Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

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Preservation of pelagic carbonate<strong>sediments</strong>Biological productivity of calcareous oozedominate in lower productivity zones whileforaminiferal oozes increase faster in highproductivity zones.CO 2 plays a major role in carbonatepreservation. First note that CO 2 is moresoluble in cold than in warm water. Therefore,higher CO 2 concentrations in colder watercause more carbonate dissolution (polarwaters have no or only minor amounts ofcarbonate)!Second, CO 2 combined with water produces aweak acid. It produces hydrogen <strong>and</strong>bicarbonate ions:Typical profile of sum (marked left) of total dissolvedinorganic carbon Σ CO 2 . CO 2 is removed from solution insurface waters by photosynthesis. It is returned tosolution in <strong>deep</strong> water as organic matter is decomposed.CO 2 gas + H 2 O = H 2 CO 3 = H + + HCO 3-HCO 3- = H + + CO 32-

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