Dossier de presse Lozere 2010 English Final ... - Lozère Tourisme

Dossier de presse Lozere 2010 English Final ... - Lozère Tourisme

Dossier de presse Lozere 2010 English Final ... - Lozère Tourisme

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Map of Lozère3

l’Aubrac22rd-23th May 2009Transhumance FestivalTranshumance is one of themainstays of life in the uplands of theAubrac. It concerns the movement offlocks from one pasture site toanother.In spring, transhumance is carried outfrom the plains to the mountains andwhen October comes the flocks comeback down to the plains. Nowadaysthe transhumance festival hasbecome the occasion to celebrate thearrival of spring by organising theascent of many flocks to the rhythm offolk dances while local produce isenjoyed.InformationNasbinals Tourism Office*Tél. 33 (0)4 66 32 55 73www.ot.nasbinals.free.frAumont-Aubrac Tourism Office**Tél. 33 (0)4 66 42 88 70www.ot-aumont-aubrac.frFournels Tourism Office**Tél. 33 (0) 4 66 31 67 97www.fournels.frA strip of land on the western edge of Lozère, l'Aubrachas vast, wild beauty with peaks close to 1300 metres.Enormous slabs of weathered rock are set among thegreen and grey pasture land.Numerous natural lakes, dating back to the Ice Age,glisten and abundant streams whisper through thepastures. A traditionally pastoral area whichcelebrates « transhumance » every May, when youcan see the beautiful Aubrac breed of gol<strong>de</strong>n cattlewith black-ringed eyes, <strong>de</strong>corated with multi-colouredpompoms.The old burons, cottages with lauze stone roofs evokethe past and the manufacture of tome, a necessity forthe preparation of “aligot”. Nature dominatesthroughout and offers unforgettable getaways forwalkers, skiers and anglers.The stretch of the St Jacques way from Puy en Velayto Conques allows the discovery on foot of a stillpreservedarea far from industrialisation and pollution.RECIPE FOR ALIGOT1 kg bintje potatoes – 400 g fresh tome cheese – 200 g doublecream – 1 or 2 cloves garlic – salt and pepper.Peel the potatoes and garlic. Cut the potatoes into large chunksand cook with the garlic for 20 mins in boiling water.Meanwhile, cut the fresh tome into thin slices.At the end of cooking remove the garlic, mash the potatoes,adding a little of their cooking water if necessary to achieve therequired consistency.Stir in the double cream with a woo<strong>de</strong>n spoon, then quickly add400g fresh tome, stirring vigorously to incorporate air into thealigot which should flow off the spatula in a ribbon. If <strong>de</strong>sired, youcan add another crushed clove of garlic for flavour.4

LA MARGERIDEThe beast of GévaudanAn unsolved mysteryFrom 1764 to 1767, at least a hundredpeople were victims of an unknown« beast » and as many were attacked.Concentrated in the Haute-Lozère and theMonts du Vivarais, the crimes wereblamed on a creature of unknowncharacter, endowed with a gift foruncommon ubiquity, and fear gripped thepopulation. Despite numerous searchesand the involvement of hunters employedby the king, the attacks continued.On June 19th 1767 Jean Chastel killed alarge wolf near Saugues and the attacksceased. Many theories was advanced onthe origin of the evil <strong>de</strong>eds: a large wolf, ahyena, a pack of wolves.Much was written about this phenomenonwithout anything certain being known of itsorigins. Gérard Menatory, who started theGévaudan wolf park mounted a lifelong<strong>de</strong>fence of wolves and campaignedagainst this terrible story which hadresulted in the complete eradication of thewolf from our region.InformationSaint-Chély d’Apcher Tourism Office**Tél. 33(0)4 66 31 03 67www.otsaintchelydapcher.comMalzieu Tourism Office*Tél. 33(0)4 66 31 82 73www.gevaudan.comLangogne Tourism Office**Tél. 33(0)4 66 69 01 38www.langogne.comSituated in the north-east of the département,nestled besi<strong>de</strong> Aubrac in the west, la Margeri<strong>de</strong>is a granite region whose contours were sculptedduring the Palaeozoic era. Formerly owned by theCount of Gévaudan, this land bears a rich an<strong>de</strong>ventful history.Dense forests punctuate vast landscapes of moors,meadows and pastures found between 1000 and1500 metres altitu<strong>de</strong>.As if by magic, imposing blocks of weatheredgranite, <strong>de</strong>posited here and there, have built amysterious, chaotic landscape ma<strong>de</strong> of heaps ofrocks, strange piles of enormous size, oval or round,scattered on the moors on in the woods. This granitewhich provi<strong>de</strong>s the robust, rugged architecture of thefarms and houses rooted on the high plateaux, addsan extra appeal to the region.La Margeri<strong>de</strong> is a secret land, a land of silenceand whispers. It is lit by the paths, the small roadswhich criss-cross it, but above all by the manystreams or rivers such as the Truyère popular withanglers, and in the course of the seasons is coveredwith heather or narcissi…It offers surroundings of infinite wealth, preservedand welcoming, inviting for relaxation as well as fornumerous outdoor pursuits. From Marvejols toLangogne, from Malzieu to Chateauneuf-<strong>de</strong>-Randon,the land of Lozère offers you the serenity ofauthentically preserved countrysi<strong>de</strong>.St Alban sur Limagnole Tourism Office **Tél. 33 (0)4 66 31 57 01Châteauneuf <strong>de</strong> Randon Tourism OfficeTel : 33 (0) 4 66 47 99 52www.cantonchâteauneuf<strong>de</strong>randon.fr5

The Cévennes and Mont LozèreSince 1970, the date of itscreation, the National Park ofthe Cevennes has set out toprotect animal and plantspecies, but also to create aharmonious relationshipbetween man and hisenvironment, since this is theonly inhabited national park.Contact:Parc National <strong>de</strong>s Cévennes48400 FloracTél. (0) 33 4 66 49 53 00info@cevennes-parcnational.frwww.cevennesparcnational.frInformationFlorac**, Ispagnac Tarn,Tarnon,Mimente Tourism OfficeTél. (0) 33 4 66 45 01 14www.mescevennes.comVallée Longue Calbertois TourismOffice *Tél. (0)33 4 66 45 40 71www.coeur<strong>de</strong>scevennes.comPont <strong>de</strong> Montvert Tourism Office *Tél.(0) 33 4 66 45 81 94www.cevennes-montlozere.comVillefort Tourism Office **Tél.(0) 4 66 46 87 30www.villefort-cevennes.comBoth beautiful and uncontrolled, between Aigoualand Mont Lozère, to the south east of the<strong>de</strong>partment, the countrysi<strong>de</strong> of the Cevennespresents a strong contrast between the harshness ofmountain life and the mildness of the Mediterraneanclimate.This land of bitter history and rugged characterwas the site of the war at the beginning of theXVIIIth century between the Camisards and theHuguenot fiefdom.It’s the land of shale and ravines, rocky outcrops,steep slopes at the bottom of which mean<strong>de</strong>r anumber of streams and torrents. This is also the landof scrub and beech forests, fir plantations, groves ofoaks and above all of chestnut trees.Despite its ruggedness the area still provi<strong>de</strong>s abeautiful and hid<strong>de</strong>n natural setting where countlesshamlets of squat houses have breathed life intothese impenetrable mountains. On the barrenslopes, the system of terraces allowed the cultivationof “the gol<strong>de</strong>n tree”, the famous mulberry bush whichwith the arrival of silk, contributed to the wealth ofthe region, but especially the “bread tree” orchestnut, the symbol of the Cevennes and food forgenerations of people of the Cevennes.From Florac to Saint-Germain-<strong>de</strong>-Calberte, alandscape of winding roads, the Cevennes arepacked with picturesque tours with limitless viewsand superb sites. To the west, the majestic granitebarrier of Mont Lozère contrasts its “bald” summitswith gentle contours. Nicknamed « the mountain ofsprings », it reaches an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 1700m. Ramblingtrails provi<strong>de</strong>d there ensure magnificent walks.In winter the snow envelops Mont Lozère enabling6cross-country skiing at Bleymard-Mont-Lozère orMas <strong>de</strong> la Barque.

The Tarn and Jonte Gorges12th-13th June 20095th Adventure TrailTarn GorgesThe Tarn Gorges AdventureTrail is a multi-activity coursewhere 2 days of different APPNevents are combined. Thecourse will take you to the heartof the Tarn Gorges and theGrands Causses crossing theCausse Méjean and themountain roads of the JonteGorges.InformationLe Rozier*Tourism OfficeTél. 33(0) 5 65 62 60 89www.office<strong>de</strong>tourisme.gorgesdutarn.comMeyrueis Tourism Office**Tél. 33(0) 4 66 45 60 33www.meyrueis-office-tourisme.comSainte-Enimie Tourism Office**Tél. 33(0) 4 66 48 53 44www.gorgesdutarn.netLe Massegros Tourism Office*Tél: 33(0) 466 48 88 08www.gorgesdutarn-sauveterre.comThe source of the Tarn is at an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 1600mon Mont Lozère. Teeming with numeroustorrents along its length, over the course ofmillennia the river has been hollowing out a <strong>de</strong>epgroove between the Méjean and Sauveterreplateaux since the Quaternary Period, sculptinga veritable canyon in the limestone massif of theGrands Causses.From Ispagnac to Le Rozier, the Tarn Gorgesalternate crystal-clear, still water (planiols), andbubbling rapids (rajols).The profile of the rocks, the steep cliffs and there-emergence un<strong>de</strong>rground contribute to theextraordinary beauty of this <strong>de</strong>ep passagewhose sheer si<strong>de</strong>s reach a height of 500m.Through market towns, villages and hamlets, 53kilometres of well-<strong>de</strong>fined mean<strong>de</strong>rs reveal asuccession of narrow gorges, cirques and rockychaos.The Gorges of the Jonte, a tributary of the Tarnoriginating on Mont Aigoual and running from LeRozier to Meyrueis, provi<strong>de</strong> 20 kilometres ofequally beautiful scenery. On the peaks on bothsi<strong>de</strong>s of the Tarn: the Grands Causses.At an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 1000m, the Méjean Causseopens onto a vast steppe of yellow grass, asbewitching as a <strong>de</strong>sert. Its landscapes, dottedwith typical stone-roofed hamlets and shepherdshuts, undulate as far as the eye can see. TheSauveterre Causse is a less arid limestoneplateau with quite hilly terrain in the south west. 7

La Vallée du LotThe Lot ValleyThe Lot ValleyThis brings together the 22communities of the upper Lotvalley. This initiative is <strong>de</strong>signed topromote the heritage, in thebroa<strong>de</strong>st sense, of thisgeographically coherent territory,the “Land of Art and History” isconcerned with the promotion ofhistoric monuments but also theawareness of the heritage in thebroa<strong>de</strong>st sense.ContactPays d’Art et d’histoireTel: 06 78 86 36 61Nelly.lafont@laposte.netInformationMen<strong>de</strong> Tourism Office***Tél. (0) 33 4 66 94 00 23www.ot-men<strong>de</strong>.frCanourgue Tourism Office **Tél. (0) 4 66 32 83 67www.la-canourgue.comChanac Tourism Office*Tél.33 (0) 4 66 48 29 28www.chanac.frBagnols-les-Bains Tourism Office*Tél.33 (0) 4 66 32 47 61 13www.ot-bagnolslesbains.comThe <strong>de</strong>signation « Lot Valley » <strong>de</strong>scribes thecollections of cantons, numbering 72, which inclu<strong>de</strong>within their boundaries a part of the basin which feedsthe Lot. (Lot and its tributaries).The area <strong>de</strong>fined as the Lot Valley covers 12,280km²,corresponding to 590 communities, around half ofwhich bor<strong>de</strong>r the river.The source of the Lot is at an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 1,214m onthe north of Mont Lozère and flows into the Garonneat Aiguillon (altitu<strong>de</strong> 29m), after travelling 481km,which explains the breadth of the territory studied andits diversity.In<strong>de</strong>ed, the Lot and its tributaries cross around twentydifferent natural areas: flowing west towards laMargeri<strong>de</strong>, Aubrac, Planèze <strong>de</strong> Saint Flour andBoral<strong>de</strong>s on the north bank, flowing north of MontLozère and the northerly edges of the GrandsCausses on the south bank.The Lot Valley crosses the département from East toWest. It’s a fertile region, at the junction of differenttypes of landscape and with innumerable historicalremains, châteaux, fortresses, churches. ThePhilibert Delorme-style, or barrel-vaulted, roofs, are afeature of this valley.Men<strong>de</strong>, the prefecture of the département, is visitedfor the beauty of its old town centre, its old houses,impressive gothic cathedral which seems to watchover the town, the Notre Dame Bridge which spansthe Lot, is a 12th century masterpiece.The heritage trail is lined with 28 marker postsallowing you to discover it at your leisure.Many pe<strong>de</strong>strian trails inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the “Aoumenet petitgui<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Men<strong>de</strong>” visitor gui<strong>de</strong>, created by children forchildren, are beautiful walks.8

New for <strong>2010</strong>From the beginning of the <strong>2010</strong>fishing season, the LozèreFe<strong>de</strong>ration for Angling andProtection of the AquaticEnvironment and the AAPPMAof Langogne and Villefort haveprovi<strong>de</strong>d two areas for anglerson Naussac and Villefort lakes.Local authorities, the jointcommunities of Haut Allier andVillefort, and public fun<strong>de</strong>rs (theState, Region, Département andnational fe<strong>de</strong>ration) have ma<strong>de</strong> avery significant contribution tothe provision of these facilities.So on both sites you will nowfind:• a specialist reception area;• fishing professionals to teachangling or the improvement oftechnique;• hire of fishing or high techequipment (GPS, echosoun<strong>de</strong>rs, etc;• boat hire;• fishing-themed stays with localhosts;• comprehensive information onfishing in the Lozère and onlocal tourist services;• catering facilities or, moresimply, the opportunity to enjoy apleasant stay in a locationentirely <strong>de</strong>voted to fishing.An angling centre for holidaysin theheart of the countrysi<strong>de</strong>A real shop window for countrysi<strong>de</strong> holidays inLangogne, aimed at <strong>de</strong>veloping angling activities in thearea, this forms part of an expansion of proposedoperations around Naussac lake. It will serve as a linkbetween the tourist offices of the region.Constructed with a wood-framed upper storey, thisbuilding conforms to the highest environmentalstandards (wood cladding on the faca<strong>de</strong>, solar-poweredand geothermic water heating to increase itsbioclimatic properties).Within a space <strong>de</strong>voted to the discovery of aquatic andnatural environments, there are temporary andpermanent exhibitions about aquatic environments, thenatural world and the function of the Naussac waterbasin which is fed from neighbouring rivers.Courses and workshops on making fishing flies are alsogoing to be organised.The angling centre is situated near the shore of thelake. A car park and an adapted pontoon will allowpeople with restricted mobility to discover the joys offishing. The 1.8km pathway around the lake is alsoaccessible, and, thanks to the hunting fe<strong>de</strong>ration, it willbe dotted with signposts or an audio-gui<strong>de</strong> systemproviding information on the natural environment.Mid-way round, opposite the angling centre, a birdwatchingcabin has already been set up allowingvisitors to familiarise themselves with the coots, ducks,grebes and gulls which inhabit this magnificentmountain lake.www.villefortpeche.comwww.naussacpeche.com9

New for <strong>2010</strong>The Saint Guilhem wayThis is the path that was formerly followed bypilgrims heading for Saint Guilhem le Désert(Remains of the cross and tomb of SaintGuilhem).The route crosses four départements: Lozère,Gard, Aveyron and Hérault, starting fromAumont-Aubrac at its high point by the A75motorway. In total 240km (12 stages) of anunforgettable hike with a possible diversion viaLe Rozier and the roads around the Jonte cliffs.It passes over the Aubrac plateau, the Causse<strong>de</strong> Sauveterre and la Canourgue, then throughthe Tarn gorges at Sainte Enimie. Next itcrosses the Causse Méjean, the massif ofMount Aigoual near Meyrueis and the Vallée duBonheur, drops back down to Le Vigan thenclimbs the Causse <strong>de</strong> Blandas, the Cirque <strong>de</strong>Navacelles, and finally reaches the abbey ofGellone at Saint Guilhem.On the initiative of the Comité Départemental <strong>de</strong>Randonnée Pé<strong>de</strong>stre <strong>de</strong> Lozère (Lozère HikingCommittee), a short gui<strong>de</strong> is being published tomaximise enjoyment of this magnificent hikewhich inclu<strong>de</strong>s varied landscapes and sightsalong the whole route; landscapes which arenumbered among the most unspoilt andimportant in the country. There is a particularlynotable diversity of flora, as a result of the manydifferent environments and altitu<strong>de</strong>s.Contact: Association « Les amis du Chemin <strong>de</strong>Saint Guilhem » Mairie du Vigan30120 LE VIGAN Mail : chlem@live.fr10

New in <strong>2010</strong>24th July <strong>2010</strong>Régordane Festivalsin Gar<strong>de</strong> GuérinThe Régordane Way« The routes of tolerance »The Régordane route follows a geologicalfault across the Massif Central to link Saint Gillesdu Gard to Le Puy en Velay, over 242km. Anancient communication route for culture andtra<strong>de</strong>, the Régordane way is a historic routepopularised in the Middle Ages by the famouspilgrimages from Le Puy en Velay to the abbeychurchof Saint Gilles.Today it's a route with huge tourist and culturalpotential based on the variety and calibre ofthe sites crossed in the five areas: Le Velay, LeGévaudan, the Cevennes, the Costières and theCamargue (141 km in the Gard, 46 km in HauteLoire and 55 km in Lozère).The Régordane brings together the reputation ofone of the most important pilgrimage routes inChristianity (Saint Gilles) with Rome andthe Way of Saint James to Compostela.The traffic of people and of i<strong>de</strong>as resulted in thesuccessive reconsi<strong>de</strong>ration of the RomanCatholic church, of Catharism or ofProtestantism. These encompass the politicalabsolutism of Rabaut Saint Etienne of Nîmes, coauthorof the Declaration of the Rights of Manand the economic absolutism of the miningindustry.The concept of tolerance, <strong>de</strong>fined by the 1995UNESCO-sponsored symposium in Nîmes, andone in Le Puy en Velay in 1997, based on culturaldiversity and itinerancy, has long beenassociated with both the Régordane route andthe name, the origins of which remainmysterious.11

Tourism & Disability in LozèreAs long ago as 1975 Lozère gave us a mo<strong>de</strong>l for areception centre able to accommodate people with anyform of physical or mental disability. The départementhas acquired a <strong>de</strong>served reputation for meeting thestandards for accessibility for disabled people with theaim of fully integrating the disabled person into societyas soon as possible.1973 saw the 1st National Games for Young Peoplewith Cerebral Palsy, in MontrodatEuro-Mediterranean Disability Sportand Leisure Centre in Montrodat• Centre for Mobility Training• Daily life simulator• Centre for Physical Rehabilitation• Greenhouse and animal house• Prosthetics Centre• Centre for Sports for the Disabled, including gymnasium,stadium and athletics track, throwing and jumping area,balneotherapy fitness centreSporting or open-air disciplines, including paralympic, whichcan be done on-site or in the immediate vicinity:• Athletics (running, jumping, throwing)• Wheelchair volleyball, basketball & football, and 5-a-si<strong>de</strong>football• Riding (riding schools nearby)• Motor sports (quad bikes, etc)• Fishing (rivers, lakes and ponds nearby)• Tennis and table tennis• Archery, judo, swimming, boccia, petanque• Water sports: canoeing, kayaking, rowing (Booz lake)• Winter sports: snowshoeing, cross country skiing (resortnearby)• A training area allowing people with disabilities tochoose a personalised training programme.• « Les hauts du Gévaudan » Gites village (see followingpages)12

New in <strong>2010</strong>Accessibleaccommodationfor people withmotor disabilities,hearing and visualimpairmentand learningdifficulties« Les hauts du Gévaudan »Gîtes villageThe Montrodat Centre is situated less than 10kmfrom the A75 motorway (on the free stretch betweenClermont Ferrand and Béziers). The opening of theviaduct at Millau on the A75 allows you to reach theMediterranean in un<strong>de</strong>r 2 hours.The gîtes village “Les Hauts du Gévaudan” is acomplex of 30 leisure accommodation units <strong>de</strong>signedfirst and foremost for people with disabilities.The accommodation, the reception building, theswimming pool, and soon the gymnasium, the stadiumand the balneo facilities will meet all the criteria fortourism accreditation.Situated on the edge of the forest, the villagedominates the valley of La Colagne near the Centre forMobility Training and Physical Rehabilitation inMontrodat which for many years has welcomed youngpeople up to the age of 25 with serious motor skillsimpairment or people needing comprehensive physicalrehabilitation.The village benefits from an infrastructure and services<strong>de</strong>signed for people with disabilities (transport,catering, etc)The 30 spacious gîtes (83m2) each comprise a largeliving room of over 30m2 and 2 bedrooms with showerroom and separate WC. All kitchen appliances areaccessible, the gîte is wheelchair accessible fromreception or from a car parked behind the gîte.The gîtes are set out in 15 units of 2 semi-<strong>de</strong>tachedgîtes, 10 of which are inter-communicating.2 gîtes are entirely automated.Opening in April <strong>2010</strong>Information: CEM Montrodat 04 66 49 58 00www.leshauts<strong>de</strong>gevaudan.com (Site online in April)Reservations: SLA 04 66 48 48 4813

Tourism for Disabled PeopleAccommodation and ActivitiesSite Contact AddressPostco<strong>de</strong>LocationGîte d'étapeLa ChazelleOTSI LaCanourgueMme ElisabethLENGLEN La Capelle 48500 La Canourgue X X XMme MoniqueALBARET Rue <strong>de</strong> la Ville 48500 La Canourgue X X X XMeublé <strong>de</strong><strong>Tourisme</strong>Mme KLEINLa Combette -St Jean duBleymard 48190 Le Bleymard X XClévacances Mme TICHIT 48500SaintSaturnin X X XOTSI VillefortMme DanièleBADRI Rue <strong>de</strong> l'Eglise 48800 Villefort X XEcomusée duMont Lozère Mme Odile RIVAL 48220Le Pont <strong>de</strong>MontvertXOTSI Men<strong>de</strong> M. Cyril DUCLOT Place du Foirail 48000 Men<strong>de</strong> X X XFerme AubergeLou PailhotM. EricCHAZALETTE 48800 Prévencheres X X XGDF Le Gênetd'OrMme SandrineDELTOUR Espouzolles 48200Saint Chélyd'Apcher X X XGDF Gîted’étapeM. PascalROUSSET Les Estrets 48210 Fontans X X XGDF= Gîtes <strong>de</strong> FranceThe La Chazelle organisation in La CanourgueThis organisation came into existence in acknowledgement of the fact that there are fewtruly accessible places for people with disabilities to spend fulfilling holidays, its goalsbeing to provi<strong>de</strong> a place of welcome perfectly adapted to the needs of such people andto allow them access to the natural environment and to open air activities.Activities: Nature ramble on joëlettes; A tour of the Lac <strong>de</strong> Charpal and a nature trail todiscover the natural riches of the Aubrac.14

Quality marksVillages classified as « the mostplus beautiful villages in France »Sainte Enimie is a mediaeval village nestling in theheart of the Tarn Gorges since the VIth century,where the exiled Merovingian princess Enimie, whosefather wanted to marry her off against her will, wassupposedly cured of leprosy by the waters of theBurle spring.La Gar<strong>de</strong> Guérin, ancient, fortified village whichoverhangs the magnificent Chassezac gorges, astopover for travellers taking the Régordane way.The staging post villagesAumont Aubrac and La Canourgue, both situated on theaxis of the A75 motorway, have been labelled asstaging post villages, which offer a high-quality welcometo motorway users, <strong>de</strong>fined by a very <strong>de</strong>mandingcharter in terms of service, awar<strong>de</strong>d by the Ministry ofPublic Works.Green PearlsMarvejols, royal town of Le Gévaudan, is one of thegreen pearls of the A75. It’s one of six small townson this route that offer holidaymakers a place toexplore. Marvejols, with a rich and colourful past is ahistorical town with countless relics, its fortifieddoorways, statues of Henri IV and of the Beast of LeGévaudan.Every year Marvejols organises the artistic FestivalPluri “Marvejols en Fête” from 23 rd to 26 th July, forfour days of non-stop entertainment, street theatre, abook festival on the themes of nature and art,theatre and entertainment. Every evening shows,music, dance, theatrewww.maisondutourisme.com15

Sporting eventsMen<strong>de</strong>, stage finish in theTour <strong>de</strong> France <strong>2010</strong> : 16th July <strong>2010</strong> !Christian Prudhomme, Director of the Tour <strong>de</strong> France,said,last time the Tour <strong>de</strong> France went through Men<strong>de</strong> in 2005,Les Événements sportifs« You can be sure that we won't wait 10 years to comeback to Men<strong>de</strong>! ».Recognition, if any were nee<strong>de</strong>d, not only of the highstandard of the stage but also of the welcome given to theTour <strong>de</strong> France.This promise is being kept today, since only 5 years after ittraversed the roads of the Lozerien prefecture the Tour <strong>de</strong>France is coming back to Men<strong>de</strong>.On the 16th July the Tour will set out from Bourg-<strong>de</strong>-Péage in the Drôme, before fording the Ardèche from eastto west and crossing the finishing line 210km later inMen<strong>de</strong>.Alain Bertrand, the Mayor, and his team have committedthemselves <strong>de</strong>eply to supporting the candidature of thetown for this jewel in the cycling crown.Fifteen years after Laurent Jalabert’s unforgettable victory,the Tour <strong>de</strong> France once again has a stage finish in Men<strong>de</strong>this year, with ri<strong>de</strong>rs crossing the line at the Men<strong>de</strong>Brenoux aerodrome after a last leg which involves a toughclimb promising, as ever, an exciting finish.Men<strong>de</strong> will also have the honour of being one of the 11towns (Gap, Pau, Gueugnon, Montargis, Rheims, etc)chosen to welcome the « A chacun son Tour » (A chancefor Everyone) project. This educational initiative which isthe result of the partnership between the Amaury SportOrganisation, the Ministry of National Education, theFrench Cycling Fe<strong>de</strong>ration and the USEP, is aimed atchildren and young people.Find all the Children's activities during theTour <strong>de</strong> France in Men<strong>de</strong> on page 2216

25th anniversary of theGévaudan Wolf ParkOnce upon a time in Sainte Lucie in the faraway lands of the beastof Gévaudan...More than 100 wolves from 5 different sub-species (from Canada,Siberia, Mongolia or Poland and the Arctic) find a natural habitat insemi-freedom on 20 hectares.On the legendary lands of Gévaudan, these wolves have found safehaven on many hectares of woo<strong>de</strong>d land where you can observethem during a gui<strong>de</strong>d tour or by wan<strong>de</strong>ring freely around the park.The Park is open all year round except during January, andwelcomes around 80,000 visitors. On the gui<strong>de</strong>d tour you will beintroduced to the work we do in awareness-raising and rehabilitationof this misun<strong>de</strong>rstood animal, to better comprehend its behaviour.The park is situated in the Lozère at an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 1100m in verdantsurroundings, 9km from Marvejols between Clermont Ferrand andMontpellier. Access from the A75, 3km from junction 37.In April the young wolf cubs are tattooed and vaccinated. Thisunique and dramatic encounter is open to the public. You can seeand learn how the wolves are captured, tattooing techniques andtheir first physical contact with the trainers.Other events at the Park:The 25th Anniversary programme is available on the website.Numerous events are planned throughout the year.• In July and August the park hostsWOLF NIGHTSYou can attend a night-time gui<strong>de</strong>d tour.Highlight: try howling with the wolves.InformationThe Wolves of Gévaudan: Director, Joseph MATERAEmail: j.matera@france48.com infos@loupsdugevaudan.comTel. +33(0)4 66 32 09 22 or +33(0)4 66 65 79 40Fax. +33 (0)4 66 32 83 65Website: www.loupsdugevaudan.com 17

<strong>2010</strong> Holy YearFor more information, contactthe local organisation«Sur les pas <strong>de</strong> Saint-Jacques»Christian Boulet, BP3,48120 Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnoletel 04 66 31 57 01christian.boulet9@wanadoo.frwww.ot-saint-alban-sur-limagnole.frThe Way of St James toCompostelaThere are a great many roads in Europe leadingto Santiago in Spain, the endpoint of the routefor pilgrims on the Way of Saint James toCompostela. For centuries, these pathwayshave been used by pilgrims and hikers. The« Via Agrippa », mapped out by the Romansfrom Lyons to Toulouse, is one of the ol<strong>de</strong>st andwithout doubt one of the most frequented.It crosses the département across theMargeri<strong>de</strong> and the Aubrac, in very diverseand breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.You can see plenty of evi<strong>de</strong>nce of the Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole pilgrim traffic in the scallopshells on the buildings of Saint Alban, Aumont-Aubrac, Nasbinals.Saint-Alban-sur-LimagnoleThe district of Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnolenestles at the heart of a area of granite whosecontours were sculpted in the Cambrian era:the Margeri<strong>de</strong>.The <strong>de</strong>nse forests are punctuated by vastlandscapes of heaths, meadows and pasturewhich are found at an altitu<strong>de</strong> between 1000and 1500 metres.District administrative centre.Average altitu<strong>de</strong>: 1000mNoteworthy buildings:• Parish church of Saint Alban,• Feudal castle, headquarters of the TouristOffice• St Pierre <strong>de</strong> l'Hôpital Chapel• Natural site: Le Franquet waterfall18

Festival of Arts and ArtistsPont <strong>de</strong> Montvert2009 Photo galleryLe Pont <strong>de</strong> Montvert and its resi<strong>de</strong>nts open their doorsto 50 artists who show their work and conductworkshops.A unique encounter with fascinating crafts in unusuallocations, garages, former shops, a bread oven, etc.The creations of these artists, who perform an importanteconomic function in our area, will be shown in anartistic, cultural and festive atmosphere. The artists willfocus on sharing their know-how with you.The Pontois, true to their tradition of welcome, will openthe doors of their old studios, garages, cellars and anyunusual spaces where 50 French, Swiss, Italian andDutch artists’ works will be installed.This event has been ma<strong>de</strong> possible thanks to significantinvestment from the Society for Arts and CraftsProfessions in the Cevennes, (AMAC), a dynamic, livelynetwork, which encourages new events every year andcontributes wi<strong>de</strong>ly to the promotion of our area.Numerous shows: circus, singing, concerts,exhibitions, night markets, historical trails round thevillage, etc.Contact: Sylvie Van <strong>de</strong> Walle,"Des Cévennes au mont Lozère » Tourist OfficeTel : 04 66 45 81 94Visit our website : www.cevennes-lozere.com19

Art of LivingArts & Crafts in Lozère« L’association <strong>de</strong>s métiers d’art » brings togetheraround thirty craftspeople in the Cevennes. Carpentry,copperware, cutlery, jewellery, embroi<strong>de</strong>ry, artphotography, patchwork, sculptures in wood, painting,textile creations, tapestry, pottery, etc. At Le Pont <strong>de</strong>Montvert, the “Galerie Singulière” presents some of thework of these artists. The network of artisans participatesin many <strong>de</strong>monstrations throughout the year: studio openhouses in summer, sales exhibitions in autumn, etc. Thegoal is to inform visitors about the jobs, the creations, thepassion. An encounter with a creative artist in hisworkplace allows us to discover the mastery oftechnique, the tools and atmosphere of manufacture.It’s always a memorable experience!On this site you will find each member of the network,individually.http://www.metiersdartencevennes.org/The boutique gallery at Le Pont <strong>de</strong> Montvert is a realplace of discovery.Here the public can meet artists and see their work.It is open all year round on Wednesdays, Fridays &Saturdays from 10am – 12.30pm and 2 – 6pmand on Sunday mornings, except during school holidaysDuring the Christmas holidays, every day exceptMonday.20

Les Événements sportifsThroughout thesummerCevennes Valley Challenge5 foot races in the Lozerien Cevennes.Each race has its particularcharacteristics, but every one provi<strong>de</strong>s arelaxing family day out in our magnificentcountrysi<strong>de</strong>.28 au 30 Mai <strong>2010</strong>24ème Trèfle Lozérien AMVCe classique <strong>de</strong> l’enduro français, severra accueillir <strong>de</strong>s centainesd’enduristes, dans une ambianceincroyable…MOTO CLUB LOZERIENTél : 04 66 49 23 30http://www.trefle-lozerien-amv.com24th September <strong>2010</strong>Cycling tour of the GévaudanThe Tour du Gévaudan is a Frenchcycling race which reunited the mostpromising amateur cyclists from theyears 1980 - 1990, before theydisappeared. The event was revived in2006 with the aim of quickly becomingan event reserved for professionals. Itre-entered the calendar for the UCIEuropean Tour in 2009.25 Juillet <strong>2010</strong>Semi-MarathonMarvejols-Men<strong>de</strong>Les Événements sportifsCette épreuve fait partie <strong>de</strong>s coursesfrançaises reconnues au calendrierinternational.Les plus grands coureurs mondiauxsont présents à chaque épreuve aucôté <strong>de</strong>s populaires et <strong>de</strong>s anonymes.Ils y viennent pour la course, maissurtout pour l'esprit qui l'anime.Renseignements:04 66 49 30 29E-mail: courir@marvejols-men<strong>de</strong>.org24 Juillet <strong>2010</strong>Raid équestre d'enduranceles 160 km <strong>de</strong> Florac35 ème édition : ce master accueillerales meilleurs cavaliers du moment,sélectionnés sur leurs palmarès, àvenir concourir sur le mythique circuit<strong>de</strong>s 160 km <strong>de</strong> Florac.Contact:Lozère Endurance ÉquestreTél: 33 (0)466 45 13 6921

Tour <strong>de</strong> France <strong>2010</strong>Cycloparc in Men<strong>de</strong>Lasting 2 days, between April and June <strong>2010</strong>,the « Cycloparc » project will do a leg toMen<strong>de</strong> and will provi<strong>de</strong> young people with thechance to discover and to get involved incycling free-of-charge, but also to compete inmini-competitions. The chosen childrenwill be able to win a place to participate in the« P’tite Boucle Nesquik », a mini-racecontested on the day of the stage arrival inMen<strong>de</strong>, or to immerse themselves in theatmosphere and what goes on behind thescenes of a Tour <strong>de</strong> France start. <strong>Final</strong>ly,each finalist in the « P’tite Boucle Nesquik »will take part in the grand finale on theChamps-Élysées, before the arrival of theprofessional ri<strong>de</strong>rs.Aven ArmandL’Aven Armand sur le Causse Méjean, estun ensemble unique <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 400stalagmites, découvert par Louis Armand,le second <strong>de</strong> second <strong>de</strong> Martel. Aprèsune <strong>de</strong>scente en funiculaire permettant unaccès <strong>de</strong>s plus faciles, la visite <strong>de</strong> l’AVENARMAND, vous amène à plus <strong>de</strong> 100mètres sous terre à la découverte <strong>de</strong> l’un<strong>de</strong>s plus purs joyaux <strong>de</strong> l’histoire <strong>de</strong>l’humanité. Une salle unique, féerique, quipar ses dimensions pourrait loger NotreDame <strong>de</strong> Paris.AVEN ARMAND - 48150 MEYRUEISTél. 04 66 45 61 31 - Fax. 04 66 45 67 38E-mail : contact@aven-armand.comFamille avec enfantsDes sites à découvrirLe Vallon du VillaretTrois heures d'étonnantes découvertes,<strong>de</strong> jeux et d'art dans un vallon <strong>de</strong>verdure. Un plaisir partagé <strong>de</strong> 2 à 72ans ! Un lieu unique recommandé partous les gui<strong>de</strong>s touristiques.Contact :48190 BAGNOLS LES BAINSTél. 33 (0)4 66 47 63 76Site :www.levillaret.frEmail: vallon@levillaret.frUtopix :Parc <strong>de</strong> découverteUn site créé <strong>de</strong>puis plus <strong>de</strong> 20 ans, quivous étonnera par son architectureoriginale, ses jeux, peintures, sculptures,créatures insolites.On dit souvent que c’est une autreplanète.Ouvert d’Avril à OctobreContact :Champerboux48210 SAINTE ENIMIETél. 33 (0)4 66 48 59 07Email : utopix@lozere.orgSite : www.utopix.lozere.org22

Children’s HolidaysCHILDREN’S NATURE HOLIDAYSNATURE WATCH IN THE GEVAUDANFor 8 - 10 year-oldsTariff €395 per child fully inclusive8 days / 7 nights: from 3rd, 10th, 17th,24th, 31st July and 7th, 14th and 21stAugust.2-week stay possible for €720Accommodation at the Ventouzetreception centre.Planned activities: ponies (observation,riding, jumping, grooming); woodlandgames (cabin building, orientation,hiking, zip lining, climbing); swimming andwater sports at the Lac du Moulinet.NATURE EXPLORERS: Immersion and nature awarenessFor 7 - 13 year-oldsFrom €285 per child6 days / 5 nights, from Sunday evening toFriday evening.Arrival: 18th or 25th July.Accommodation: on campsite and in gîteCome and discover the fauna and explorethe different natural environments of theGévaudan: I<strong>de</strong>ntifying tracks, observation,creation of camouflage outfits, lookouthuts and a spotters’ log.Hiking, pony-trekking with bivouacs andnature trails, treasure hunts, orienteeringcourses, fishing, etc.For full <strong>de</strong>tails of these holidays go towww.enfantsvacances.com or www.lozere-resa.com,04 66 48 48 4823

Children’s HolidaysCHILDREN’S SPORTINGHOLIDAYSFOOTBALL COURSE: Improvement of physical, technical and tactical football skillsFor 7 - 14 year-oldsFrom €360 per child6 days / 5 nights, from Sunday evening toFriday evening. Arrival: 18th or 25thJuly.Accommodation: high qualityaccommodation, at the lycée of Sacré-Coeur, situated right near the town centreof Saint-Chély-d'Apcher in Margeri<strong>de</strong>, isprovi<strong>de</strong>d, with spacious bedrooms, adining room, infirmary, games room, TV,football pitch, table tennis.FROM THE GORGES DU TARN TO LE GEVAUDANFor 12 - 15 year-oldsTariff €720 per young person all inclusive15 days / 14 nightsStart dates: 3rd, 17th, 31st July and 14thAugustAccommodation: at the Ventouzetreception centre.Planned activities: 3 days bivouacking inthe Tarn Gorges (hiking, canoeing, drycanyoning, swimming); 3 daysbivouacking in the heart of the Gévaudan(visit to the Wolf Park, mountain biking, ziplining, orienteering course); start andreturn to « Ventouzet base camp »(tournament, fete, multi-media project)For full <strong>de</strong>tails of these holidays go towww.enfantsvacances.com or www.lozere-resa.com,04 66 48 48 4824

Families with ChildrenReintroduced wildlifeVulture LookoutThis site traces the reconquest by the griffonvultures of their natural habitat. Perfectlyintegrated into the environment,this place offers better knowledge ofthese great birds, through an informativetrail, direct observation from speciallycreatedterraces and the latest techniques invi<strong>de</strong>o-transmission which plunge you into thefamily intimacy of a colony of vultures.InformationTel: 33 (0)5 65 626969 –Fax: 33(0)5 65 62 69 67E-mail: contact@vautours-lozere.comSite: www.vautours-lozere.comEuropean BisonsNaturally found in the wild only in the northof Europe, the European Bison has beenreintroduced in La Margeri<strong>de</strong>. Here they livein semi-captivity on over 200 hectares.Visits are ma<strong>de</strong> mainly by horse-drawncarriage or by sledge in winter. The trip(around 1 hour) allows the discovery ofbisons in their natural habitat. Aninformation space reveals the history of theirsurvival since prehistoric times.InformationTel: 33 (0)4 66 314040E-mail: info@bison-europe.comSite: www.bisoneurope.comThe Wolves of Le GévaudanMore than a hundred wolves (fromCanada, Siberia, Mongolia or Poland) livein semi-captivity. On the legendarylands of Gévaudan, these wolves havefound safe haven in many woo<strong>de</strong>dhectares of space where you candiscover them by taking a gui<strong>de</strong>d tour ofthe park.InformationTel/Fax: 33(0)4 66 32 09 22E-mail: infos@loupsdugevaudan.comSite: www.loupsdugevaudan.comPrzewalski HorsesAlready known from cave paintings (Lascauxor Niaux Caves), this horse is the world’s lastwild horse, never having been domesticated.The species has been saved from extinctionbut it no longer exists in the wild.Reintroduction plans are in progress, such asthe one being un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by the AssociationTAKH which contributes to the preservation ofthe species.InformationTel: 33 (0)4 66 45 64 43http://www.takh.org/25

Le Chemin <strong>de</strong> StevensonHistoire, Légen<strong>de</strong>s etchemins historiquesEn septembre 1878, un jeune écossais <strong>de</strong> 28 ans arrive auxconfins Nord-Est <strong>de</strong> la Lozère en Haute Loire pour yentreprendre un étrange voyage.Son objectif, traverser le massif <strong>de</strong>s Cévennes pour ytrouver l’apaisement. En effet à cette époque, l’auteur doit seremettre d’une maladie d’amour et, sur les conseils d’unami, la proximité <strong>de</strong> la nature l’y ai<strong>de</strong>ra. De confessionprotestante, il est curieux <strong>de</strong> découvrir ceux qui ont vu larévolte <strong>de</strong>s protestants cévenols contre Louis XIV et sesdragons.A l’issue <strong>de</strong> son voyage il écrivit « voyage avec un âne dansles Cévennes ». Aujourd’hui, <strong>de</strong> petits ânes gris <strong>de</strong>scendants<strong>de</strong> « Mo<strong>de</strong>stine » accompagnent les voyageurs.The War of the CamisardsFrom the Pont <strong>de</strong> Montvert, a village symbolic of Camisardhistory since it was here that the war broke out, Stevensonwalked in the footsteps of Napoléon Peyrat, author of hisfavoured bedtime reading: The Pastors of the Desert.He recounts the keen faith of the Protestants, the prophets,the <strong>de</strong>sert gatherings, the heroism of the Huguenot lea<strong>de</strong>rsand of all the rebels of the faith in the face of persecutions.The Edict of Nantes in 1558 had granted the Protestants astronghold in Marvejols. Its revocation by Louis XIV almost100 years later forced them to convert or go into exile.The Abbot of Le Chaila, named inspector of missions in theCevennes, was hated by the Protestants. On July 22nd 1702a group of Protestants <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to go to Pont <strong>de</strong> Montvert tofree the prisoners of the Abbot. He was killed and his houseburnt down.26

Well-being and thrill-seekingHiking ToursWith its 2000km of signposted hikingtrails (GR) and small trekking routes,walking in Lozère is outstanding. TheWay of St James which crosses LaMargeri<strong>de</strong> and L’Aubrac, and the RobertLouis Stevenson Way which can befollowed on a donkey, going from the Vald’Allier in the north to the Cevennes, areunforgettable.Paragliding, hang glidingWith its dramatic contours, certain regionsof Lozère are i<strong>de</strong>al for hang-gliding. Adozen sites have been set up forparagliding and you can try hang glidingwith the vultures of the Jonte on theCausse Méjean.Winter in LozèreNordic skiing, downhill skiing, dog-sledding,Lozère in winter offers “alternative living”stays. With more than 500km of signpostedslopes, the ski resorts of Le Mas <strong>de</strong> laBarque, Les Bouviers or Mont Lozère andthe Massif <strong>de</strong> L’Aubrac offer you the chanceto practice your favourite winter sport inexceptionally beautiful and preservedcountrysi<strong>de</strong>, across woo<strong>de</strong>d expanses or onthe crests along the peaks.Horseback TrekkingThe wi<strong>de</strong> open spaces of the Lozère arei<strong>de</strong>al for riding. Endurance trails such asthe Florac 160km or the Drailles <strong>de</strong>Lozère (traditional sheep tracks) provi<strong>de</strong>novice and experienced ri<strong>de</strong>rs with topquality routes.Canoë-kayaking, WhiteWater rafting,Canyoning, Water sportsThe Lozère should be called the« département of springs » ; it isdistinguished by providing water for twowatersheds and receiving none fromelsewhere. Gushing, rushing, streamingwater in rivers, torrents, allowing loversof white water to do canoeing-kayaking,rafting, canyoning, water sports or simplyswimming in the Gardons. Man-ma<strong>de</strong>lakes offer you the chance to enjoy morerelaxing water-based activities incomplete safety.Potholing, ClimbingSince the discoveries of the famouspotholer Edouard Alfred Martel, morethan 100 years ago, unnumerable caves,caverns and un<strong>de</strong>rground networkswhich are a <strong>de</strong>light for lovers of cavinghave been found in Lozère. The cliffs ofthe Jonte and the Tarn Gorges offerremarkable sites for climbers. With over950 routes, Lozère is in the process ofbecoming a recognised climbing<strong>de</strong>stination.27

Well-being and indulgenceRelaxing holidaysThe relaxation spaces inviteyou to experience true serenity!For more information:www.<strong>de</strong>tente-autrement.comCome and discover the benefits of rest, relaxation,well-being, of soothing and cocooning in calmingsurroundings in the Lozère. Far from the stressesand strains of daily life, the Lozère is the dream<strong>de</strong>stination for unwinding and indulging yourself.Countrysi<strong>de</strong> spas were born out of the confluenceof an exceptionally well-preserved environmentand thermal springs whose benefits have alwaysbeen enjoyed. The La Chal<strong>de</strong>tte resort on the highplateaux of Aubrac, and the one at Bagnols lesBains at the foot of Mont Lozère, offer fitnessholidays with or without hiking trips, as well asthermal spa treatments. Therapies and a topqualitywelcome on a human scale.InformationCentre ThermalLa Chal<strong>de</strong>tte48310 BrionTel. 33 (0) 4 66 31 68 00www.lachal<strong>de</strong>tte.comCentre Thermal<strong>de</strong> Bagnols les Bains48190 Bagnols les BainsTel. 33 (0) 4 66 47 60 02www.bagnols-les-bains.comSpa en Aubrac- Hotel Resi<strong>de</strong>nce« Les Escloupiés » in MazeiracRimeize Jean OdoulTél:04 66 94 02 35www.spaenaubrac.frSpa en Aubrac- Hotel Resi<strong>de</strong>nce« Les Escloupiés » in Mazeirac (Commune ofRimeize)A former school and farm dating from the 18 thcentury, then later a clog factory, hence thename « Les Escloupiés ». 8 spacious bedrooms,a lounge bar with an ancient granite fireplaceand home cinema. The fitness suite inclu<strong>de</strong>s aswimming pool, a jacuzzi, a steam room,a fitness room, Aubrac tea therapy andhydro massage.28

Cultural life2nd-4th July <strong>2010</strong>48th Men<strong>de</strong> Street Theatre FestivalFor the fifth year the organisation Labo'artwill take over the streets of Men<strong>de</strong>.• Comedy theatre and singing• Musical show• Punk Baroque Duo• Visual and off-the-wall comedy sketches• Alternative conference• Puppetry• Theatre in Education• Solo clowning• Comedy theatre in a caravan• Disco-Funk Band• Partner-swapping acrobatic lifts• World music and Electro-jazz• DanceAll the shows are freeInformationhttp://www.laboart.frtourisme-men<strong>de</strong>@wanadoo.fr29

19th- 24th July <strong>2010</strong>Interfolk 48 Festival inLangogne8th Festival of world music,singing and dance.Crafts, painting exhibition,various events, children’scourses.Information:OTSI <strong>de</strong> Langogne et <strong>de</strong>sFara<strong>de</strong>llesTel: 33 (0)4 66 46 17 35La Cultural vie culturelleLifeSaturday 22nd & Sunday 23rdMay <strong>2010</strong>Transhumance FestivalTranshumance is a tradition in Aubrac.It represents the time of year when thecows move up to summer grazing.They will spend the summer on the highpastures of our mountains.This traditionally takes place on SaintUrbain’s day.Information :OTSI <strong>de</strong> NasbinalsTel : 33 (0)4 66 32 55 73Saturday 3th april & Sunday4th april <strong>2010</strong>Singles FairIn La CanourgueThe « Singles Fair » has existedsince 1981 and year on year hasallowed people on their own to findtheir soulmates. Over the course oftwo days, different events areorganised by the association“CUPIDON”. The participants comefrom the four corners of France,even sometimes from abroad andare of all ages and from everystratum of society.Information+33;+33élibataires.com.Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th July<strong>2010</strong>Mediaeval Cartoon FestivalSaint Enimie presents a return to thepast. Two days of events willtransport you back to the MiddleAges, with a festival of MediaevalCartoons.Information:OT <strong>de</strong>s Gorges du Tarn et <strong>de</strong>sCaussesTel : 33 (0)4 66 48 53 4430

The Art ofLivingDelightful AccommodationDemeures <strong>de</strong> Lozère11 Hotels Restaurants in the LozèreEach Demeures <strong>de</strong> Lozère hotel possesses adistinctive charm and character to guarantee youan unforgettable stay.Contact:Demeures <strong>de</strong> LozèreTel: +33 (0)4 66 48 48 48www.<strong>de</strong>meures-<strong>de</strong>-lozere.comLo d’ici AubracA former barn containing four bedrooms, at theheart of the village of Nasbinals, crossed by theWays of Saint James and Saint Guilhem.The spirit of the place encourages its guests toenjoy relaxation and well-being. Here you candiscover the authentic Aubrac at its source.http://www.lodici-aubrac.com/fr/la-maisonHOSTENS HALEWYCK, CevennesMarie and Pol welcome you to this spectacularlocation (3 star Gîte Panda), which enjoys stunningviews over the undulating Cevenole ridges to MontAigoual in the south. With a flower gar<strong>de</strong>n andterrace where you are invited to join the 'table d'hôte’to savour generous and inventive cooking with aflavour of the south of France, created from localproduce and home-grown vegetables.Aperitif with free tapasTastefully-renovated former farm. Three bedroomscertified 'bedrooms with charm'.On a working farm.http://pagesperso-orange.fr/loupra<strong>de</strong>l32

The Art of LivingDelightful AccommodationLes chalets <strong>de</strong> la Rule:5 individual character-filled chalets withpanoramic views over the valley of LeBès, capacity 2 / 5 people, 2 bedrooms,shower room, electric heating, fireplace,TV, animals allowed, parking.Tel: 04 66 32 55 72 - 04 66 32 57 1706 71 47 79 35Open throughout the year, by the night orby the weekhttp://www.leschalets<strong>de</strong>larule.frLe Mas du CoupétadouLe Mas du Coupétadou is situated in theCevennes National Park. The <strong>de</strong>cormixes the traditional (wood floors, beams,exposed stone, etc) with the contemporary.Each bedroom has a private bathroom andcentral heating. In the gar<strong>de</strong>n, un<strong>de</strong>r thefruit trees, there are relaxation spaces laidout. Off season, "Fitness and well-being",as well as “Cookery Coaching” courses areorganisedhttp://www.chambre-hote-cevennes.fr/La maison <strong>de</strong> NoéWithin this Cevennes rental gîte,Marlen Guerra organises differentworkshops with local lea<strong>de</strong>rs. Writingwalks, haute lisse tapestry, reseating ofchairs, creation of original books, cookingwith wild plants, etc.http://gite-maison-noe.fr/fr/gite.html33

Out-ofof-thethe-ordinaryArt et VivreYurts in the LozèreThe traditional homes of nomadic people in Central Asia,Mongolian yurts have turned up on our shores. The resultof the know-how of millennia passed down from generationto generation, the yurt is registered by UNESCO as aexample of world heritage. A Mongolian yurt is a wood andfelt structure.It's a comfortable space: cool in summer, warm in winter.Halte Pèlerin l’Ange Gardien,Rieutort d’Aubrachttp://angegardien-compostelle.frLES DOLINES DE LONGVIALA,Causse <strong>de</strong> Sauveterrehttp://www.les-dolines-<strong>de</strong>-longviala.comLA PIERRE MAURY, Vebronelisabeth.lerosier@orange.frCAMPING DU PONT DE BRAYE, Naussacwww.camping-lozere-naussac.frThe treehouse in the chestnut treesGuest cabins, perched in a chestnut tree, for aleafy getaway, 100% natural and with every comfort(alcove bed, bathroom, etc), a suspen<strong>de</strong>d terraceoverlooking the valley, above the stream.Rooms in a horse-drawn caravanThe horse-drawn caravan is synonymous with freedomand life in the open air. It will give you the chance toexperience the pleasures of a holiday in naturalsurroundings, while still benefitting from luxuriouslyappointed accommodation.http://www.causses-cevennes.com/ferme-lancizolle34

The Art of LivingQualité Sud <strong>de</strong> FranceLanguedoc Roussillon, well-placedon a major tourist axisand having numerous tourismassets, doesn't escape fromthis competition nor from the<strong>de</strong>velopment of its visitors'expectations.Tourist - consumers increasingly<strong>de</strong>mand guarantees about theservices they are buying.Professionals who joinQualité Sud <strong>de</strong> France fulfil thesegeneral quality criteria andintegrate the promotion of specificcharacteristics of the region. Theyare committed to customersatisfaction.CAMPINGLes Terrasses du Lac,LangogneRESTAURANTLou Clapas, la CanourgueHOTEL La <strong>Lozere</strong>tteCocuresQuality MarksCafé <strong>de</strong> Pays« Café <strong>de</strong> Pays » is a « <strong>de</strong> Pays » tra<strong>de</strong> markbeing established within the network of PaysTouristiques (tourist areas). These have beenexperimenting since 1990 with the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof tourist facilities based on a vision of regionaltourism integrated into local <strong>de</strong>velopment,organisation of the district and evaluation of theofficial channels.Languedoc Roussillon has 16 cafés which havereceived the certification « Café <strong>de</strong> Pays ».These are primarily convivial spaces, enlivenedby men and women who want to make theirestablishments a shop window for theatmosphere of their area.Enthusiasts for local produce, passionateabout local history and traditions, they knowtheir environment and love talking about it withregular visitors as well as those just passingthrough. The « Cafés <strong>de</strong> Pays » of LanguedocRoussillon are involved in promoting thegastronomic, cultural, and built heritage whichform the wealth of our landscapes.L’auberge <strong>de</strong> la GriveTel : : rlagrive@orange.frWebsite : mediazoom.com/lagriveCaussignac48210 SAINTE ENIMIELa RucheTel : ROUSSES35

Local ProduceLozère, Give into temptationThe Conseil Général of theLozère has launched a new,mo<strong>de</strong>rn and dynamicpromotional campaign.The aim of « Lozère, giveway to the temptation » isto bring together un<strong>de</strong>r onelabel, products ma<strong>de</strong> inLozère from top-qualityingredients produced locally.The natural wealth of the département of the Lozèreprovi<strong>de</strong>s a variety of high-quality products (game,mushrooms, berries, etc.) which people have learnt toappreciate through traditional know-how passed on fromgeneration to generation. Numerous specialities are onthe menu in restaurants, farmhouse B&Bs and tablesd'hôtes (aligot, truffa<strong>de</strong>, manouls, tripe, boar casserole,fougasse, orange flower water flan, etc.)CharcuterieThe mountainous landscape of the Lozère is i<strong>de</strong>alcountry for drying and refining cured meats such asfrican<strong>de</strong>au, herb sausages, potato sausages or Lozèredry cured ham.CheesesWithin the département there are 5 appellationscontrôlées cheeses, ma<strong>de</strong> from cow's, sheep’s andgoat's milk used for the preparation of these cheeses:Roquefort, Bleu <strong>de</strong>s Causses, Laguiole, Pélardon andBleu d’Auvergne.But there are also other types of cheese:Cow's milk Tomme from Margeri<strong>de</strong> or le Fédou sheep'scheese from the Causse Méjean.These Quality Markshave been <strong>de</strong>veloped by the Lozère Chamber ofAgriculture for the meat-producing sector:« Génisse Fleur d’Aubrac »,« Vian<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Lozère »,« Agneau <strong>de</strong> Lozère Elovel », milk-bred veal.More information:www.plaisirsauthentiques.comContactChamber of agricultureTel : 33 (0) 4 66 65 62 0036

Cookery WorkshopsLocal Produce – Honey CountryThe Lozère is the leading honey-producingdépartement in France with around fortyprofessionals Mountain Label The Lozère is an i<strong>de</strong>aldépartement for its production, due to theexceptional quality of the surroundings.Contact : Henry ClémentTel : 33 (0) 4 66 44 00 19At an altitu<strong>de</strong> of 980m you finda <strong>de</strong>lightful <strong>de</strong>stination in theheart of the beautiful area ofMargeri<strong>de</strong> in the Lozère,situated on a hillsi<strong>de</strong> facing duesouth and dominating thevalley. There you can takedifferent cooking courses like‘egg and feather’, ‘shellfish andcrustaceans’, ‘fur and feather’and ‘the cocoa bean’.Contact:Hostellerie du Villard48140 Le MalzieuTél : 04 66 42 95 03www.hostellerie–villard.frContact@hostellerie-villard. frDaniel LagrangeBook on cooking with honeyA recipeMousse of goat's cheese with honey200g goat's cheese curd50g single cream1 tbs liquid thyme honeyA touch of pestoBasilWhip the cheese curd with the cream. Add salt andpepper, and the thyme honey. Whisk the mixture well.Add a touch of pesto. Serve on a plate garnished withcherry tomatoes and basilFrom the book Oooh Miel ! by Daniel Lagrange,Hôtel Mont d’Aigoual, Meyrueis37

Permanent Centre for PhotographyThe Permanent Centre for Photography is basedat the heart of a renovated XVIIth centurybuilding.24th to 28th July <strong>2010</strong>Rencontres Imagerie NatureThe Permanent Centre forPhotography is open everyday.Monday to Friday from 10amto 12 noon and from 2pm to5.30pmSaturday and Sunday from2pm to 5.30pmFournels Tourist OfficeLe Village48310 FournelsTel : 04 66 31 67 97Fax : 04 66 31 43 99Centre Permanent <strong>de</strong> la Photographie,Maison Macary, 48310 Fournels.Tel: 04-66-31-67-97concoursphotosfournels@orange.frAwar<strong>de</strong>d a Ruban du Patrimoine prize in 2008,Chazaly House, with a 400m² surface area, is amagnificent exhibition space whose roof beamsare in the shape of an inverted hull of a boat.It's a meeting place for photography and natureactivities (themed walks, conferences,introductory courses) during « RencontresImagerie Nature » events organised on the lastweekend of July.A photography competition open to amateursand professionals alike takes place each year. Itis organised in partnership between the LozèreCouncil for Architecture, Town Planning and theEnvironment (CAUE), the Communauté <strong>de</strong>Commune Hautes-Terres and ARCAF (Theassociation for the regeneration of the Fournelsdistrict).Amateur and Professional Photography CompetitionThe theme of the competition for <strong>2010</strong>is "Unusual Landscape"Closing date for entries: 7th June <strong>2010</strong>http://www.fournels.fr/pages/centrepermanent-<strong>de</strong>-la-photographie.phpPrizes awar<strong>de</strong>d: 27th June <strong>2010</strong>.38

Cevennes National ParkInformationhttp://www.cevennesparcnational.fr/festival-nature40 years of the ParkNature FestivalCevennes National Park provi<strong>de</strong>sall-year-round activities which areaimed equally at adults andchildren, resi<strong>de</strong>nts of the area aswell as holiday-makers.A full and varied programme -walks, exhibitions, workshops,shows, etc. – has been <strong>de</strong>signedto allow the discovery orrediscovery of the exceptionalnatural and cultural heritage of theNational Park.The Nature Festival encouragesencounters between localpopulations and holiday-makers,adults and children, and involvesthe school community.The major missions of the Park are the management ofbiodiversity, the conservation of the naturalenvironmental and cultural heritage, and the promotionof sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment notably through highqualitytourism.The Cevennes National Park, one of nine FrenchNational Parks, extends over a vast territory ofmedium-altitu<strong>de</strong> mountains situated in the Lozère, inthe Gard and in Ardèche.Where schist, limestone and granite meet, fourimmense environmental entities are each distinguishedby their topography, climate and heritage: Mont Lozère;the Cévenoles Valleys; the Causse Méjean and itsgorges (Tarn and Jonte); the Aigoual Massif.The only mainland National Park which has apermanent population - 600 people - , it owes itsunique character and riches to the close links whichhave always bound men to nature. It was <strong>de</strong>signated aUNESCO biosphere reserve in 1985.The natural heritage of the Cevennes National Parkis an exceptional diversity. The flora is extremely richwith 2,250 species, and more than 2,400 animalspecies have been counted. The cultural heritageis remarkable with more than 150 classified orregistered places of interest and monuments,archaeological remains and an exceptional builtheritage.39

New in 2009Sustainable tourism in the CévennesThis brings together all forms of nature-centredtourism in which the principal motivation of thetourism is to observe and appreciate nature as wellas traditional cultures which are indigenous tonatural areas.« Responsible travel to naturalareas that contributes to theconservation of theenvironment and improves thewell-being of local people ».The International EcotourismSocietyInformationCévennes EcotourismeTel: 0033 4 66 45 12 44info@cevennesecotourisme.comIt involves education in and interpretation of theenvironment. It is generally organised by groups<strong>de</strong>fined by small, specialist local businesses.It protects natural areas, and empowers localpeople:- by procuring economic advantage for hostcommunities, organisations and administrativebodies which look after the conservation of naturalareas ;- by creating jobs and income streams for localpopulations; by encouraging awareness amonginhabitants of the host country as well as tourists ofthe need to preserve natural and cultural resources.After the sustainable tourism charter was signed bythe Cevennes National Park in 2002, the CevennesEcotourism Association was born.The association « Cévennes Ecotourisme » is ma<strong>de</strong>up of tourism professionals (B&Bs, gîtes, campsites,hotels, etc), managers of tourism sites as well astour gui<strong>de</strong>s and qualified open-air activity lea<strong>de</strong>rs.About fifty Tourism professionals are signatories toor committed to the process of ratifying the“European Charter of Sustainable Tourism inProtected Areas”, a real step forward on the part ofthe Cevennes National Park. It represents a mark ofrespect for the Cevenol environment and heritage.40

The 3 components- The first component is applicable to managers ofprotected spaces who are engaged voluntarily ina 5-year strategy and action plan.- The second is applicable to tourist businesseswhich are based in the Park- The third is applicable to tour companies and coachoperators who organise trips in the area of thepark without necessarily being based there.HistoryThe charter was officiallyintroduced in 1999. In 2008, 58parks were already accredited, 20had applied.Ecotourism, "it's a kind of journeyin a natural space whichcontributes to the protection of theenvironment and to the well-beingof the local population". In or<strong>de</strong>r tobetter comprehend the importantprinciples of the organisation onthe land, here are some of thepractices of the members ofCevennes Ecotourism.Controlling energy consumption:- To increase guests' awareness of saving energyeven whilst on holiday.- With ecological and comprehensive insulationSaving water:- Gathering rainwater for irrigation and animals- Installation of a <strong>de</strong>contamination plant usingphyto-treatmentManaging waste:- Facilitating recycling waste for everyone- Restricting waste: choice of wrapping andpackaging, composting, etc.Practising responsible buying:- Prioritising local, organic and ecological produce:kitchen gar<strong>de</strong>n production, buying from smalllocal growers,- Ecological maintenance products,- Local, ecological building materials,- Bulk purchasing from organic shops, etc.41

Nouveauté <strong>2010</strong>Natura 2000A European ecological networkA European ecological networkTo promote the maintenance of biodiversity, whilstintegrating social, economic, cultural, regional andlocal <strong>de</strong>mands.Launched in 1992 during the Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro EarthSummit and consisting of sites of outstanding ecologicalinterest, this network is responsible for the protection ofa certain number of natural habitats and animal andvegetable species consi<strong>de</strong>red rare or threatened ona Europe-wi<strong>de</strong> scale.Legal foundations:The formation of this interconnection results fromthe application of two European directives:Brochure available onlineas a virtual presentation oron request from:Tel. 33 (0)4 66 65 60 00www.lozere-tourisme.com"Birds" Directive (2nd April 1979): Long-termconservation of wild birds in the European Union. Thisanticipates the <strong>de</strong>signation of Special Protection Areas(ZPS)."Habitats" Directive (21st May 1992): Maintenancein a favourable state of conservation the naturalhabitats, of wild fauna and flora introducing a communityinterest and in need of protection on a Europe-wi<strong>de</strong>scale. This anticipates the <strong>de</strong>signation of SpecialConservation Areas (ZSC).The habitats and species affected by theseDirectives are <strong>de</strong>signated:"Of Community Interest" when the natural habitats ornoteworthy species are endangered, vulnerable, rare orpeculiar to an area (en<strong>de</strong>mic)."Priorities" where the European Union bears a particularresponsibility for conservation of natural habitats andspecies un<strong>de</strong>r the title of the directive « Habitats ».42

In France :The network today covers 12.4% ofthe national territory, that is 6.5million hectares. With more than1,700 sites, France benefits fromremarkable ecological wealth.In Lozère:This wealth allows the 17 sites tobe recognised within the title of «Habitats » and 3 sites un<strong>de</strong>r thedirective « Birds » . They thusrepresent 20 "Natura 2000" sitesspread over 32% of the surfacearea of the département, one ofthe highest rates in France!Natura 2000Why sign an area up to the Natura 2000 network?The <strong>de</strong>signation as a Natura 2000 site allowsi<strong>de</strong>ntification of an area where the natural heritagepresents a particular interest. The objective of this<strong>de</strong>signation is to maintain the habitats and species in agood state of conservation, not to say to re-establishthem. To achieve this conservation goal, humanintervention is often necessary.Natura 2000 in France, a scheme carryingcertification from rural areas.The European Union leaves the responsibility forapplying European directives in their areato each member State. Since these directives don'timpose a particular method for <strong>de</strong>signating Natura 2000sites, each State is free to use any means it wishes torespond to their goals. France opted to set up anorientation document called « Document d’Objectifs ».Valid for 6 years, this reference and <strong>de</strong>cision-makingtool fixes the conditions for the setting up ofmanagement measures and site preservation, withinthe framework of a wi<strong>de</strong> consultation among thedifferent agencies of the <strong>de</strong>signated territory.Discover the Natura 2000 sites in the LozèreThe Lozère is distinguished by the diversity of itsremarkable habitats: peat bogs, grasslands, moors,petrifying springs, etc. and its mineral and vegetablespecies of community interest: orchids, otters, bats,freshwater white-clawed crayfish, etc.A brochure is available and will act as a gui<strong>de</strong>during your stay in our département.It will allow you to discover the varied landscapeof the Lozère and its network Natura 2000.43

Our partnersThe Lozère Chamber of Agriculturehas created the Forum of the Land, afun space which allows us toun<strong>de</strong>rstand agriculture today thanks tomultimedia and other high-end visuals,and visits to farms grouped togetheras Fenêtre sur Ferme (Windows onthe Farm). It also offers receptionfacilities for the network Bienvenue àla Ferme (Welcome to the Farm).Chambre d’agriculture <strong>de</strong> la LozèreTel: 33 (0) 4 66 65 62 00accueil@lozere.chambagri.frwww.lozere.chamagri.frThis structure brings together aconventional stage and a regional<strong>de</strong>legation for arts <strong>de</strong>velopment, which isunique in France. It associates twonational networks strongly involved in thecultural politics of the département, onetargeted at amateur practitioners, theother towards live shows.The framework of the programming is thedépartement; programming is multidisciplinary(music, dance, theatre, circus,etc). Programme on the website.adda.scenescroises@wanadoo.frwww.addascenescroisees.frThe “Association <strong>de</strong>s chemins <strong>de</strong> lachâtaigne” introduces visitors to one of thefundamental elements of Cevennesi<strong>de</strong>ntity, the chestnut tree. It has markedthe history and shape of the landscape, ithas fed the people and aroused theirpassions.A tourist route which allows you toencounter farmers, professionals inforestry and hiking, museums, fruitprocessing workshops, pastry cooks,craftspeople, B&B and tables d’hôtes,hoteliers, restaurateurs as well as theorganisations which are concerned withmanagement, improvement and increasedun<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the chestnut tree.contact@chemins<strong>de</strong>lachataigne.comwww.chemins<strong>de</strong>lachataigne.comSince 1994, the association « Sur lechemin <strong>de</strong> R.L Stevenson » (« In theFootsteps of R.L. Stevenson ») hashad the objective of promoting thiscultural itinerary and of accompanyingthe increasingly numerous hikers, inthe preparation for their adventures onGR 70, from Puy-en-Velay to AlèsAsso.stevenson@libertysurf.frwww.chemin-stevenson.org44

Lozère News in Brief« A LOOK AT POPULAR DEVOTIONAL OBJECTS »The Organisation of Curators of Antiquitiesand Art Objects in France (A.C.A.O.A.F.)3rd, 4th and 5th June <strong>2010</strong> in Men<strong>de</strong> (Lozère)An exhibition showingthe 10 years’ inventory ofportable heritage in the<strong>de</strong>partment of the Lozèrewill be presented in thec h â t e a u o fSaint-Alban-sur-Limagnole in June, Julyand August <strong>2010</strong>.Contact :Isabelle DARNASE-mail :I_darnas@cg48.frThe National Organisation of Curators ofAntiquities and Art Objects Study Days will takeplace in Men<strong>de</strong> (Lozère) in <strong>2010</strong>. They will havethe theme "popular <strong>de</strong>votional objects". TheCurators of Antiquities and Art Objects arecharged with inventorying, studying andprotecting as Historical Monuments all portableFrench heritage. In contrast to works of art held inmuseums, the inventoried pieces are found insitu, in the churches, the chapels, temples, townhalls, chateaux, etcThe theme chosen for the <strong>2010</strong> Study Dayswill allow consi<strong>de</strong>ration of the future of the popular<strong>de</strong>votional objects which curators frequentlyencounter in their inventorying and which are,even today, little regar<strong>de</strong>d for they are oftenremoved from the usual history of art. Most ofthese objects are specifically for local religiouspractise (processional objects, guild objects, etc)It will also be about manufacturing techniques anddifficulties of conservation, or even restoration, ofthese objects, often ma<strong>de</strong> from fragile and mixedmaterials (wax, paper, etc.).Lastly, consi<strong>de</strong>ration will be given to the criteria ofprotection of these objects, which even today arelittle protected as Historic Monuments while the<strong>de</strong>crease in religious practise is accelerating thedanger of their disappearance.45

Geographical location46

ContactsComité Départemental du <strong>Tourisme</strong>14, boulevard Henri Bourillon48001 MENDE CEDEXTél : 33 (0)4 66 65 60 00Fax : 33 (0)4 66 49 27 96E-mail : cdt@lozere-tourisme.comWeb : www.lozere-tourisme.comMaison <strong>de</strong> la Lozère Paris1 bis rue Hautefeuille75006 PARISTel : 33 (0)1 43 54 26 64Fax : 33 (0)1 43 54 55 66E-mail : contact@lozere-a-paris.comWeb : www.lozere-a-paris.comPress ContactInger BerckhauerTél. 33(0)4 66 65 60 14i.berckhauer@lozere-tourisme.comDownload press kitswww.lozere-tourisme.comwww.lozere-uk.com47

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