Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

Medicinal Plants with Wound Healing and Antioxidant Activity ... - IJPI

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFREVIEW ARTICLEPHARMACEUTICAL INNOVATIONS ISSN 2249-1031ROS as well as in regulating the woundhealing process.Hence, if the plant or its extract havingantioxidant potentials could be a goodtherapeutic agent for accelerating thewound healing process <strong>and</strong> could beexpected to promote epithelisation bycontrolling oxidative stress. Botanicals<strong>with</strong> antioxidant or free radicalscavengingactivity thus can play asignificant role in healing of wounds [11] .The aim of treating wounds is to shortenthe time taken for healing <strong>and</strong> to reducerisks of undesired complications [12] .The wound healing activities of plantshave been explored in folklore. <strong>Plants</strong>promote therepairmechanisms in the natural way. Herbalmedicines in wound management involvedisinfection, debridement <strong>and</strong> providinga moist environment to encourage theestablishment of the suitable environmentfor natural healing process [13] . Extensiveresearch has been carried out in the areaof wound healing management throughmedicinal plants. Topical applications ofcompounds <strong>with</strong> free-radical-scavengingproperties in patients have shownimproved wound healing activity <strong>and</strong>also protect tissues from oxidativedamage [14]In this review an attempt has been madeto explore medicinal plants havingpotential wound healing <strong>and</strong> antioxidantproperties which could be beneficial intherapeutic practice <strong>and</strong> helpful forresearcher to develop new <strong>Wound</strong>healing formulations for human use. Alist of plants possessing both woundhealing <strong>and</strong> antioxidant properties ispresented in table1 <strong>with</strong> their botanicalname, family, part used <strong>and</strong>corresponding reference.Conclusion:Many plants used traditionally intreatment of wound also have potentialantioxidant activity. This review helpsthe researchers to explore plants for thetreatment of wounds <strong>with</strong> novelantioxidant activity that could bebeneficial in therapeutic practice.Volume 3, Issue 4, July − August 201333 | P a g ehttp://www.ijpi.org

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