2012-10-19 - Union Catholic Regional High School

2012-10-19 - Union Catholic Regional High School

2012-10-19 - Union Catholic Regional High School

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Senior TimelineBy Jillian GonzalesThe beginning of senior year means the beginning of college applications, which seem to be theonly thing students, parents, and teachers talk about, besides trying to stay clean of senioritis. Everysenior has the same problem in September: where to start and how? To become a little more organized,Guidance has made a monthly timeline:September- Register for the SATs, SATs Subject Tests, and/or ACT. There are only a few more testingopportunities for seniors in order for colleges to receive these scores before determining yourfate; visit the college table in the cafeteria during lunch if interested in that college. This way studentscan gain more information without leaving school or looking online; seniors should starttheir applications and meet with guidance counselors.October- Students should submit Early Decision, Early Action and Rolling Admissions applications.November- Students should continue visiting colleges, going to interviews, and researching.December/January- Students should complete and submit financial aid forms.February/March/April- Students will begin to receive decisionsfrom colleges, students should revisit their top college, once thefinal decision is made, inform other schools that accepted you.May - May 1st is the final date by which you must notify thecollege that you are going to attend.June- Graduation!What Do You Think, UC ?By: Melissa TitoloFor this installment of “What Do You Think, UC?” weasked the juniors and seniors of <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> abouttheir predictions and preferences for Halloween <strong>2012</strong>.Here’s what they said:

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