Application Form - Ngwaketse Land Board

Application Form - Ngwaketse Land Board

Application Form - Ngwaketse Land Board

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REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANAAPPLICATION FOR CUSTOMARY LAND RIGHTS1. Full names of applicant………………………………………………………………………………2. Postal Address……………………………………………….Tel:No……………………………….3. Date of Birth:…………………………… ………4. Age……………………. 5. Man/Woman*6. Are you citizen of Botswana? Yes/No* ID No……………………………………7. Marital Status: Married/Single/Divorced/Separated/Widowed.*8. If married, name of spouse ………………………………………………………………………….9. Name of place where plot applied for is …………………………………………………….……10. Present use of the plot applied for ………………………………………………………………….11. Size of plot applied for …………………………………………………………………………….12. Proposed use: (a) residential (b) ploughing© cemetery (d) Others: specify …………………………………….13. Is the site applied for debushed. Yes/No*14. List in full the names of people whom you have consulted who hold land borderingthe plot which you are applying …………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15. List any other land rights you possess anywhere in the Country.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16. Are all the sites mentioned above developed? Yes/No*If no give reasons ……………………………………………………………………………………*Delete words which do not apply

17. I ……………………………………………..state that the above information is complete and(full name of applicant)correct. I understand that the discovery of incorrect or false information on the applicationshall result in the rejection of my application and/or prosecution and/or forfeiture of the plotif already granted to me.…………………………………………………………..(Signature of Applicant)…………………………………(Date)RECOMMENDATION BY LAND OVERSEER18. I ……………………………………………………………………confirm that the plot applied for(full name of <strong>Land</strong> Overseer)above:(a)(b)(c)has been allocated/not been allocated.*its allocation will interfere/not interfere with other people with other people’s rights*the proposed use will/will not conflict with the land use in the area*……………………………………………………….(Signature of <strong>Land</strong> Overseer)…………………………..(Date)*Delete words which do not apply

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