Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

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15 Glossary• Acaricides: - A preparation for destroying mites.• Agglutination:- The clumping of Bacteria or red blood cells when held together byantibodies (Agglutinins)• Anteriorly: - Situated near or towards the head.• Alopecia: - Regular episodes of hair loss.• Antemortem: - Before death.• Anthelmintics: - Any drug or agent used to destroy parasitic worms.• Arils: - An extra seed covering, often coloured hairy or fleshy.• Arthropods: - Invertebrates (animals with no backbone) with a segmented body, jointedlimbs, and an exoskeleton, eg. Insects and spiders.• Ataxia: - The loss of full control of bodily movements.• Carbaryl powder: - A chemical used for the control of ectoparasites (mites, lice, fleas).• Cataract: - A condition in which the eye lens becomes progressively opaque resulting inblurred vision.• Dieback: - Decay of a plant from the tip towards the root as a result of disease orunfavourable conditions.• Diazepam: - An antianxiety and sedative drug.• Dolerite: - A mix made mainly of sand with other ingredients that he it compact whilebeing well drained.• Dorsal: - On or near the back.• Dyspnoea: - Difficult or laboured breathing.• Emisis: - The act of vomiting.• Exudate: - Liquid that oozes from an animals or plants pores eg. Sap, nectar andhoneydew.• Exudivore: - An animal that diet mainly of exudates.• Galls: - A growth on plants, often bulbus, caused by the irritation of the young stages ofinsects.• Gestation: - The duration of pregnancy.• Halothane: - A volatile liquid used as a general anaesthetic (Halogen + Ethane).• Hemagglutination: - The Agglutination of red blood cells.• Hemiplegia: - Paralysis of one side of the body.• Honeydew: - The sugary waste excreted by Psyillids on the leaves and other parts of theplant.• Hybrid: - An offspring of parents of different strains, variations subspecies or species.• Ill thrift: - Failure to thrive.• Insectivore: - Diet consists mostly of insects.• Interspecific: - Between species.• Intramuscularly:- Directly into the muscle• Intraspecific:- Within species• Invertebrate: - Without a backbone.• Isoflurane: - A halogenated ether used for inhalation anaesthesia.49

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