Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

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<strong>Kai</strong> <strong>Hwang</strong>, May 21, 2009 Page 14 <strong>of</strong> 18Ph.D. Thesis Supervision Completed:1. Xiaosong Lou, Ph.D. May 2009 , USC, “ P2P Video Streaming with Copyright Protection”, USCComputer Engineering, Performance Engineer, Yahoo Corp., Glendale, CA. .2. Runfang Zhou, Ph.D. May, 2007, USC. Thesis title : Scalable Reputation Systems for Peer-to-PeerNetworks, presently employed at Micros<strong>of</strong>t Research, Silicon Valley.3. Yu Chen, Ph.D. Dec. 2006, USC, Thesis title : Collaborative Detection and Filtering <strong>of</strong> DDoS Attacks inISP Core Networks, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, State <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> NewYork, Binghamton, N.Y.4. Min Cai, Ph.D. Dec. 2006, USC, Thesis Title : Distributed Indexing and Aggregation Techniques for P2Pand Grid Computing, presently employed at VMWare, Silicon Valley.5. Shanshan Song, Ph.D. Dec. 2005, USC, Thesis Title: Trusted Grid and P2P Computing with SecurityBinding and Reputation Aggregation, Presently employed as a Technical Staff Member at OracleCorporation, San Francisco, CA.6. J. C. Liu, Ph.D. August 1998, USC, Thesis Title: Performance Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Branch Strategies inSuperscalar Microprocessors, working in computer industry, Taiwan, China.7. C. M. Cheng, Ph.D, December 1993 at USC, Thesis Title: Program and Data Distribution on ScalableMultiprocessors. Presently employed with Advanced Computing Systems Co. in Los Angeles, CA.8. Shi-Sheng Shang, Ph.D. September 1993 at USC, Thesis Title: Fast Barrier Synchronization in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. Manager, Computer and Comm. Res. Lab., Industrial Technology ResearchInstitute, Taiwan.9. Scott Toborg, Ph.D. August 1992 at USC, Thesis Title: Cooperative Vision Integration: From NeuralNetwork Algorithms to Wafer-Scale Architectures. Staff Engineer, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu,California.10. H. C. Wang, Ph.D. August 1992 at USC, Thesis Title: Parallelization <strong>of</strong> Iterative PDE Solvers on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Dept. <strong>of</strong> Computer Science at Wu-Fung Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology,Taiwan.11. D. K. Panda, Ph.D. August 1991 at USC, Thesis Title: Vectorized Interprocessor Communication and DataMovement in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. IEEE Fellow, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Computer Science, Ohio State<strong>University</strong>, Columbus, Ohio12. Jian Xu, Ph.D. August 1990 at USC, Thesis Title: Load Balancing Methods for Message-PassingMulticomputers. IBM Fellow, Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California.13. Ahmed Louri, Ph.D. August 1988 at USC, Thesis Title: A Bit-Plane Architecture and 2-D SymbolicSubstitution Algorithms for Optical Computing. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Computer Engineering,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.14. Dongseung Kim, Ph.D. June 1988 at USC, Thesis Title: Orthogonal Architectures for Parallel ImageProcessing. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Computer Science, Korea <strong>University</strong>, Seoul, Korea.15. Raymond Chowkwanyun, Ph.D. June 1988 at USC, Thesis Title: Dynamic Load Balancing for ConcurrentLisp Execution on a Multicomputer System, presently self-employed.16. Joydeep Ghosh, Ph.D. April 1988 at USC, Thesis Title: Communication-Efficient Architecture for MassivelyParallel Processing. IEEE Fellow, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Computer Engineering, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Texas,Austin, Texas.17. Zhiwei Xu, Ph. D. August 1987 at USC, Thesis Title: Multipipeline and Language Constructs for VectorProcessing. Vice Director, Computing Technology Institute, Chinese Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, Beijing, China.18. Chi-Yuan Chin, Ph.D. December 1983, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, Thesis Title: Packet Switching Networks forMultiprocessor Systems. Manager, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, China.19. Shun-Piao Su, Ph.D. December 1982, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, Thesis Title: Pipelining and Dataflow Techniquesfor Designing Supercomputers. Fairchild Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA.20. Tian-Pong Chang, Ph.D. August 1982, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, Thesis Title: Reliability Analysis <strong>of</strong>Multiprocessor Systems. Member <strong>of</strong> Technical Staff, Bell Lab, Holmdel, New Jersey.14

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