Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

Squirrel Glider - Nswfmpa.org

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3.4 Diet in the Wild<strong>Squirrel</strong> gliders are insectivore / exudivore that feed on exudates such as Acacia and Eucalyptsap and gum, nectar, honeydew and manna to satisfy their energy needs, and on arthropods andpollen for protein.InvertebratesInvertebrates are actively searched for, and consumed at all months of the year. Theyaccounted for over 70% of feeding observations (Rowston, 1997) Arthropods consumed by thesquirrel glider are of the following Orders Coleoptera (Beetles), Lepidaptera (Moths andButterflies), Hemiptera (galls and lerps), (suborders Sternorrhycha (scale insects, aphids andmealy bugs) that are utilised for the honeydew they produce, and Heteroptera (bugs andhoppers), Diptera, Hymenoptera (wasps, beetles and ants), Isoptera (termites), and Arachnida(spiders, scorpions) (Rowton, 1997). (Lerps), galls and Thysanoptera (Thrips).Nectar and PollenIt is important that habitat contains at least one type of winter flowering Eucalypt with a understory of flowering shrubs such as Banksias and Acacias.If there is an abundance of winter flowering trees such a Banksias Acacias and Eucalypts, thisfood source is utilised and less time is spent foraging for arthropods (Sharpe, D. and Goldingay,R. 1998)Other Exudates<strong>Squirrel</strong> gliders obtain sap from Eucalypts and gum from Acacia species by making andmaintaining incisions in the bark of tree trunks and main branches.See appendix for list of known food plants of the <strong>Squirrel</strong> glider.Bottom left: Eucalyptolyma lerps on Eucalypt leaves (from Tim Low. Ed. 1989).Bottom right: Acacia gum on the trunk of the green wattle (Photo by MatthewTrudgeon.11

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