Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFREVIEW ARTICLEPHARMACEUTICAL INNOVATIONS ISSN 2249-1031Table: List of medicinal plants having wound healing <strong>and</strong> antioxidant activityS.N Botanical name Family Part used References1 Acacia Senegal (L. Wild) Fabaceae Bark [15]2 Acalypha indica L. Euphobiaceae Whole plant [15]3 Achyranthes aspera Linn Amaranthaceae Leaves [16]4 Allophyllus rubifolius (Hochst. Ex A Saphindaceae Leaf [15]Rich.) Engl.5 Allophylus africanus Beau, Sapindaceae Leaves [17]6 Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae Roots [18]7 Anagallis arvensis L. Primulaceae Aerial parts [19]8 Anagallis foemina Mill Primulaceae Aerial parts [19]9 Anogeissus dhofarica A.J. Scott Combretaceae Tubers [15]10 Anogeissus leiocarpus Combretaceae Leaves [18]11 Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Rubiaceae Whole plant [20]12 Aristolochia bracteolate L. Aristolochiaceae Leaves [21]13 Becium dhofarense Sebald Lamiaceae Shoot [15]14 Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf Zingiberaceae Rhizome [22]15 Bridelia ferruginea Benth Phyllanthaceae Leaf [23]16 Buddleja globosa Hope Scrophulariaceae Leaf [24]17 Centelia asiastica(L.)Urb Araliaceae Leaves [25]18 Chromolaena odorata L. Asteraceae Leaves [26]19 Cleod<strong>and</strong>rum infortunatum L. Verbenaceae Leaves [27]20 Combretum smeathmanii G. Don Combretaceae Leaves [28]21 Corchorus olitorius Tiliaceae Leaves [18]22 Cordia perrottetti L. Boraginaceae Bark [15]23 Couroupita guianensis Aublet Lecythiadaceae: Whole plant [29]24 Crateva magna Buch Ham Capparidaceae Leaves [30]25 Croton bonpl<strong>and</strong>ianum Euporbiaceae Leaves [31]26 Curcuma longa L. Zingiberaceae Curcumin [32]27 Dendrophthoe falcate (L. f.) Ettingsh Loranthaceae Aerial parts [33]28 Ficus asperifolia Miq Moraceae Bark [34]29 Ficus lutea Vahl Moraceae Whole plant [15]Volume 3, Issue 4, July − August 201334 | P a g ehttp://www.ijpi.org

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