Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

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The following information should be recorded on a daily basis:• Date• Time when he information is recorded• Body weight to the nearest gram if possible• General activity and demeanour• Characteristics and frequency of defecation and urination• Amount in grams of different types of food offered• Food consumption at each feed• Vetanary examinations and results• The developmental stages and measurements on a weekly basis.11.6 Identification MethodsSmall quantities of fluorescent pigments can be tattooed into the pinnae of pouch young. Thesepigments are visible for a minimum of six months under UV light (Soderquist, T.R, Dickerman,C.R. 1988)Once furred and a minimum of ten grams gliders can be implanted and identified with animplant chip (Jackson, S. 2003).11.7 HygieneHygiene in artificial rearing of gliders is very important for the health of the animal in careand the carer. Emphasis needs to be placed on the following:• Carers should wash and disinfect their hands before and after each animal is handled.• Use antibacterial solution for washing hands with furless joeys.• Maintain clean pouch lining at all times.• If furless, cover the joey’s body with sorbelene cream after each feed until fur appears.• The glider must be thoroughly cleaned after each feed. Spilt milk must be washed off thefur with moist cotton wool and dried off with tissue or a soft towel.• Bottles, teats, syringes and other feeding implements must be washed and sterilised aftereach use. First wash in warm soapy water and then sterilize in a suitable anti-bacterialsolution such as Halasept or Milton, or boil for 10 minutes.• Only heat up milk once and then discard leftovers.39

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