Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

Ocean chemistry and deep-sea sediments

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<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>chemistry</strong><strong>and</strong><strong>deep</strong>-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong>

1. Introduction – type of <strong>deep</strong>-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong>2. Chemical cycles in the <strong>Ocean</strong>3. Accumulation of pelagic biogenic <strong>sediments</strong>4. Supply of terrigenous eolian <strong>and</strong> fluvial <strong>sediments</strong>5. Diagenesis of <strong>deep</strong>-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong>

1. Introduction – Type of <strong>deep</strong>-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong>

Global fluxes in the ocean constitute dissolved <strong>and</strong> particulate matter.We start with particulate matters. There are mainly two types ofsediment, biogenic <strong>and</strong> terrigenous (incl. volcanic) <strong>sediments</strong>. There is aminor amount of extraterrestrial <strong>sediments</strong>.• Biogenic sediment production of planktonic marine organism dependsupon both nutrients <strong>and</strong> sunlight <strong>and</strong> can be devided up in siliceous<strong>and</strong> calcareous oozes, made up by zooplankton <strong>and</strong> phytoplankton.Remember ocean circulation causes upwelling where highbiogenic sedimentation rates occur.

Biogenic <strong>sediments</strong>Beneath high-production upwelling cells the following sediment types concentrate:1. Siliceous ooze which consists of (phytoplankton) diatoms<strong>and</strong>/or (zooplankton) radiolaria.Diatom oozes are typical of high latitudes <strong>and</strong> some continental margin areas.Radiolarian oozes are characteristic for warmer equatorial regions.Siliceous oozes match closely very high productivity areas with highconcentrations of phosphate.

2. Carbonate oozes cover about 50 % or 140 x 10 6 km 2 of the ocean.Carbonate oozes consist of (phytoplankton) nanofossil ooze(coccolithophores), <strong>and</strong> (zooplankton) foraminifera, or pteropods.The concentration <strong>and</strong> distribution of biogenic <strong>sediments</strong> in the ocean iscontrolled by production, preservation <strong>and</strong> dissolution of the material.

Sediments in the open ocean are called pelagic <strong>and</strong> those influenced bycontinental margin <strong>and</strong> terrigenous sedimentation are calledhemipelagic <strong>sediments</strong>.

Where is the sediment core coming from, the ocean ridge or thecontinental margin? What about hemipelagic <strong>and</strong> pelagic sedimentation <strong>and</strong> <strong>sea</strong>floorspreading?

Carbonate oozePhytoplankton - Coccolithophores

Zooplankton - Foraminifera

Gastropod molluscs- pteropodsAragonite

Tropical coral reefs

Cold-water coral reefsExamples of different types of coral skeleton(morphotypes) from two sites in northern Norway.Cold-water coral reef consisting mainly of Lopheliapertusa are found in numerous locations <strong>and</strong>geologic settings on the Norwegian shelf; from>500 to

Siliceous oozePhytoplankton - Diatoms

Zooplankton - Radiolaria

<strong>Ocean</strong> desertsThe central subtropical gyres show low ocean productivity

Calcareous <strong>and</strong> SiliceousmicrofossilsIdentify <strong>and</strong> name thezooplankton <strong>and</strong> thephytoplankton!

High productivity zones

Nutrients <strong>and</strong> δ 13 C13δ C =1313( C ) ( C12 − 12 )C sample C s13( C12 )s tan dardCtan dard18δ O =1818( O ) ( O16 − 16 )O sample O s18( O16 )s tan dardOtan dard

Nutrient rich intermediate waters

Modern <strong>and</strong> glacial Atlantic intermediate waters

Terrigenous <strong>sediments</strong><strong>Ocean</strong> circulations receive the terrigenous <strong>sediments</strong> – eolian, fluvial,ice rafted debris (IRD) - from the continents. The particles sink <strong>and</strong>circulate within the different water masses <strong>and</strong> ultimately end up atthe <strong>sea</strong>bed.Which regions most likely generate most of the wind blown dust?Which regions contain most of the IRD?What is the major contrast between eolian <strong>and</strong> fluvial <strong>sediments</strong>?Why are volcanic ash layers important in marine geology?Where would you expect to have sediment erosion <strong>and</strong> wheredeposition?

Clay mineralsKaolinite is formed by extremechemical weathering in low latitude.Chlorite dominates in areas ofphysical weathering in highlatitudes but is destroyed in areasof chemical weathering.Illite is the most common claymineral <strong>and</strong> occurs in both high <strong>and</strong>low latitudes.Montmorillonite is an alteredvolcanic material.Red clays are a mixture of clayminerals.

Fluvial input


Eolian input

LGM ice sheet extentIRD input

Hydrothermal vent sedimentinput

Sedimentation rates

Summary:Deep-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong> are a mixture of biogenic <strong>and</strong> terrigenous <strong>sediments</strong>, withminor volcanogenic <strong>and</strong> extraterrestrial contributions.Submarine topography <strong>and</strong> ocean currents determine their distribution.Pelagic <strong>sediments</strong> are mainly composed of the remains of calcareous <strong>and</strong> siliceous<strong>sediments</strong> with a mixture of eolian <strong>sediments</strong>.Hemipelagic <strong>sediments</strong> such as glaciomarine <strong>sediments</strong> are a mixture ofterrigenous sediment input from nearby continents <strong>and</strong> marine <strong>sediments</strong>.Wind blown dust can travel long distances while river derived sediment settledown on continental margins.Clay mineral compositions can be useful in determining climate zones ortransport pathways.IRD <strong>sediments</strong> help to identify major iceberg transport pathways <strong>and</strong> icesheetcollapse.

2. Chemical cycles in the <strong>Ocean</strong>s

Dissolved constituentsAfter being introduced to particulatematter occurring in oceans we nowlearn about dissolved constituents inoceans.NitratenonconservativeSodiumConservativeBariumnonconservativeMajor constituents are those having aconcentration > 1x 10 -6 by weight.Salinity for example has 35 parts perthous<strong>and</strong> weight. The majority has aconservative behaviour.Minor <strong>and</strong> trace constituents have only 1x10 -9 by weight, <strong>and</strong> nearly all of themhave a non-conservative behaviour.

Steady state oceanWhat do the nutrients indicate?Do they exhibit conservative or non-conservative behaviour?Are they minor or major trace constituents?

Steady state oceanDefinition: The rate of supply of dissolved constituents equals the rate of removal.This concept allows to to define a mean oceanic residence time:Total mass of a dissolved element in the ocean/rate of supply (or removal) of this elementMost of the ocean residence times for elements are long ~10 5 years.The ocean mixing time, in contrast is much shorter between 250 – 500 or 1000 years.Why can a dissolved constituent with an ocean residence time of 100 years not be mixedthroughout the ocean?Note that the life span of most marine organism is short. Thus the dissolved constituate cango through biological cycles several times.

Dissolved constituents arecoming from:• Rivers (4 x10 9 tons/year)• Volcanic eruptions• Hydrothermal vents• Dissolution of <strong>sediments</strong>

• In the photic zone thephytoplankton is grazedby the zooplankton.• The dead particles aremainly decomposed by,for example bacteria.• The organic matter isrecycled to the photiczone.• The organic matterconsists of oxygen,hydrogen, carbon,nitrogen, phosphorus.• Some particles sinkthrough the water column<strong>and</strong> reach the <strong>sea</strong>bed.

A large part of the decomposed materialis recycled to the area above thethermocline.1% only fo the sinking particles reach the<strong>sea</strong>bed <strong>and</strong> from this only a fractionsurvives.

Marine snowThe marine snow is composedof aggregates of smallparticles.Due to the larger size it is amechanisms to get particlessinking faster to the <strong>sea</strong>bed.Marine snow is mostly foundwhere there is a highbiological productivity.

Phosphate distribution in oceansat 2000 m water depthWhy is the Pacific richer in nutrients than the Atlantic?

The answers are:• The nutrient-poor NADW flowssouthward in the western Atlantic<strong>and</strong> receives a steady rain ofnutrients.• They are sinking from the surfaceto the <strong>deep</strong> ocean where theyconcentrate.• In the south the AAIW <strong>and</strong>AABW contributes more nutrientsto the <strong>deep</strong> water before it flowsinto the Pacific.• Here, <strong>deep</strong>-water is furtherenriched in nutrients. This water isbecoming also one of the oldestwater masses.

Upper right: Nutrients areenriched in <strong>deep</strong>er watersfrom decomposition of organicmatter.Lower left: Nutrients aredepleted in surface waters as aresult of photosynthesisactivity by phytoplankton.

Summary:• Organic matter produced by primary productionin surface waters is a major regulator of <strong>sea</strong>watercomposition of minor <strong>and</strong> major constituents.• Major constituents - the nutrients are phophate,nitrate <strong>and</strong> silica.• They are depleted in surface waters <strong>and</strong>enriched in intermediate <strong>and</strong> <strong>deep</strong> waters.• Maximum oxygen depletion occurs inintermediate waters due to decomposition oforganic material at about 1 km water depth.• Oxygen is brought to the <strong>deep</strong> ocean bydownwelling (convergence) in polar regions.

3. Accumulation of pelagic biogenic <strong>sediments</strong>

Which factors control the distribution of biogenic <strong>sediments</strong>:• Biological productivity of surface waters• Water depth <strong>and</strong> dissolution of particles• Dilution by terrigenous <strong>sediments</strong>• Marine snow or fecal pellets causing a speedy transport to the <strong>sea</strong> bed

Preservation of pelagic carbonate<strong>sediments</strong>Biological productivity of calcareous oozedominate in lower productivity zones whileforaminiferal oozes increase faster in highproductivity zones.CO 2 plays a major role in carbonatepreservation. First note that CO 2 is moresoluble in cold than in warm water. Therefore,higher CO 2 concentrations in colder watercause more carbonate dissolution (polarwaters have no or only minor amounts ofcarbonate)!Second, CO 2 combined with water produces aweak acid. It produces hydrogen <strong>and</strong>bicarbonate ions:Typical profile of sum (marked left) of total dissolvedinorganic carbon Σ CO 2 . CO 2 is removed from solution insurface waters by photosynthesis. It is returned tosolution in <strong>deep</strong> water as organic matter is decomposed.CO 2 gas + H 2 O = H 2 CO 3 = H + + HCO 3-HCO 3- = H + + CO 32-

Preservation of pelagic carbonate<strong>sediments</strong>ΣCO 2 is total dissolved inorganic matter, as this sum increases, so does the ratio of bicarbonate tocarbonate ions. CO 2 gas + H 2 O = H 2 CO 3 = H + + HCO 3- ; HCO 3- = H + + CO 32-[H + ] = K [HCO 3- ]/[CO 32-]The terms are in molar concentrations <strong>and</strong> K is the equilibrium konstant.• If H + increases, then there are more hydrogen ions in the water, <strong>and</strong> the water becomes more acid(pH decreases)!• If H + decreases, then the ΣCO 2 decreases, <strong>and</strong> the water becomes less acid (pH increases)!• Dissolution of calcium carbonate skeletons occurs where ΣCO2 is high that means the water ismore acid. We can use two equations for the carboanet dissolution.1. CaCO 3 + H + Ca 2+ + HCO 32-2. CaCO 3 Ca 2+ + CO 32-

1 2Ca 2+ concentrations in<strong>sea</strong>water are virtuallyconstant.The concentration of CO 32-ions determines whethercarbonate will dissolve ornot.unstablestableThe saturation curve (2)shows that calcite willdissolve to the left but it isstable to the right of thesolid line.Would you expect carbonate dissolution to be higherin Atlantic than in Pacific waters?In order to predict thedepth at which calciteskeletal begin to dissolvewe need to know thecarbonate ionconcentrations.

Seawater has a pH of ~ 8.2

Preservation of pelagic carbonate<strong>sediments</strong>CO 2 combined with water produces a weak acid.CO 2 gas + H 2 O = H 2 CO 3 = H + + HCO 3-HCO 3- = H + + CO 32-Inorganic carbon occurs in solution as: CO 2 gas, H 2 CO 3 , HCO 3 -, <strong>and</strong> CO 32-. The last two arequantitatively the most important.Note: CO 2 is reduced in surface water due to photosynthesis <strong>and</strong> increases in <strong>deep</strong> water dueto decomposition of organic matter. In addition, carbon dioxide comes from cold <strong>deep</strong> waterthat sinks in high latitudes to the <strong>deep</strong> <strong>sea</strong>. Nearly all carbon dioxide is in the form ofcarbonate ions <strong>and</strong> bicarbonate.

Carbonate ion concentrationsBy direct measurements of ΣCO 2 <strong>and</strong> alkalinity ofwater the CO 32-can be calculated. To the left you seethe experimentally derived saturation curves forAragonite <strong>and</strong> Calcite <strong>and</strong> the measured carbonate ionconcentration at one station in the Atlantic. Note thatAragonite is less stable than calcite!• Aragonite starts to dissolve a little <strong>deep</strong>er than3000 m water depth.• Calcite starts to dissolve at nearly 4500 m waterdepth.

The Lysocline<strong>and</strong> the Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD)Lysocline: Water depth where thedissolution of skeletal materialbegins. Below the Lysoclinedissolution of particles occurs atincreasing rates.CCD: Water depth where lessthan 20% of the carbonatematerial is preserved.Theoretically the depth of theLysocline is defined by the depthwhere the carbonate ionconcentration curves intersectswith the saturation curves (seefigure on previous page)

We now know that:• The rate of carbonate dissolution increases with depth.• The Pacific shows more carbonate dissolution than the Atlantic.• The CCD is depressed beneath the equator because of highbiological productivity <strong>and</strong> increased flux of calcarous materialto the <strong>sea</strong>bed.• If calcite concentrations in <strong>sediments</strong> are more than 20% thanthe area is above the CCD; if they contain less, it is below it.• The CCD rises towards the continental margins, where biologicalproductivity is in general greater than in open oceans.This seems to contradict point three! However, rich supply oforganic matter causes a consumption of organic matter at the<strong>sea</strong>bed. As a result, CO 2 is released, <strong>and</strong> thus CO 2 increases inthe bottom water, thus it becomes more acid.• The CCD changes in space <strong>and</strong> time since the oceanproductivity, depth, temperature, <strong>and</strong> water mass ventilationchanges.

SUMMARY:• The solubility of calcium carbonate increases with depth.• The concentration of ΣCO 2 increases with depth <strong>and</strong> aging water masses (respiration of organicmatter <strong>and</strong> depletion of oxygen <strong>and</strong> increases in dissolved CO 2 ).• Calcite is more stable than Aragonite, therefore the Lysocline <strong>and</strong> the CCD is shallower forAragonite than for Calcite.• The average level of the CCD is an indicator for the removal of atmospheric CO 2 .• The ocean will become more acid <strong>and</strong> the level of the CCD will rise!• Ocen acidity may have changed through time <strong>and</strong> space. A relative carbonate-poor ocean mighthave been caused by a shallow CCD <strong>and</strong> vice versa.• A very high productivity in a warm house world, for example, produces high organic materialwhich is consuming much of the oxygen in the ocean, <strong>and</strong> coverting it to CO 2 causing anincrease in the acidity of water <strong>and</strong> a shallow CCD.

Preservation of pelagic siliceousparticlesThere are fundamentaldifferences betweencarbonate <strong>and</strong> silica!• Seawater is everywhereundersaturated with respect toSiO 2 .• The solubility of silicadecreases with a decrease intemperature. Thus silica tendsto concentrate in polar watermasses.• The more silica productionthe better the chances toaccumulate on the <strong>sea</strong>bed.• Silicous particles are relatedto areas of high productivity.

Transport <strong>and</strong> deposition of dissolved ions

Only a very few particles reach the <strong>sea</strong>bed

Water mass stratification hinderparticles to sink

Currents cause erosion, transport ordeposition of material

Sedimentation ratesdetermine time resolution

After the lectures a student askedWhat causes the NAO <strong>and</strong>the Gulfstream?Intrumental records Historical records Paleo records

What causes the Gulfstream?Circulation• The sun <strong>and</strong> its solar radiation causes the Gulf Stream <strong>and</strong> all other global wind <strong>and</strong>ocean circulation systems on Earth. The sun causes the Gulf stream by heating theEarth’s equator more than its poles. The Gulf stream redistributes the heat.- Heat passes from warmer to cooler areas causing convection cells• The earth rotates from west to east causing the Coriolis force.- This makes the poleward current appear to move to the right onthe northern <strong>and</strong> to the left on the southern hemisphere.• In the northern hemisphere, great warm winds sweep up from theequator toward the pole, curve to the right <strong>and</strong> move clockwise (H-pressure; anticyclone).- The wind drags the surface water into a similar gyre.- The Gulf stream is part of this clockwise anticylonic system, a subtropical gyre.Warm water• Warm water from the North Equatorial current forks into two branches (Carribean, westIndies). They rejoin <strong>and</strong> pass through the Straits of Florida at an rate of ~30 Sv.High solar radiation <strong>and</strong> evaporation increases its heat <strong>and</strong> salt transport as a westernboundary current. It flows along the east coast of United States until is flows across theAtlantic.

4. Supply of terrigenous <strong>sediments</strong> to the <strong>deep</strong> <strong>sea</strong>

• Transport of <strong>sediments</strong> to the ocean:Fluvial <strong>and</strong>/or Eolian• Transport of <strong>sediments</strong> within the ocean:Alongslope transport by currents orDownslope transport by gravitational processes• Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Mass wasting:slidesdebris flowsturbiditesChannels:Canyons:• Along slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Sediment drifts - Contourites

Alongslope transport by currents

Sediment drifts• A major step in underst<strong>and</strong>ing the magnitude of bottom water currents wasthe discovery of large, elongated sediment ridges – sediment drifts.• Sediment drifts are elongated parallel to bottom currents <strong>and</strong> are often mantledwith sediment waves.• Sediment drifts can be hundred of kilometres long <strong>and</strong> tens of kilometres wide• Sedimentation rates can be high approx. 12 cm/ka.• Sediment waves can have wavelength of several km <strong>and</strong>amplitudes of a few tens of metres

In- outflow regime at the Faeroe-Shetl<strong>and</strong> channel<strong>and</strong> Rockall Trough

Sediment waves or mud waves

Sediment drift

Bottom currents <strong>and</strong> sediment driftoff Norway

Seismic Image

Downslope transport by gravitation

Passive Continental Margin

IntroductionTwo factors are crucial for continental margins which maylead to submarine mass movements downslope:(1) predisposition factors such as”weak layers” , highsedimentation rates, zones of seismic activity, gas hydratesetc.(2) triggering factors such as earth quakes <strong>and</strong>/or gashydrate dissociation, excess pore pressure etc.

Downslopesedimenttransport•TMF• Slides• Debris flows•Channelsfrom Vorren et al.

Tsunami deposits on l<strong>and</strong>Icel<strong>and</strong>StoreggaSlideTrænadjupetSlideNyk SlideTsunami deposits relatedto the Storegga Slide,approx. 8200 years BPTsunami depositsyoungerthan the Storegga SlideSearched for “2000 event”tsunami deposits in coastallakes without any findingsFaeroe Is.Shetl<strong>and</strong>Searched forTrænadjupet Slidetsunami depositswithout any findingsReferences:Bondevik, S. 2001/2002: Reports to Norsk Hydro onmapping <strong>and</strong> dating of tsunami depositsDenmarkBondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I., Johnsen, G.,Mangerud, J., & Kal<strong>and</strong>, P.E. 1997: The Storeggatsunami along the Norwegian coast, its age <strong>and</strong>runup. Boreas 26, 29-53.Irel<strong>and</strong>UKDawson, A.G., Long, D., Smith, D.E., Shi, S., &Foster, I.D.L. 1993: Tsunamis in the Norwegian Sea<strong>and</strong> North Sea caused by the Storegga submarinel<strong>and</strong>slides. In Tinti, S. (ed.): Tsunamis in the world,228. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherl<strong>and</strong>s.Grauert, M., Björck, S., & Bondevik, S. 2001:Storegga tsunami deposits in a coastal lake onSuderøy, the Faroe Isl<strong>and</strong>s. Boreas 30, 263-271.

Slide headwall shapes <strong>and</strong> run out

Continental margin slope failuresDown slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>: slides - debris flows -turbidites• Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Mass wasting:headwall slidesdebris flowsturbiditesChannels:Canyons:• Along slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Sediment drifts - Contourites

Slide headwalls StoreggaWhat do we observe?Glide planes of Storegga SlidesShelfWhat do we model?Slide mechanisms

Slide headwalls ArcticShelf

Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>: slides - debris flows -turbidites• Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Mass wasting:slidesdebris flowsturbiditesChannels:Canyons:• Along slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Sediment drifts - Contourites

Rotational slumps/faults at Storneset1 2 31H=140 m23

Glide planes in the Storegga SlideShaded relief of the <strong>sea</strong>bedExposed <strong>and</strong>polished glide planINO3TNRTNS

Glide planes <strong>and</strong> sediment typesThe glide planes consist of marine clay– The marine clays are homogenous <strong>and</strong> have a large lateralcontinuation– Characteristics of the marine clays in the area are• the clays are weaker than the glacial deposits (lowerinternal friction angle)• more compressible <strong>and</strong> produces more excess waterduring compression

Continental margin slope failuresDown slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>: slides - debris flows -turbidites• Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Mass wasting:slidesdebris flowsturbiditesChannels:Canyons:• Along slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Sediment drifts - Contourites

Debris flow

Submarine slides <strong>and</strong> <strong>sea</strong> level change

Downslopesedimenttransport•TMF• Slides• Debris flows•Channels

Bear Isl<strong>and</strong> Trough Mouth Fan

Sidescan Sonar <strong>and</strong> Seismic Images

I present the <strong>sea</strong>floor morphologyof the Storegga Slide area startingat the lower slope moving upthrough the slide scar to theheadwall

Continental margin slope failuresDown slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>: slides - debris flows -turbidites• Down slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Mass wasting:slidesdebris flowsturbiditesChannels:Canyons:• Along slope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>Sediment drifts - Contourites


Solsikke – Seabed topographySlide depositsThe shape of thebackwall is controlledby <strong>deep</strong>er polygonalfaultsSolsikkeDebris flows

Ormen Lange - Seabed TopographyStoregga, 8200 yBP

Key questions for the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of slopefailure mechanisms• Does the initial slide start in the upper orlower part of the slope?• Which triggers are relevant for slide initiationin the upper or the lower slope?

Age of major submarine l<strong>and</strong>slides4500 yrs BP8200 yrs BP

Slope angles - Section B

Why is the continental slope angle so similaron passive continental margins of the<strong>Ocean</strong>?The role of oce<strong>and</strong>ynamics in shapingContinental margins:• internal waves• contour currents• ocean productivity

Summary•Geological, morphological <strong>and</strong> geotechnical underst<strong>and</strong>ings of thearea is the key for underst<strong>and</strong>ing the slide occurrences <strong>and</strong> slidedevelopments.•Slides can have developed from the distal part <strong>and</strong> failed along thesediment boundaries. Slides stepped up to shallow levels until the resistancein terms of thickness <strong>and</strong> degree of consolidation became too large for afailure.•Slides can have developed in the gas hydrate dissociation areafrom the proximal part <strong>and</strong> failed then afterwards with or withoutretrogressive sliding.•Changes in <strong>sea</strong> level <strong>and</strong> climatic driven processes from low to highlatitudes are important for a regional or global assessment of downslope<strong>and</strong> alongslope transport of <strong>sediments</strong>.

Mienert, J. & Weaver, P.P.W., eds., European Margins Sediment dynamics, Springer Verlag,New York, 2003.

Mienert, J. & Weaver, P.P.W., eds., European Margins Sediment dynamics, Springer Verlag,New York, 2003.

Ice sheets <strong>and</strong> submarine canyonson high-latitude continental margins

Ice margin 18 000 BPGr<strong>and</strong> BanksSource: D. Piper

ScotianSlopeIce margin 18 000 BP

Scotian Slope multibeamDownloaded fromwww.cctechnol.comSource: D. Piper

Scotian Slope: Details West of the Logan CanyonSource: D. Piper

From Pickrill et al., 2001. OTC paper 12995Lower slopeLogan CanyonthalwegOld failure scar5 km

Head of Logan CanyonFrom Pickrill et al., 2001. OTC paper 12995

Upper <strong>and</strong> middle slope canyon<strong>sea</strong>st of Logan CanyonFrom Pickrill et al., 2001. OTC paper 12995

3D seismic <strong>sea</strong>bed rendercourtesy of EnCanaSource: D. Piper

Single channel airgun profile over failure (source: D. piper)

Slope canyon incisions <strong>and</strong> sediment failures

Slope canyon incisions <strong>and</strong> sediment failurein Andøya canyon

5. Diagenesis of <strong>deep</strong>-<strong>sea</strong> <strong>sediments</strong>

Diagenesisof <strong>sediments</strong> after burialBiogenic <strong>sediments</strong>:Carbonate oozeSiliceous oozeTerrigenous <strong>sediments</strong>:S<strong>and</strong>sClayAll the <strong>sediments</strong> areinfluenced byburial with age,compaction,temperature,pore water <strong>chemistry</strong>,.......How many years does it take to develop from a carbonate ooze to limestone?

Diagenesisof <strong>sediments</strong> after burialSilica diagenesisBiogenic Opal ADifferential solutionof skeletonsDissolved Si(OH)4carbonate diagenesisBiogenic carbonatesCompactionDissolution of fossilsPrecipitation of opal CTcementing poresOpal CTOpal-CT/quartz transformationwith increasing burial depthQuartzChalkPrecipitation of calcite,Development of interstial cementLimestone

Diagenesisof <strong>sediments</strong> after burialCompaction increases with depthBiogenic <strong>sediments</strong>:Carbonate oozeAll <strong>sediments</strong> areinfluenced byburial with age,compaction,temperature,pore water <strong>chemistry</strong>,.......

Diagenetic potential(Schlanger & Douglas, 1974):Depth <strong>and</strong> time of a diagenetic pathwaybefore the sediment reaches the finaldiagenetic aggregate condition.

Diagenesisof <strong>sediments</strong> after burialBiogenic <strong>sediments</strong>:Carbonate oozeSiliceous oozePore water <strong>chemistry</strong> changes with depthTerrigenous <strong>sediments</strong>:S<strong>and</strong>sClayAll <strong>sediments</strong> areinfluenced byburial with age,compaction,temperature,pore water <strong>chemistry</strong>,.......

How many years does it taketo develop from a carbonate ooze to limestone?Compaction of calcareous ooze:0 - 70 mbsf 0 - 5 myBreakup <strong>and</strong> dissolution of foraminifera: 70 – 200 mbsf 5 - 13 myChalk build up: 200 – 400 mbsf 13 - 23 myContinuing cementation: 400 – 800 mbsf 23 - 60 myLimestone: 800 – 1400 mbsf 60 – 135 myDissolution <strong>and</strong> compaction of siliceous ooze:Opal-A (diatomite)Opal-CT (Porcellanite)Quartz (Chert)

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