(APHP) Annual Report - Alberta Perinatal Health Program

(APHP) Annual Report - Alberta Perinatal Health Program

(APHP) Annual Report - Alberta Perinatal Health Program

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2006-07 REPORT AND OUTLOOKParticipated on provincial, national and international workinggroups regarding interpretation of vital statistics birth andstillbirth definitions, stillbirth classification, stillbirth investigationand health care quality measures and indicators, and contributedto an international study of stillbirth classification.Presented about the <strong>Alberta</strong> stillbirth definitions and stillbirthinvestigations at the International Stillbirth Alliance Conferencein June 2006 in Japan.View to the future…The Quality and Innovation team will continue to work with health regionsto establish facility and regional perinatal quality assurance committees andprocesses. It has been proposed that the <strong>APHP</strong> Quality Assurance StandingCommittee (QASC) be designated as a quality assurance committee, andthat the work of AMA Committee on Reproductive Care will be transitionedto the QASC. The focus of the study of perinatal mortality will be on provincialsystem issues. Support will continue to be offered to health regions toconduct mortality and morbidity reviews.In collaboration with AHW Surveillance, Service <strong>Alberta</strong> - Vital Statisticsand the Office of Medical Examiners, it is proposed that a process forexpansion of perinatal mortality review include maternal deaths up to oneyear post-delivery and post-neonatal deaths to one year of age.Strategies will be recommended and implemented with key partners suchas Toward Optimized Practice (TOP) to minimize perinatal mortality andmorbidity. A process will be developed for the dissemination of practiceguidelines, clinical tools and standards to facilitate optimal practice. Thequality dimensions and quality matrix developed by the <strong>Health</strong> QualityCouncil of <strong>Alberta</strong> will be applied in the development of perinatal healthquality indicators and measures.Percent of CaesareanSections to Women GivingBirth in <strong>Alberta</strong>Year %2000 19.92001 22.12002 22.92003 23.82004 25.22005 25.7Information Management and ResearchThe core business is to:collaborate with health regions, health professionals, AHW, andother stakeholders on activities to monitor and assess the healthstatus of mothers and infants in <strong>Alberta</strong>.With direction and assistance from the Information Managementand Research Standing Committee and three working groups, theteam worked throughout 2006-07 to ensure health professionals in<strong>Alberta</strong> have the data and information required to achieve their goalsfor perinatal health.ALBERTA PERINATAL HEALTH PROGRAM 2006-2007 ANNUAL REPORT 13

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