Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

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• Lactation: - Production of milk by the female.• Malaise: - Non-specific bodily discomfort not associated with the development of adisease.• Manna: - White, carbonate-rich criptaline substance that occurs on Eucalypt leaves.• Morphometric: - The measurement of body parts.• Nectar: - Sweet liquid produced by the flowers of plants.• Nocturnal: - Active at night.• Non-parous:- A state of physical and physiological inactivity, especially in excessive heator cold.• Nulliparous: - Never given birth.• Nystatin: - An antibacterial and antibiotic. Trade names (Mycostatin and Nystan).• Oestrous: - The regular interval between periods during witch the female is sexuallyactive.• Opportunistic feeder: - Feeds when the occasion arrises.• Osteoporosis: - Paralysis of the hind limbs.• Patagium:- Gliding membrane• Peracute immuniosupressed:-• Polygynous: - Where a male has more than one female partner in any one given season.• Polyestrus: - When a species has more than one oestrous cycle per year.• Prehensile: - Capable of grasping.• Prexia: - Fever.• Quadriplegia: Paralysis of all four limbs• Retinitis: - Inflammation of the retina.• Scapular:- The shoulder or shoulder blade• Sclerophyll forest: - Forest that are characterised by woody plants with leathery leaves thatretain water.• Serological: - Study or diagnostic examination of blood serum, especially with regard tothe response of the immune system to pathogens or introduced substances.• Sporulated: - To produce or release spores.• Strata: - Layer or layers.• Sub dominant: - Not in control.• Substrate:- Material laid used to cover the floor of an exhibit such as Pine bark or sand• Subcutaneously: - Underneath the skin.• Temporal fossa:-• Tiletamine/zolazepam: - An injectable aesthetic.• Torpor: - A state of physical and physiological inactivity, especially in excessive heat orcold.• Uveitis: - Inflammation of the uvea (the iris, ciliary and choroid together).50

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