Cable and Wireless Fitting Guide (Last updated 23.01 ... - ReSound

Cable and Wireless Fitting Guide (Last updated 23.01 ... - ReSound

Cable and Wireless Fitting Guide (Last updated 23.01 ... - ReSound

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<strong>Cable</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Fitting</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>Fitting</strong> withTruly wireless fitting(no cable required)4-pin socket cable CS44with FlexConnect <strong>and</strong>3-pin flex strip CS63.3-pin flex strip CS63<strong>and</strong> cable CS63.Programming Adaptor<strong>and</strong> 4-pin CS44 socketcable.<strong>ReSound</strong> Verso TM & <strong>ReSound</strong> Alera ®RIE WL - VOx62 / ALx62 ● ●RIE WL - VOx61 / ALx61 ● ● ●RIE - VOx60 / ALx60 ● ●BTE WL - VOx67, VOx77, VOx88 ● ●BTE WL - ALx67, ALx77/87 ● ●Custom WL ● ● ●Custom ● ●Custom IIC - VOx10-C<strong>ReSound</strong> Lex TMRM - LXx00-M<strong>ReSound</strong> Vea TMBTE - VE360, VEx70, VEx80Custom ● ●Programming AdaptorII <strong>and</strong> 4-pin CS44socket cable.●ProgrammingPill●●When fitting wireless it’s recommended to use a USB hub that enables the Airlink to be placed in an upright position. Please note that all<strong>ReSound</strong> hearing instruments wireless <strong>and</strong> non-wireless fittings require a fresh battery when fitted with Aventa 3.5.<strong>Fitting</strong> with<strong>ReSound</strong> Aventa 2.9x4-pin socket cable CS44.4-pin socket cable CS44with FlexConnect <strong>and</strong>3-pin flex strip CS63.3-pin flex strip CS63 <strong>and</strong>cable CS63.ProgrammingAdaptor <strong>and</strong> 4-pin socketcable CS44.No battery.Fresh battery.Fresh battery.Fresh battery.Fitted with Aventa 2.9dot 2 by <strong>ReSound</strong> ®BTE ● ●<strong>ReSound</strong> Essence TMBTE●Custom ● ●<strong>ReSound</strong> Sparx TMBTE●Reminder: To ensure successful programming, be sure to note whethera battery is required. Always use a fresh battery when programming if abattery is required.

Battery<strong>Guide</strong>Receiver-In-the-EarRIESize 10AbatteryBehind-the-ear InstrumentsRIESize 312batteryMini BTESize 312batteryBTESize 13batterySt<strong>and</strong>ardPower BTESize 13batterySuper powerBTESize 675batteryVO960 VO961, VO962 VO967 VO977 VO988VO760 VO761, VO762 VO767 VO777 VO788VO560 VO561, VO562 VO567 VO577 VO588AL960 AL961, AL962 AL967 AL977/987 AL977/987AL760 AL761, AL762 AL767 AL777/787 AL777/787AL560 AL561, AL562 AL567 AL577/587 AL577/587AL461 AL467 AL477/487 AL477/487VE360 VE370 VE380VE270VE280VE170VE180DTT360DTT260DTT160ES70ES80EL70EL80SP90In-the-ear InstrumentsRemote MicrophoneSt<strong>and</strong>ardRemote MicSize 10AbatteryRemote MicSize 312batteryRemote MicSize 13batteryIIC/CIC/MCSize 10AbatteryITCSize 312batteryITESize 312/13batteryVO910M VO930M VO910 VO930 VO950VO710M VO730M VO710 VO730 VO750VO510M VO530M VO510 VO530 VO550AL910M AL930M AL950M AL910/AL920 AL930 AL940/AL950AL710M AL730M AL750M AL710/AL720 AL730 AL740/AL750AL510M AL530M AL550M AL510/AL520 AL530 AL540/AL550AL410/AL420 AL430 AL440/AL450LX800MLX400MVE310 VE330 VE350VE210 VE230 VE250VE110 VE130 VE150ES10 ES30 ES50EL10 EL30 EL50M200522-GB-13.08-Rev.G

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