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not pretty I suppose. But I have etched it,and I am glad I did so; it is a record to beproud of. It was so amazing to see thatbridge in the building.A~d then I have found places where thecity piles up in a fashion that would havedelighted Claude and Piranesi and Turner.They would have let themselves go, for theywould have known that there are points ofview from which New York composes andcomes together far more finely than any cityin Europe, any city of the past or present.New York is the city of the future. I havetried to show it from Brooklyn and fromWeehawken, and from under the trees ofGovernor's Island. I can find the places soeasily-it is so difficult to put down what Ifind-and time is so short-and the subjects somany. New York is the great city of themodern world, and if I can do something inmy work to record its greatness I shall beglad. Some of us have seen its grandeur, itsglory, and tried to render it. Sorne of thepeople of the world have been good enough toacknowledge our work and to care for it.But the great thing is to see New York-seethat the architects are carrying on the traditionsof the past-some of them-and makinga new city more glorious than any thatever existed. Having seen the city-theunbelievable city-the city beautiful-themighty city-to show what we have seen oncopper, stone, paper, or canvas, that is indeedsomething to try to achieve.<strong>JOSEPH</strong> <strong>PENNELL</strong>.

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