Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Kai Hwang - GridSec Project - University of ...

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<strong>Kai</strong> <strong>Hwang</strong>, May 21, 2009 Page 10 <strong>of</strong> 18135. H. Jin, and J. Zhang, and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, "RAID Reconfiguration Scheme for Gracefully Degraded Operations",IEEE Proc. <strong>of</strong> 7th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Feb. 3-5, 1999,Funchal, Portugal.pp.66.IE136. R. S. Ho, K. <strong>Hwang</strong> and H. Jin, “Single I/O Space for Scalable Cluster Computing”,Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 1 st IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC’99),December 2-3, Melbourne, Australia.pp.158.137. K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Fault-Tolerant Cluster architecture for Business and Scientific Applications, IEEE FirstComputer Society Intenational workshop on Cluster Computing, Dec. 1999, pp.3138. Y. K. Kwok, K. P. Chow, H. Jin and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Comet: A Communication-Efficient Load BalancingStrategy for Multi-Agent Cluster Computing”, Proc. <strong>of</strong> Parallel Computing’99 (ParCo’99), Delft, TheNetherlands, August 17-20, 1999.139. H. Jin, and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Performance Effect Analysis <strong>of</strong> False Sharing Problem in Clusters with Single I/OSpace”, Proc. <strong>of</strong> 1999 Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications,(PDPTA 1999), July 1999, Las Vegas, pp.2788-2794.140. H. Jin, Q. Chen, and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Grouped RAID Accesses to Reduce False Sharing Effect in Clusters withSingle I/O Space”, Proc. <strong>of</strong> Int’l Symposium on High Performance Computing, (ISHPC 1999), May 26-28,1999, Kyoto, Japan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.1615, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp.328-335.141. H. Jin and and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “False Sharing Problems in Cluster-based Disk Arrays”,Proc. <strong>of</strong> SAC, 1999, pp. 461-465.142. H. Jin, and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Case Studies <strong>of</strong> False Sharing Problems in the Cluster-based Disk Array”, Proc. <strong>of</strong>1999 ACM Symp. on Applied Computing, February 28 – March 2, 1999, San Antonio, Texas, pp.461-465.143. H. Jin, K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, and J. Zhang, “A New Architectural Reconfiguration Scheme for Continuous Operation<strong>of</strong> RAID in Degrade Mode”, IEEE Proc. <strong>of</strong> 7 th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and DistributedProcessing, Feb. 3-5, 1999, Funchal, Portugal, pp.66-73.144. J. Yen, A. Chung, H. Ho, B. Tam, R. Lau, M. Chua, and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Collaborative and Scalable FinancialAnalysis with Multi-Agent Technology”, Proc. <strong>of</strong> HICSS, Honolulu, 1999. pp5021..145. K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, C. M. Wang, and C. L. Wang, “STAP Benchmark Evaluation <strong>of</strong> The T3D, SP2, and Paragon”,Proc. <strong>of</strong> the Tenth Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, New Orleans, LA. Oct. 1-3, 1997.146. K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, C. M. Wang and C.L. Wang, “Evaluating MPI Collective Communication on SP2, T3D, andParagon Multicomputers”, Third Symp. on High-Perf. Computer Architecture (HPCA-‘97),Texas, Feb.1997, pp.106-115.147. Z. Xu and K. <strong>Hwang</strong>, “Coherent Parallel Programming in C//”, IEEE Advances in Parallel AND DistributedComputing Conference, (APDC,’97),

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