 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1329 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Part <strong>of</strong> the letter (11 March 1893) written by MaryCatherine <strong>Booth</strong>. Describes going to see theopera, "Norma".Written from the Hotel de la Paix, Palermo, Italy.12 March18937 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1330 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong> & Antonia Mary <strong>Booth</strong>Palermo, Italy.15 March18937 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1331 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Rome, Italy. His companions, including hismother-in-law, are delightful. He hopes to havesome time to do some sketches.25-26March 18937 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1332 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Part <strong>of</strong> the letter torn away, but some <strong>of</strong> themissing words are included in the part printed,Memoir, pp. 65-7.Cassino, Italy. Is enjoying the location. Hopes todo some excursions by train.28-9 March18935 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper43

MS797/I/1333 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cassino, Italy. The monastery is a "wonderfulstructure". Describes the library with "thousands<strong>of</strong> old manuscripts".29-30March 18935 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1334 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cassino, Italy. Is very well. The air suits him.Hopes to visit a nearby place but there is only onetrain a day.2 April18932 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1335 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Teano, Italy. Is anxious to hear from her. TheItalian postal system is "wayward". Describes theprocess <strong>of</strong> sending a telegraph. Describes thechurches and the Mass: "the whole thing wasperfect as an act <strong>of</strong> simple devotion".4 April18938 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1336 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Teano, Italy. Describes Riardo "just as lovely ascan be". Wishes he could speak more Italian.4 April18936 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1337 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Is worried about her health.Describes the funeral <strong>of</strong> a small child. No"crushing poverty" here.5 April18934 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper44

MS797/I/1338 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Very happy here. Feels much betterphysically. Describes a christening.5 April18934 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1339 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Enjoying his simple life. Goats milkin the morning: there is no butter here. He boilshis drinking water to be safe. "The beauty <strong>of</strong> thisplace is beyond words....I am sure there is nothingmuch more beautiful this side <strong>of</strong> heaven."8 April18936 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1340 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Is very sorry about her mother'sillness.9 April18934 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1341 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Describes a religious procession.Describes women's dress.9 April18936 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1342 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Has been to more religious services.11 April18934 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1343 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [T.M. <strong>Booth</strong>]Endorsed: '16 Apr.1893'. Has been on a longexpedition, 15-16 kilometres.[Riardo, Italy.][c11] April18932 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper45

MS797/I/1344 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Life suits him well here. There havebeen prayers for rain.12 April18934 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1345 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Describes a religious procession.13 April18937 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1346 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Riardo, Italy. Weather too gusty for outdoorsketching. The locals live a very spartanexistence. Lemons are a great luxury.14-15 April18939 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1347 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel du Vesuve, Naples, Italy. Is preparing toleave.16 April18933 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1348 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel du Vesuve, Naples, Italy. Has had asplendid holiday. Wants to join her as her motheris very ill.16 April18933 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1349 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>4 November189346

Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Has watched a foxhunt.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1350 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Very pleased that theyhave appointed a valet-nurse.16 May18943 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1351 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Anthenaeum, Liverpool. Thinks Brazil Portugalrow is all "huff and pride".17 May18944 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1352 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. Marshall39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Has read the minorityreport (by Sidney Webb) <strong>of</strong> Marshall's commissionwith a great deal <strong>of</strong> interest. His business partnerhas been ill so he has been drawn back intobusiness. "I must say it does me good".25 May18944 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1353 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[<strong>London</strong>.] Commission went well today. Thinkstheir arguments prevailed. Lord Abedare has<strong>of</strong>fered to alter the point that <strong>Booth</strong> objected to.27 June18942 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1354 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Notesthat she gave permission for a party to go into thewoods on Saturday. But people go into the woodson Saturday anyway.7 July 18944 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper47

MS797/I/1355 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Wishes he were withher. HIs leg is getting better, The Coalvillemoney went yesterday.13November18942 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1356 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Lots to do at the <strong>of</strong>ficebut nothing particularly worrying.12December18942 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1357 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Macartney very pleasedwith receipts from voyage <strong>of</strong> the Auselm (?): 200passengers.1 January18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1358 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Briefly describes businessdealings with Ruttner, who is based in the USA.Exchange <strong>of</strong> <strong>letters</strong>/telegraphs. Suggests"climbing down" in a good humoured way.22 January18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1359 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. "Wonderfully well". Hastalked with Nelia (?) and Tom about the financialposition.24 January18953 sides <strong>of</strong> writing on small notepaper.48

MS797/I/1360 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. He describes Alfred andCharlie's travel plans. Alfred will shortly be <strong>of</strong>f toNaples.14February18953 sides <strong>of</strong> small notepaperMS797/I/1361 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. "Mrs Asquith's invitation isvery amusing. What a queer thing electioneeringalways is!". Chamberlain says the Prince will notsign any report on old age "as the position hasbecome controversial". "HRH told him so".Chamberlain thinks about half will not sign thechairman's report. He hopes to contrive anadditional statement to represent all dissidents.Chamberlain has been very successful in passingthe amendments to the report.21February18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper, closely writtenMS797/I/1362 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to LordPlayfairAthenaeum, Liverpool. Wishes he could havesigned the report, especially as it has beenaltered so that it is closer to his views. Thinkstheir (political?) paths are leading in differentdirections.28February18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1363 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [E. Horner] 1895February49

Draft reply to letter <strong>of</strong> 25 February 1895 from E.Horner. Explains why he called drink the "mostprolific cause <strong>of</strong> poverty". Gives details from thesurvey to back up his argument.No address.1 large side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1364 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to J. Stuart 1895FebruaryReply to letter <strong>of</strong> 26 February 1895 from J. Stuart.No address. Willing to compromise with Stuartand Chamberlain. Therefore no need for him toput in a separate report. Mentions other figures,such as Hunter, who are considering whether toapprove the report. Stuart's draft differs fromChamberlain's in that Stuart's draft could fit in withthe possibility <strong>of</strong> signing the chairman's report.1 side <strong>of</strong> medium-sized paperMS797/I/1365 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Rattner is depressed byfailure <strong>of</strong> Mathieu (?) in Gloversville "by reason <strong>of</strong>drink". Leather has gone wrong too. <strong>Booth</strong> hasdiscussed "the steamer problem" with Philip.12 March18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1366 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Agrees that Courtney willbe disappointed about "the Speakership". Wouldhave capped his career which might sink into"semi failure". But recognises there is strongfeeling against him.14 March18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1367 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[24?][April?]189550

Paper headed '24 Great Cumberland Place.' 'inthe train on my way to Liverpool'. Writes at lengthabout Tom's application to the army. ColonelLyttleton seemed a bit sceptical <strong>of</strong> the Guards: he"evidently sympathises more with those who seekIndia & fighting". Arthur Baxter wants to becomea cab owner: "a very odd thing to do".4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1368 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Gives timetable regarding his boattrips. Some details on business plans regardingGloversville: "this proposed extension <strong>of</strong> thePhila[delphia?] business is the most importantthing at present".11-12 July18952 large sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1369 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Speculates about Llewellyn Smith'schances <strong>of</strong> wooing Dodo. He would approve: "asto social position it will do".12 July18951 large side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1370 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Mentions forthcoming Eton versusHarrow match.12 July18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1371 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, New York. Feels sorry for LlewellynSmith.14 July18951 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1372 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>14 July189551

Arverne, New York. Gives his itinerary. Thinks theUnionists will get at least an 80 seat majority. "Idon't see what will break them up for 5 years tocome".2 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1373 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Notes that Harcourt, Morley andothers have lost their seats. Chamberlain is in apowerful position if he can restrain himself: "Whatan immense chance for the man. What will he dowith it?". Detailed description <strong>of</strong> business plansregarding Gloversville.19 July18954 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1374 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Young's Hotel, Boston, Mass. Feels sorry forLlewllyn Smith but attraction cannot always bemutual.19 July18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1375 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Thunderstorm is putting out the gaslamps. Sorry to miss excitement <strong>of</strong> electioncampaign.21 July18953 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1376 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Detailed description <strong>of</strong> businessmeetings including Gloversville.22-23 July18954 sidesMS797/I/1377 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>25-26 July189552

The Alvord [Hotel], Gloversville, N.Y., and NewYork. Detailed descriptions <strong>of</strong> plans includingmoving business management to New York andleaving factory management in Gloversville.5 sidesMS797/I/1378 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [MargaretPaulina <strong>Booth</strong>?](129 Riverside Drive, N.Y.?). There was a hugestorm before the Wesleyan service.15 August18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1379 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. His delayed arrivalwas due to a late train from Derby.12September18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1380 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Admires Brook's reply to"Merrie England". Thinks "God's England or theDevil's" is very well done but shouldn't have beensubsidised from the public purse. "He is the manto whom Balfour has given a pension for soundwriting against socialism". Trollope is "wonderful":<strong>Booth</strong> is reading "not the worst <strong>of</strong> his books".17September18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1381 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Gives his travel arrangements. Mostly domesticissues.23September18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1382 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine23 October53

<strong>Booth</strong> 1895Toulouse, France. Describes surroundings: "thereis not very much to be seen here".3 sides notepaperMS797/I/1383 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel du Midi, Toulouse. Has been sketching withMeg.24 October18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1384 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Carmaux, France. Has written a separatebusiness letter. Troops are still here after therecent strike.25 October18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1385 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel de France, Rodez, Aveyron, France."Margaret is an excellent traveller and a mostdelightful companion". Describes their travels.27 October18956 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1386 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Luxembourg, Nimes, France. Describestheir travels and plans.30 October18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1387 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Luxembourg, Nimes, France. Describestheir trip and travel plans.31 October18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper54

MS797/I/1388 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel au Forum, Arles, France. Describes areaincluding church-going habits <strong>of</strong> locals. Has readSalisbury's speech in the parliamentary debate:"taking the same careful position he has alwaystaken on that subject" ie free trade. Despitealarming rumours about Turkey, great powerscontinue to act together. Is relieved.3November18958 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1389 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel de l'Europe, Avignon, France. Describestheir travels. Worried that Turkey will break upfrom within: has read Gladstone's letter toNovik<strong>of</strong>f.5 November18954 sidesMS797/I/1390 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>[Hotel de l'Europe, Avignon, France.] Describestheir travels.8 November18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1391 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Boule d'Or, Bourges, France. "A reallycharming town". Likes the cathedral.13November18954 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1392 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Perrusson, France. George is in good shape.14November18952 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper55

MS797/I/1393 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>39 Hunter St., Liverpool. Thinks CaptainMacCartney will be pleased by her letter.28November18953 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1394 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cunard R.M.S. Umbria. Long description <strong>of</strong> Tom,who is very ill. <strong>Booth</strong> himself wants to survivelonger to "make a jump over the next two or threeyears". Bemoans "the chaotic state <strong>of</strong> things inAmerica". Thinks Republicans can win.1896 July15, 1810 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1395 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Off to Boston the next day. "The wholeposition is extraordinarily confused".21 July18961 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1396 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Adams <strong>House</strong> [Hotel?], 553 Washington St.,Boston, Mass. Met someone who told him thatfarming was impossible beyond a certain point inthe West. "The Republicans have got the moneyand mean to spend it and win".23-24 July18966 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1397 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Thinks Bryan will win thepresidential election. No-one knows the effect <strong>of</strong> asplit in the Democrats will have on McKinley'schances. Both men are "contemptible creatures.What a way to select the President <strong>of</strong> a greatnation!". Prefers the Republicans.27 July18964 sides56

MS797/I/1398 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Thinks money will be crucial in thecampaign. "Democracy is a fraud everywhere".Wonders if "divine right <strong>of</strong> kings" will be reformedand acquire new legitimacy.31 July18962 sidesMS797/I/1399 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Speculates on Bryan's chances inthe presidential election. American papers verycomplimentary about Jameson trial.4 August18968 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1400 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Interested in James Smith, CecilRhodes controversy. Doubts Smith is right abouthis version <strong>of</strong> events.5 August18961 pageMS797/I/1401 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>2 Talbot Court, Gracechurch St., E.C., [<strong>London</strong>].Discusses rent. Duckworth thinks it is too much.22September18962 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1402 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Advises her to get a cabin on herChannel crossing and to change English gold forFrench money on the boat or at Calais.23September18962 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1403 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>30September57

Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Kent. Hasn't seenHerbert Spencer's obituary, "he was a veryremarkable man in his way". Wonders whetherBeatrice (Potter) will write a biography.18964 sides notepaperMS797/I/1404 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Kent. Mostly familynews.30September18964 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1405 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Kent. Mostly familynews.1 October18964 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1406 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Kent. Mostly familynews. He is learning to ride a bicycle. Longdescription <strong>of</strong> the Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Canterbury'sfuneral.18 October18968 sides <strong>of</strong> newspaperMS797/I/1407 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Kent. Mostly familynews. Times thinks McKinley, Bryan race is tooclose to call. He will be anxious until it is over.28 October18962 sides notepaperMS797/I/1408 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>5November189658

Athenaeum, Liverpool. Thinks that McKinley'snarrow majority might be a good thing: theRepublicans might "not make idiots <strong>of</strong> themselvesthese next 4 years". Discusses £50,000 transfer.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1409 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Family news. Glad shehas sorted out the accounts.6November18962 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1410 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Looking forward to seeing her soon. Familynews.29November18966 sides notepaperMS797/I/1411 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Met Tom Mann on thetrain "he told me all about his Hamburgexperiences". Rhodes' position is bolstered byeverybody else being involved too.18February18977 pages notepaperMS797/I/1412 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Local Office, Bow Rd., [<strong>London</strong>?]. Family news.28 April18972 sidesMS797/I/1413 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>19 May189759

'On the road to Paris'. Describes the journey.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1414 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'On the road to Spain'. Describes the trainjourney.20 May18972 sides notepaperMS797/I/1415 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'On the way through Spain'. Describes the trainjourney and his companions.20 May18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1416 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'On the road through Spain'. Describes the railjourney. Admires the quality <strong>of</strong> Spanish roads.20 May18977 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1417 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Approaching Lisbon'. Explains travel plans.21 May18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1418 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Lisbon. Not sure he will see Purcell again.22 May18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1419 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>23 May189760

'On the road to Badajos', [Badajoz, Spain]. Feelshopeless about Purcell's recovery.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1420 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Fonda Madrilena, Merida, Spain. Will go to Lisbonfor Purcell's funeral.25 May18973 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1421 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Lisbon. Lists his travel plans.26 May18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1422 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Lisbon. Purcell's children are being happily lookedafter. Describes his surroundings.26 May18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1423 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel de Paris, Seville, Spain. Describes thecathedral.28-9 May18975 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1424 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Seville, Spain. Describes St. Fernando.Describes churches.29-30 May18978 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1425 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>1897 May30-3161

Seville, Spain. Describes a bullfight.8 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1426 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Seville, Spain. Concerned about her health. Shemust slow down.1 June18976 sheets <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1427 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'From Seville to Cordova'. Has decided to goGranada and omit Toledo.1 June18972 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1428 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cordova, Spain. "This place is very Spanish.Strikes me as more so than Seville." Fewerforeigners. The cathedral-mosque is "a mostwonderful place".2 June18972 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1429 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Alcazar, and Madrid, Spain. He liked Granada.Cordova is "wonderful". Discusses arrangementson his return. Doesn't "much fancy" Lady Pratt'shouse but shall be happy there if she decides totake it. His philosophy is to leave such things untilthe last moment.6 June18977 sheets <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1430 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Discusses arrangements for the Queen's jubilee.St. Paul's will be closed entirely to the public.12 June18976 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper62

MS797/I/1431 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Theyhave been invited to meet the Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales.16 June18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1432 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [Louisa Hancox]Noted by Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong> 'Returned to meby dear Louisa'. Description <strong>of</strong> the jubileecelebrations.24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.26 June189714 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1433 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Had an interesting journey with Mr.Warr "who is very interesting on his <strong>House</strong> <strong>of</strong>Commons experience".17 July18972 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1434 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Umbria. Would like a good rest.17 July18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1435 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Umbria. Recounts a conversation with anAmerican about American politics, farming. Alsorecounts a conversation with a woman from SouthAfrica about Kruger and Rhodes.23-4 July189715 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper63

MS797/I/1436 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Umbria. Gives his planned itinerary for hisAmerican visit.24 July18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1437 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Everything going well.27 July18973 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1438 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Business is very busy. Is worriedabout Tom.29 July18971 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1439 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. In negotiations about the newleather.10-11August18973 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1440 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. She will have been worrying aboutTom who is recovering from typhoid. "It is ablessing that the frontier troubles seem to begetting over". Suggests it may be better toestablish a real Russian frontier with a campaignin Afghanistan.13-14August18976 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1441 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>16 August189764

Arverne, N.Y. He is anxious about Tom. Hopesthe Ameer will back down.6 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1442 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Is watching the situation in Indiacarefully. "It is Egypt all over again in this".31 August18973 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1443 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>28 Woodland St., Dalston, Hackney, <strong>London</strong>.Best if Tom comes home. Thinks the campaignmay be over by Christmas although the Britishmay go into Afghanistan.21September18973 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1444 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Mostlyfamily issues and regarding tenants.6 October18974 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1445 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Anxious about Tom. Has no idea how many <strong>of</strong>the Gordons have been killed.21 October18972 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1446 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Is"buried" in re-reading about districts 14 and 16.21December18972 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper65

MS797/I/1447 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Wentto talk by Miss (Clara?) Collett and Schloss.Discussion dominated by anti-capitalist theoriesand the engineers' strike. Agreed with (Ernest)Aves, as he usually does.11 January18984 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1448 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. It is good to have George around.Discusses his travel plans.28 June18981 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1449 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Continued from 30 June on 1 July 1898. HotelTouraine, Boston, Mass. Gives travel plans. Warnews is "most absorbing". Thinks there will be a"great blow" struck at Santiago. Thinks Santiagowill be taken before the 4 July "and this countrywill then go wild".1898 June30-July 15 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1450 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Has the "great news" <strong>of</strong> the totaldestruction <strong>of</strong> the Spanish navy by the Americannavy. Santiago expected to fall soon.1898 July4-52 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1451 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hisleg is still troubling him.25 October18988 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1452 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine 1466

<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. All the inquiry notebooks are up to date "a perfect mass it will be".December18984 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1453 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Domestic news.15December18984 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1454 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Mostly domesticmatters.18December18984 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1455 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Urges her to join him.20December18984 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1456 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hashad a wonderful day amongst the Poplarchurches.9 January18994 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1457 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Thinks that there will be revolution in Francesoon.10 January18993 pages67

MS797/I/1458 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Has been to an interesting labourmeeting. Impressed by Doyle, the miners' leader.It will be "very interesting indeed to get in touchwith all this organised labour".18 January18994 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1459 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [MargaretPaulina <strong>Booth</strong>]Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Domestic matters.11February18993 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1460 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Visited Philip at CroxtethGate in the aftermath <strong>of</strong> Anna's death.7 March18994 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1461 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Glasgow meeting was asuccess.15 March18994 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1462 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Domestic matters.17 April18993 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1463 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>14 August189968

Runkerry, Bushmills, Co. Antrim. Is enjoying LordMacnaghten's company.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1464 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cunard R.M.S. Campania [approaching NewYork]. Discusses education in America especially"latest..fads <strong>of</strong> lessons without discipline".1September189912 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1465 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y.Describes his wandering around Brooklyn andevents on his trip.5September18994 pagesMS797/I/1466 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y. Thinkswar is unlikely in the Transvaal. Dreyfus affair iscovered more fully here.1899September5-62 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1467 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y.Discusses Dodo's dilemma re marriage andimminent Dreyfus verdict, which is "a foregoneconclusion". Does not believe a shot will be firedin the Transvaal.8September18992 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1468 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>11September69

Gloversville, N.Y. Feels pity for "poor Dreyfus". Ifthe sentence is nominal, "it is all the morecowardly a business". Doesn't believe court isindependent. Things looking up with <strong>Booth</strong>'sbusiness interests in America.18992 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1469 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y. She hashad "another bad attack". He sympathises atlength. Is convinced that the Boers will climbdown in the Transvaal. Lengthy discussion <strong>of</strong>background to South Africa crisis. A war "willleave a legacy <strong>of</strong> hate". All going "mightily well"at Gloversville.15September18996 sidesMS797/I/1470 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y. Shemust be very worried that Tom will be sent withhis regiment to South Africa. He does not thinkthe Boers will fight. Discusses Dreyfus' pardon.19September18994 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1471 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y. Stillthinks there will be no fighting in South Africa.The Boers won't fight: "I cannot conceive that theOrange Free State would fight". Thinks Krugermay be bluffing to get a favourable diplomaticsettlement.21September18992 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1472 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24September70

Pierrepont <strong>House</strong> [Hotel], Brooklyn, N.Y. Stillthinks there will be no fighting in South Africa.Some newspapers in the USA are very anti-British.18991 side <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1473 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Thinks the British government is doingwell regarding Transvaal. Their cables seem tostrike the right tone.26-7September18993 pagesMS797/I/1474 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Feels for Tom, who is on his way toSouth Africa with troops from India.29September18993 pagesMS797/I/1475 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Family news.29September18992 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1476 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Sir EdwardW. HamiltonReply to letter <strong>of</strong> 11 November 1899, from SirEdward Hamilton. Has read the draft report.Disagrees with passages regarding evidence <strong>of</strong>thrift.[13?][November]18993 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1477 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E.S. Talbot [7?][December]71

Reply to letter <strong>of</strong> 6 December 1899, from E.S.Talbot, Bishop <strong>of</strong> Rochester. Doubts the sense inhaving a meeting to "inaugurate the life <strong>of</strong> thenew borough <strong>of</strong> Southwark before it becomes apolitical consideration".18991 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1478 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E.S. Talbot [9?][December]1899Reply to letter <strong>of</strong> 8 December 1899, from E.S.Talbot, Bishop <strong>of</strong> Rochester. Flattered by theBishop's invitation to join a group but feels hemust decline.1 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1479 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hermother has been ill.18 January19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1480 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hermother is feeling better.18 January19002 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1481 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hermother's health is continuing to improve.19 January19001 sideMS797/I/1482 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>20 January190072

24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Family news. Thinks the war news is good.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1483 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Theyare both very worried about the Boer War. Tom is<strong>of</strong>f on a tiger shoot in the Punjab.27 January19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1484 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Dated 1 February. 24 Great Cumberland Place,<strong>London</strong>, S.W. Comments on siege <strong>of</strong> Ladysmith.31 January19006 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1485 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. Has seen Louisa Hancox.5 February19004 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1486 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Athenaeum, Liverpool. No definite war news. MrsWagner is ready to sell half her shares.6 February19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1487 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Likesthe poem. Comments on relief <strong>of</strong> Kimberley andother Boer war news.17February19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1488 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>23February73

39 Hunter St., Liverpool. War news is "anxious".Family events discussed.19002 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1489 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Sympathises about her ill health. His travel plans.12 March19003 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1490 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Family news.21 April19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1491 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Heathas affected her mother.25 July19003 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1492 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Hermother is improving. Huxley (the family doctor) isconfident about her recovery.26 July19002 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1493 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Oceanic [one day's voyage from NewYork]. Admires the ship. Wonder if Tom is inaction.28 August19004 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1494 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine 474

<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Discusses business.September19002 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1495 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. She must be very anxious aboutTom. But he is pleased that he is time to takepart in the last great act <strong>of</strong> the (Boer) war. Somediscussion <strong>of</strong> business. Very sorry that she ishaving such a difficult time, especially regardingPratt's shooting himself.7September19003 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1496 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Details <strong>of</strong> negotiations with Wolff.News from Africa is good. Thinks (Boer) war isnearing the end. Not sure what will happenregarding China. Assumes that British will workwith Germans and Japanese but go it alone ifnecessary.10September19003 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1497 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Wolff negotiations. Benedict (ship)now afloat. News from Transvaal is good.14September19002 pagesMS797/I/1498 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>One line almost worn away 'extra/-ordinarily bigthis time - far-reaching decisions are upon us. All/ pro<strong>of</strong>s''Returning from Boston', Mass. Admires thepicture <strong>of</strong> Dodo by Marie Stillman.18September190075

2 pagesMS797/I/1499 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'On Railway - Albany to Gloversville', N.Y.Comments on Wolff - "a strange character".21September19002 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1500 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Sir Henry C.BurdettReply to letter <strong>of</strong> 13 November 1900 from SirHenry C. Burdett. Hooliganism not a great threatto crime and the police.[14?][November]19001 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1501 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Sheneedn't worry about her mother.3 December19003 pages notepaperMS797/I/1502 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [W.H.?]DickinsonNo address. Regrets that he won't be able toserve on the committee on hooliganism as he willbe away.9 December19001 page <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1503 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves 30December1900Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Has got the notebookfor district 40. Excited at the prospect <strong>of</strong> finishing.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper76

MS797/I/1504 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to <strong>London</strong>County CouncilNo address. Writes a reference for GeorgeDuckworth who is applying for the post <strong>of</strong> housingmanager. Describes their pr<strong>of</strong>essionalrelationship.1901[January]1 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1505 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Advises her not tohurry down.6 March19014 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1506 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Describes workgoing on the estate.12 March19014 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1507 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Describes all thebuilding work.25 June190112 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1508 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. The fogs must havebeen difficult.3 December19013 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1509 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. They will be very happywhen they hear that Tom's regiment is leavingSouth Africa.6 December19014 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper77

MS797/I/1510 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Describes their hotel.George is doing splendidly.8 December19014 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1511 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Skinner has donewonders. Glove business is pr<strong>of</strong>itable now.10December19014 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1512 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Hopes she enjoysGracedieu more than <strong>London</strong>.13December19013 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1513 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Philadelphia, [Pa.?]. Asks about the storms.George is doing very well.16-17December19016 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1514 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Hopes war will finishsoon. Most American hotels are no good. Justfinishing the end <strong>of</strong> year accounts.20December19018 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1515 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>21December190178

New York. Accounts are being finalised today.Alfred Allen has accepted place on Board <strong>of</strong>Cunard. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> approves: their businesswill not be affected.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1516 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Has heard terribleaccounts <strong>of</strong> weather in England. Accounts beingfinalised.23-24December19018 pagesMS797/I/1517 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Details <strong>of</strong> social life.Detailed description <strong>of</strong> the Kuttner family. Thinksthat Rosebery's speech is remarkable, especiallyRosebery's contention that the British are unitedand that a change <strong>of</strong> government would notchange policy regarding South Africa. Watchingdevelopments regarding Chile and Argentina withgreat interest. Expects Chile to win any conflictand that this will have great implications for SouthAmerica and the Monroe Doctrine.26-27December190110 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1518 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Griffon, New York. Accounts have beencompleted: "a pretty good year all told".31December19016 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1519 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. "The Baron and hisscheme" have taken up a lot <strong>of</strong> his time. Failed tocommunicate with the Baron by telephone but didmeet for a friendly lunch. Is deluged by pro<strong>of</strong>s.24 April190279

4 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1520 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Remarks on theirwedding anniversary. Enjoyed the Club theprevious night: they will discuss Cecil Rhodessoon. Some discussion in the letter about thebook's progress.27 April19028 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1521 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>30 James St., Liverpool. Comments on Cunard'sstrategy to maintain their business.21 May19022 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1522 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. AvesGracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Detailed descriptions<strong>of</strong> latest developments regarding the Life andLabour in <strong>London</strong> project. Short comments oneach proposed chapter and the source materialfor them. For instance chapter 9 on prostitution "isvery imperfect....There are also many opinionsworth quoting". Missions chapter - "better can bedone" since the extracts "contain some amazingspecimens".26 August19026 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1523 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Cunard R.M.S. Campania. Some details aboutvoyage.30 August19024 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1524 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>5September190280

Cunard R.M.S. Campania. News on the voyage.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1525 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Family news (George andMargaret are with him).16September19022 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1526 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Arverne, N.Y. Hopes to settle dispute with Ballin.All the shipping magnates are here although"there is some kind <strong>of</strong> hitch over the combine".19-20September19026 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1527 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>88 Gold St., New York. In the middle <strong>of</strong> cablesgoing back and forth "which are destined to endin the settlement <strong>of</strong> our war with the Germans". Itwill be a victory for <strong>Booth</strong>'s side. Arbitrationclause, which <strong>Booth</strong> could not agree to, has beenstruck out.23September19023 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1528 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Happy that Canadais so splendid.7 November19022 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1529 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>2 December190281

Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Family news.Pleased that he has finished volume 7 <strong>of</strong> Life andLabour in <strong>London</strong>, "have decided to put myself onhalf time for the concluding volume". Describeswork on Life and Labour as "very exacting". "Tohave created the Monster!".4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1530 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves 29December190224 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Isreading James' book on varieties <strong>of</strong> religiousexperience.2 sides notepaperMS797/I/1531 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to J.RobertsonReply to letter <strong>of</strong> 29 December 1902 from J.Robertson. No address. <strong>Booth</strong> is an enthusiastfor the life <strong>of</strong> business. Hopes that Robertson'sson will succeed in business too. Sees potentialin him.3 January19032 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1532 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves 13February19038 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C., [<strong>London</strong>].Thanks him for the revisions <strong>of</strong> volume 3. "Howmuch the book owes to you no one can everknow". <strong>Booth</strong> is now writing "Housing".4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1533 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Is working away.The weather is delightful.15February19034 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaper82

MS797/I/1534 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Alludes to localstrike: "Stablefords men & all out". Spoke toO'Brien (?), "he suspects that advantage is beingtaken <strong>of</strong> slackness to give the men who cannot berelied on a lesson".16February19034 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1535 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.17February1903MS797/I/1536 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Comments onStableford's - they have been in a fix because <strong>of</strong>an Indian wagon order.18February19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1537 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Hopes he will finishthe book soon.19February19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1538 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Comments briefly onalleged miracles in Ireland. She will be gettinghousing section <strong>of</strong> the book from Miss Duncan.20February19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper83

MS797/I/1539 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Encloses latestversion <strong>of</strong> the book with Aves' corrections.21February19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1540 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Agrees with her thatlast two pages <strong>of</strong> the book should be omitted.22February19033 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1541 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Thanks her forlooking at pro<strong>of</strong>s. Still can't see his way to cuttingout the whole <strong>of</strong> section 4.1 March19034 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1542 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Has laughed at hisown incapacity to finish the book.2 March19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1543 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Has reached thepoint where volume seven is as good as it's goingto get.3 March1903MS797/I/1544 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Concerned about herill health. Domestic matters: felling <strong>of</strong> tree, bricksamples etc.4 March190384

3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1545 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Has received the finalrevision <strong>of</strong> volume 7.5 March19032 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1546 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Is "well enoughsatisfied" with the revision <strong>of</strong> volume 7.6 March19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1547 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Further discussionsabout the tree with the squire. Has enjoyed thechildren's correspondence from India andAmerica.8 March19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1548 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Encloses the annualaccounts. Thinks Meg has neuralgia.15 March19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1549 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>North Western Hotel, Liverpool. Has talked withNelia and Enfield. Thinks latter will leave <strong>Booth</strong>'semployment.16 March19033 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1550 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>2 April190385

Grand Hotel de Normandie, Rue de Paris 106 &108, Havre, France. Describes boat trip and fellowpassengers.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1551 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Havre to Oporto' and Oporto, Portugal. Has gotto know the captain a little.1903 April4-53 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1552 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Oporto. Will speakto Chissold about the deficit <strong>of</strong> £1500.1903 April5-64 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1553 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense. Describes royal procession.Lisbon very enthusiastic about the royal visit.1903 April7-84 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1554 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense, Madeira. Having a lazy time.Islands (Madeira) are rocky and beautiful.10 April19032 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1555 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense. Describes how he is spending hisdays.16 April19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1556 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>17 April190386

S.S. Obidense. Is reading Bates, "quite charming".4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1557 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense. Describes ship, passengers andcrew at some length.18 April190320 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1558 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Para, Brazil. Amazon company has put one <strong>of</strong>their fastest steamers at this disposal. Has metthe mother <strong>of</strong> the consul.22 April19032 pagesMS797/I/1559 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense, 'Ashore in the Amazon 30 milesabove Prainha', Brazil. Ship got stuck on the mud.He is well though it is "piping hot".25 April19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1560 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>S.S. Obidense. 2 crew killed in an accident.Admires "beautiful forest banks".28 April19038 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1561 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Manaos [now Manaus], Brazil. Their prospects"are very good". Hopes his men and employees<strong>of</strong> others will work well together.1-3 May190312 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1562 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>1903 May5-687

S.S. Perseveranca, 'On the way to Iquitos'. Farmore interesting to travel by river boat than byocean streamer.MS797/I/1563 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Iquitos to Manaos'. Detailed descriptions <strong>of</strong>"amazing" river.17-18 May190312 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1564 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Manaos, Brazil. Has received her <strong>letters</strong>. Twoclerks (from another firm) have died <strong>of</strong> yellowfever.20 May19036 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1565 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Manaos, Brazil. Cannot refuse any honour if<strong>of</strong>fered spontaneously although "I really like bebest as I am". Would prefer being on the PrivyCouncil or perhaps a KCB.20 May19031 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1566 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Manaos, Brazil. Pleased he has stayed the extra10 days: "Success is I think certain at everypoint....never was anything more interesting in theway <strong>of</strong> business".1903 May30-315 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1567 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>16September190388

24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Travelarrangements. Enjoying controversy aboutBalfour.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1568 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>8 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C., [<strong>London</strong>].Satisfactory cable from Manaus with figuresrequired for the annual meeting.22September19032 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1569 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Liverpool. Family news.23 October19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1570 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. He believes incolonial preference. Has his own scheme:doesn't always agree with Joseph Chamberlain.27 October19034 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1571 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves 23November190324 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Suggests Aves consults the Webbs on his careerplans. Sidney Webb wished to "keep the Schoolneutral but open-minded" [assumed to be areference to the <strong>London</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Economics].4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1572 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to A. L. Baxter 25November190389

Reply to letter <strong>of</strong> 23 November 1903 from A. L.Baxter. No address. Stresses "happy relationswhich have...bound us together".2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1573 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [B. H.Alford]Reply to letter <strong>of</strong> 9 Nov. 1903 from Revd. B. H.Alford. No address. Values his support for <strong>Booth</strong>'sproject, especially since Alford has so muchknowledge about <strong>London</strong> life.1903November2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1574 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to [H. Begbie] [?1903]Reply to letter <strong>of</strong> [1903?] from H. Begbie. Aninterview is not practicable at present as <strong>Booth</strong> israrely in <strong>London</strong>.1 side <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1575 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. Has chatted tothe secretary <strong>of</strong> the dock workers' union "who,very curiously for a trades unionist, asked ifprotection would not make the trades unionsunmanageably strong - if it made employment somuch better."5 January19044 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1576 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>8 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C., [<strong>London</strong>]. Hewill head for Liverpool for the accounts and aboard meeting.13 January19044 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1577 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>13 January190490

24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Memories <strong>of</strong> Garland. Off to a tariff reform dinnertomorrow night.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1578 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>8 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C., [<strong>London</strong>].Domestic matters including the outbreak <strong>of</strong>chickenpox and the possibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>Charles</strong> beingquarantined. Could a carriage meet him atCoalville? He will have been fed on the diningtrain.14 January19044 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1579 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. "The Light <strong>of</strong>the World" arrangements are moving forward. Itis going to be a beautiful piece <strong>of</strong> work.22 January19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1580 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. Describes thelayout <strong>of</strong> their proposed new accommodation.[?] January19043 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1581 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Commission did a great deal yesterday. "I thinksobriety rules in the tariff reform councils and willdo so".4 February19044 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1582 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>26February190491

40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. Yesterdayspent settling contract for new passenger ship tobe built at Belfast. Gives details <strong>of</strong> prices andnegotiations.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperSee also MS797/I/1583, which appears to be acontinuation <strong>of</strong> this letter.MS797/I/1583 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Possibly a continuation <strong>of</strong> letter <strong>of</strong> 26 February(see reference MS797/I/1582). No address.1904[?February]1 side <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1584 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu., Whitwick, Leics. Family news. Iskeen to see her and for her to travel.20 May19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1585 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu., Whitwick, Leics. The bluebells aremagnificent.20 May19043 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1586 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Shortnote re a subscription <strong>Booth</strong> is sending. Thecause isn't made explicit.10 June19042 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1587 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'In the Oxford train'. Family news and detailsregarding his journey.11 June19042 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper92

MS797/I/1588 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Somedetails <strong>of</strong> the garden party in Oxford. Was "lost"without her as he couldn't put names to faces.12 June19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1589 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Familynews.13 June19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1590 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to E. Aves24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.Thanks him for the congratulations. <strong>Booth</strong> heardthe news (about the Privy Council) when receivingan honorary degree from Oxford.25 June19042 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1591 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to C. W. Jones 6 July 19048 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W. C., [<strong>London</strong>].Thanks him for his congratulations. Privy Councilduties are not onerous. Will be a great relief if the"Wolff business" is settled.3 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1592 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>R.M.S. Campania. Explains why Imogen isaccompanying him.30 July19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1593 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>10-11August190493

129 Riverside Drive, New York. Descriptions <strong>of</strong>travels. Imogen is "perfectly delightful".6 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1594 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, New York. Is looking forwardto seeing her.14 August19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1595 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, New York. Detaileddescription <strong>of</strong> the house they are staying in.Itinerary.14-15August190410 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1596 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, New York. Would like to seeChamberlain's speech. Absorbed by news <strong>of</strong>Russian fleet. "How utterly crushing it all is". PortArthur must fall soon: there will be nothing left <strong>of</strong>Russia in the Far East.16 August19042 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1597 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, New York. Mostly familymatters.22-3August19047 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1598 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>27-8August190494

'From New York to Chicago'. Impressed by"wonderful" New York: "The effect at night <strong>of</strong> anelectrified existence is extraordinary".6 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1599 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>The St. Nicholas [Hotel], St. Louis, Missouri.Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Chicago. Exhibition is "really verywonderful".1September19048 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1600 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>88 Gold St., New York. Family news. Georgehaving an operation.6September19043 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1601 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Family news. Thinks Tom willleave the army.9September19045 pagesMS797/I/1602 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, [New York]. He is a littleanxious:"there is a good deal here that is criticalabout the business situation."19September19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1603 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>19September190495

129 Riverside Drive, [New York]. Hopes to beable to report that the proposed company willcome <strong>of</strong>f. Loan might be arranged onWednesday.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1604 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>129 Riverside Drive, [New York]. Family news.23September19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1605 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Amalgamationscheme for leather business sounds promisingbut yet to be confirmed.6 October19046 pagesMS797/I/1606 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Worried aboutGeorge.10 October19042 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1607 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Family news.14 October19044 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1608 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>New York. Confident that he can work with Tom ifhe leaves the army. Other family news especiallyrelating to George.16-17October19047 pages <strong>of</strong> letter paper96

MS797/I/1609 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. A few details <strong>of</strong>his social life.21 October19042 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1610 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Thinks Alfredunder-estimated difficulties <strong>of</strong> the leatherbusiness.24-25October19048 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1611 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. It looks like warhas been averted. The Russians might havebeen tempted to invade India instead. He thinksthe French decision not to get involved has beendecisive.28 October19043 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1612 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Still some doubtas to whether Russia and Britain can avoidfighting. The battlefield is likely to be India.4 November19042 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1613 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>341 West 85th Street, New York. Mr Friedheimarriving soon to discuss the leather business.Important to know what they are doing beforethey order thousands <strong>of</strong> goat skins.13November19044 sides <strong>of</strong> paper97

MS797/I/1614 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Boston, Mass. Had a long interesting talk withJohn Morley, Morley is much interested inRoosevelt. Morley thinks Roosevelt electedbecause <strong>of</strong> patriotism. Roosevelt had doubtedwhether he would win. Morley thinks a 6 yearterm would be better with a maximum <strong>of</strong> 2 terms.20November19043 pages <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1615 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>40 Sydenham Avenue, Liverpool. Family news.20December19044 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1616 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Blaisy-Bas or thereabouts', France. Describes hissurroundings and their journey.[26?]January19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1617 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>'Approaching Rome'. Describes the journey.Short descriptions <strong>of</strong> Italy.27 January19053 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1618 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. Describesjourney, their hotel.29 January19053 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1619 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>30 January190598

Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy, Has read theDaily Mail regarding Balfour's "strong" speech.Thinks he will hold <strong>of</strong>f (from calling an election?)until the Russo-Japanese (?) war is over. Russiawill be gravely weakened by the revolution.4 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1620 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. Margaret'shealth is improving.31 January19053 sides <strong>of</strong> letter paperMS797/I/1621 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. Has influenza.1 February19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1622 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. Details hishealth problems - he must rest for a fortnight.2 February19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1623 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. His health isimproving. Alludes to North Sea Commission.3 February19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1624 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Marine, Rivera, Amalfi, Italy. Description <strong>of</strong>the hotel. Reading Gibbon.4 February19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper99

MS797/I/1625 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Dated 4 February in error. Ravello, Italy. Moredetails on his ear infection.5 February19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1626 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ravello, Italy6 February1905MS797/I/1627 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ravello, Italy. His ill health.7 February19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1628 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ravello, Italy. He is recovering. Requests thatshe buy him a walking stick.13February19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1629 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Ravello, Italy. Is getting stronger but worriesabout her.15February19052 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1630 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Hotel Russie, Rome, Italy. Describes hissurroundings.10 March19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1631 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina26 March100

<strong>Booth</strong> 1905Rome. Gives his travel plans. Rome doesn't loseits charm.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1632 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. All well with him andImogen.12 April19052 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1633 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Passes on George'sviews regarding the leather business. Wishes shewere there to advise him.13 April19053 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1634 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Thanks her forpassing message on.14 April19053 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1635 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to J. ArgyleReturning 'typed copy & revised pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>"Expansion"' [MS797/II/32/1-2?] and enclosingtwo sheets <strong>of</strong> revised matter for insertion.Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics.19 October19053 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1636 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Her mother is muchbetter.31 October19053 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper101

MS797/I/1637 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Family news. <strong>Booth</strong>has been interviewed by the Standard but hassaid nothing.19November19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1638 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Their sewers havebeen inspected and in good order.20November19054 sides notepaperMS797/I/1639 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Hilda disaster isawful.21November19054 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1640 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Meeting last nightwas successful.18 January19062 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1641 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. There has beensleet.18 January19062 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1642 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>18-19January1906102

Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Birmingham is agreat triumph for Chamberlain. The "Labourposition is the event <strong>of</strong> the day". The Liberalswon't like it at all.4 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1643 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Dinner lasted until1.30: Chamberlain almost in tears at times.22February19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1644 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Family news.23February19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1645 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Morley may be best<strong>of</strong>f patching up the quarrel between Curzon andKitchener.1 March19062 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1646 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Aves is strugglingwith his workload.2 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1647 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Has settled the leasefor the cottage.2-3 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper103

MS797/I/1648 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. <strong>Booth</strong>'s plans for thegarden.8 March19061pageMS797/I/1649 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Gardening news.8 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1650 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Family news.9 March19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1651 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Family news. It hassnowed.14 March19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1652 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Details <strong>of</strong> MrGerman's car.15 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1653 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Details <strong>of</strong> Briers'heart attack. He was treated with an injection <strong>of</strong>strychnine. "The strychnine had....enabled him tolive".15 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1654 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine15 March104

<strong>Booth</strong> 1906Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Dr. Burkitt has had tocancel Canadian trip.2 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1655 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Briers on the mend.Has ordered whisky and claret.16 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1656 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Briers not too well.Domestic matters.22 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1657 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Plans for "motoraccommodation" ie garage (with diagrams),23 March19068 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1658 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Briers makingencouraging progress in his recovery. Gloriousweather. Children have enjoyed the lawn.23 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1659 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Thanks for sendingthe teeth: he now has "a full mouth". Insurancematters. Remarks on the weather.28 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper105

MS797/I/1660 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Details <strong>of</strong> theirinsurance policies.29 March19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1661 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Details plans foroutbuildings. Seeks her approval.29 March19063 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1662 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick. Leics. Has forwarded theletter from the missionary's son at Birmingham toGerard Beesley as his wife is a subscriber "as areall the Chamberlains".30 March19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1663 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Histravel plans. Aves is <strong>of</strong>f to Portugal "so he is <strong>of</strong>fmy mind".23 April19063 pages <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1664 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W.George has brought news <strong>of</strong> the engagement. Hedoesn't see why it should remain a secret.30 April19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1665 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>24 Great Cumberland Place, <strong>London</strong>, S.W. Billy'semployment.1 May 19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper106

MS797/I/1666 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Civil Service paper. No address. Has discussedBilly's prospects with him. Pleased at WalterPotter's success.1 May 19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1667 Draft letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to R.T.W.RitchieNot signed. Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.Regarding Margaret's engagement with Billy, " agood and honest gentleman". A long engagementwould be a mistake.4 May 19062 sides <strong>of</strong> paperMS797/I/1668 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Margaret Paulina<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Family matters.Announcement (<strong>of</strong> her engagement) looked"mighty fine".17 May19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1669 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Beginning work onnew statement <strong>of</strong> his Poor Law scheme. TariffCommission meetings are going well.17 May19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1670 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Is glad that Imogen ison the mend.18 May19063 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper107

MS797/I/1671 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Wants to discovermore about Poor Law and work <strong>of</strong> overseers fromPickering19 May19065 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1672 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Motor house looksmagnificent. Wants to chat to squire.31 May19064 sides <strong>of</strong> newspaperMS797/I/1673 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.31 May1906MS797/I/1674 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Family news. Updateon improvements to garage.1 June19066 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1675 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. He is annoyed thatEverard has not accepted his invitation to discussthe kitchen.1 June19062 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1676 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics. Family news.Margaret's Swiss cure has done her good.2 June19064 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper108

MS797/I/1677 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.3 June1906Plans for Gracedieu. Family news11 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaperMS797/I/1678 Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.4 June1906Plans for Gracedieu.8 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper.MS797/I/1679MS797/I/1680-1697Letter from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong>Gracedieu, Whitwick, Leics.Plans for Gracedieu.6 sides <strong>of</strong> notepaper.Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Mostly <strong>letters</strong> to his wife. Subjects include family,plans to alter Gracedieu, statistics on the burden<strong>of</strong> pauperism, proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Poor LawCommission.4 June19061906 June5-December6MS797/I/1698-1716Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1907January 28- 1907 June3109

Correspondents include his wife, Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong> and A. Marshall. Subjects include hishealth and hers, family news, Municipal ReformParty candidates, <strong>Booth</strong>'s privileges as a PrivyCouncillor, Asquith's Budget. Also includesdetailed report <strong>of</strong> conversations at a dinner partyincluding discussions about colonial conferencesand permanent secretariat. Allusions to views <strong>of</strong>fellow guests, Richard Burdon Haldane, HerbertSamuel, Arthur Balfour, Alfred Milner, FrancisHopwood, Sir Frederick Pollock (5 February).Comments on Municipal Reform Party's "gloriousvictory" in the <strong>London</strong> County Council electionwhich "proves that no class can command thepolls".MS797/I/1717-1743Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Margaret <strong>Booth</strong>, Holman Hunt. Subjects includeLight <strong>of</strong> the World, <strong>Booth</strong>'s trips to Scotland andSwitzerland, insurance for their motor vehicles,British foreign policy including relations withGermany and Austria, rumours about Sir EdwardGrey's negotiations with the Austrians andRussians regarding Macedonia.1907 June4 - 1907August 10MS797/I/1744-1768Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1907October 31- 1907December31Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Denis Ritchie, MargaretRitchie, Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects includeproblems with his health, family news, settlement<strong>of</strong> railway dispute ("I see the Free LabourAssociation are disgusted - spoiling for a fight",letter <strong>of</strong> 8 November), Dakkyl case, decidingwhether to get a telephone, Balfour and the tariffreformers.110

MS797/I/1769-1782Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1908January 1 -1908February19Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Margaret Ritchie. Subjects include family news,Mary <strong>Booth</strong>'s health, their trip to Bath.MS797/I/1783-1809Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1908February 26- 1908December31Correspondents include Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Denis Ritchie, and Margaret Ritchie. Subjectsinclude family news, Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>'shealth, improvements to Gracedieu Manor, death<strong>of</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Devonshire, the Education Bill,Cabinet reshuffle involving Winston Churchill andReginald McKenna.MS797/I/1810-1824Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1909January 1 -1909 March17Correspondents include Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Edward Alves, Margaret Ritchie. Subjectsinclude discussions with Sir Herbert Smith andClara Collett, Lloyd George and taxationMS797/I/1825-1844Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1909 June 7- 1909November8Correspondents include Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include Rosebury's speech, visit toIreland.111

MS797/I/1845-1860Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1909November9 - 1909December 5Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include Honours list, speeches <strong>of</strong>Balfour and Lord Rosebury at a meeting.MS797/I/1861-1877Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1910January 25- 1910March 6Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Margaret Ritchie. Subjects include"disappointing" result in Loughborough in theGeneral Election, domestic matters, "vastlyfunny" dreadnought hoax, prospects <strong>of</strong> anothergeneral election, views <strong>of</strong> George Barnes onpolitical situation.MS797/I/1878-1891Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include possibility <strong>of</strong> renting land, familynews.1910 March7 - 1910August 4MS797/I/1892a-1907Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1910August 13 -1910December30112

Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include trip to France.MS797/I/1908-1911Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1911 July -1911OctoberLetters to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong> and Margaret<strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include Bourne case, his hopesthat Franco - German tensions will be defusedand that threatened withdrawal <strong>of</strong> Frenchbanking credits will be averted, rumours <strong>of</strong> warcrisis involving English <strong>of</strong>ficers in Dunkirk andrailway movements in that vicinity.MS797/I/1912-1927Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1912February16 - 1912April 28Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,Margaret <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include Churchill's"ingenious" ideas for the navy: "it will beinteresting to see what view the Germans take <strong>of</strong>these huxtering methods". Also includes detaileddescriptions <strong>of</strong> his voyage to Brazil.MS797/I/1928-1934Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1912 May 1- 1912 May14Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>, Imogen<strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include trip to Brazil withdetailed descriptions <strong>of</strong> Manaus and the voyagefrom Para.MS797/I/1935-1945Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>1912 May15 - 1912August 7113

Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong> andEdward Aves. Subjects include trip to Brazil anddetailed descriptions <strong>of</strong> voyages,"political trouble"and riots in Para. Mentions Alfred <strong>Booth</strong>'s heartattack, which was much more severe than<strong>Booth</strong>'s own attack.MS797/I/1946-1958Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1912August 10 -1912September17Includes <strong>letters</strong> and postcards to Mary Catherine<strong>Booth</strong> and Margaret Paulina <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjectsinclude his travels by car in England andScotland.MS797/I/1959-1973Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1912September21 - 1912October 20Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong> andMargaret Paulina <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include histravels in Scotland, possibility <strong>of</strong> the servantsjoining the Prudential, the Crisp Loan to theChinese government.MS797/I/1974-1990Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1913January 9 -1913 April10Includes <strong>letters</strong> from Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>,George Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects includeprospective deal with Farquhar, Lima businessnews, <strong>Booth</strong>'s views on insuring against war riskin terms <strong>of</strong> shipping.MS797/I/1991- Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1913 April114

2003 13 - 1913May 19Includes <strong>letters</strong> to George Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong> andMary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include hisvoyage to the United States, comments on Britishdelegation to planning meeting for centenarycelebrations <strong>of</strong> American peace treaty. Includesbrief remarks on Sir Henry Vivian, Allen Baker,General Wood's views on immigration and racialinter-marriage, relations between Japan and theUnited States.MS797/I/2004-2020Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong> andGeorge Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Includes his trip toCanada, descriptions <strong>of</strong> Montreal, his trip toScotland (including descriptions <strong>of</strong> Peebles),discussions with Aves about <strong>Booth</strong>'s work ontrade unions ("He thinks its opening positions toomuch <strong>of</strong> an attack...").1913 May21 - 1913October 12MS797/I/2009-2518Letters <strong>of</strong> Margaret Paulina <strong>Booth</strong> 1895February 8- 1895 July9Includes <strong>letters</strong> to George Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include family news.MS797/I/2021-2042Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1913October 13- 1913December31Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Edward Aves, MargaretPaulina <strong>Booth</strong> and Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>.Subjects include discussions with GeorgeAskwith about research into industrial relations.115

MS797/I/2043-2072Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1914January 8 -1914 June27Includes <strong>letters</strong> to George Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong>, MaryCatherine <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include Home Rule inIreland and possibility <strong>of</strong> a general election soon.Thinks the Liberal Government is "done for". Alsodetails <strong>of</strong> plans for distribution <strong>of</strong> companyshares within the family, voyage to the UnitedStates.MS797/I/2073-2090Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>, EdwardAves, George Macaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects includehis trip to the United States, tribute to JosephChamberlain on his death, Home Rule Bill forIreland.1914 June27 - 1914July 22MS797/I/2091-2110Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>, GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>, Edward Aves. Subjects includehis trip to the United States, "fearfully dangerous"international situation. Predicts internationalconference will result from the crisis. Detailedspeculation on what will happen. Tribute toAlbert <strong>Booth</strong> on his death.1914 July27 - 1914December28MS797/I/2111-2133Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1915January 7 -1915 March116

Includes <strong>letters</strong> to Mary Catherine <strong>Booth</strong>, GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>, Edward Aves. Subjects includeBelgian refugees, naval blockade.20MS797/I/2134-2155Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include his wife, GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>, Margaret <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjectsinclude Dardanelles, recruitment to the army,Kitchener "an odd specimen", his rheumatism,family news, Lloyd George, coal miners' strike.1915 April1- 1915July 20MS797/I/2156-2177Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include his wife, GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include Munitions Bill,war news, possibility <strong>of</strong> new allies in the war,Dardanelles. Believes party government "had tobe abandoned, the coalition is a failure, theremaining alternative is a war ministry".Germany bent on “world domination". A hastypeace is "ill advised" (1 August 1915).1915 July21-1915September7MS797/I/2178-2200Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1915September8-1915October 6Correspondents include his wife and GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include Zeppelinraids in <strong>London</strong>, Asquith "as unsatisfactory asever", Lloyd George, war news, the Balkans.MS797/I/2201-2216Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1916January 4-117

Correspondents include his wife and GeorgeMacaulay <strong>Booth</strong>. Subjects include war news,wolfram, Zeppelin raids, improvements to thehouse, opening <strong>of</strong> the Octavia Hill Memorial Hall(Notting Hill),1916February17MS797/I/2217-2228Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1916February20 - 1916March 8Mostly <strong>letters</strong> to his wife. Subjects include:family news, war news especially Verdun,submarine attacks, zeppelin raids.MS797/I/2229-2249Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1916March 9 -1916 April3Correspondents include his wife, D. H. Crompton,and C. E. Gardiner. Subjects include businessplans in the United States, speculation about thewar ("we.....can not hope to force the conclusionbefore 1917", 13 March), Verdun <strong>of</strong>fensive,changes caused by the war ("In Europe wholeclasses will be permanently impoverished", 23March), family news, disruption caused byimpending zeppelin attacks, Asquith's"contemptible" speech, Carson's attack onKitchener.MS797/I/2250-2266Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include his wife and D. H.Crompton. Subjects include potentialamalgamation <strong>of</strong> businesses, America pr<strong>of</strong>itingfrom the war, Europe will be the poorer, tradeunions "threaten the greatest difficulty" (7 April).1181916 April3 - 1916May 8

British government incompetence might bringabout incomplete victory or defeat. Governmentsurvives because <strong>of</strong> baseless fear that "no otherpossible government would have a united peoplebehind it". War will last beyond 1917. Gallipolinearly brought down government. "The idea thatthe enemy might collapse is very commonly held& has been throughout the war" (17 April), IrishEaster (Sinn Fein) rising.MS797/I/2267-2282Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong> 1916 May 9- 1916 May25Letters and draft <strong>letters</strong>. Correspondents includehis wife and D. H. Crompton. Subjects includefamily news, business matters (especially shoeleather, shipping), situation in Ireland.MS797/I/2283-2301Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include George Macaulay<strong>Booth</strong>, D. H. Crompton, Margaret Ritchie.Subjects include "furious" fighting in war, familynews1916 May25-1916November17MS797/I/2302-2308Letters from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Booth</strong>Correspondents include his wife, MargaretPaulina <strong>Booth</strong>, Sir Hubert Llewellyn-Smith.Subjects include family, business, old agepensions, the apparent reduction in the number<strong>of</strong> paupers between 1892 and 1899,undated119

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