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Learning from past mistakes, Nissan entered more races in the run upto Le Mans where it was represented by two works R88Cs and twoprivately entered V6-engined cars. Reliability once again proved tobe the Nissan’s Achilles heel, though the Japanese manufacturer didmanage to get one of the R88Cs to the finish, albeit 50 laps behindthe winning Jaguar XJR-9. The other car, that offered here, completed286 laps before the engine failed. ‘87G-3’ also competed in six racesat Fuji and Suzuka in 1988. Always carrying competitor number ‘23’,it was usually driven by Kazuyoshi Hoshino and Kenji Takahashi. Theywere joined by Win Percy for the Fuji 1000km in May, while for the LeMans 24 Hours, Hoshino was partnered by Takao Wada and AguriSuzuki. Its complete 1988 race history is as follows:3rd March - Fuji 500km, Hoshino/Takahashi, DNF10th April - Suzuka 500km, Hoshino/Takahashi, 6th1st May - Fuji 1000km, Hoshino/Takahashi/Percy, 7th12th June - Le Mans 24 Hours, Hoshino/Wada/A Suzuki, DNF24th July - Fuji 500miles, Hoshino/Takahashi, 5th28th August - Suzuka 1000km, Hoshino/Takahashi/T Suzuki, DNF9th October - Fuji 1000km, Hoshino/Takahashi/Grice, 9th1Pushing through the Porsche curves, Le Mans 24hr, 1988© LAT PhotographicDespite a switch to Lola chassis and the development of an enlargedV8 engine, Nissan had little to show for its involvement in Group C bythe time the factory pulled the plug on the campaign, pole position atLe Mans in 1990 being the summit of its achievement.‘87G-3’ later passed into the ownership of Robert Berridge ofBeckley, Oxfordshire, from whom it was acquired by the currentvendor. The car has been restored (see certification on file) andretains its 1988 Calsonic sponsor’s livery and Le Mans driver listing.The transmission and engine were rebuilt as part of the restoration,and Xtec Engineering’s £27,347 bill for its work on the latter, datedMay 2011, is on file also. Rebuilt to the specification of the later3.3-litre unit, the engine recorded a power output reading of 780bhpon the dynamometer. A later Stack dashboard is the only othernotified deviation from factory specification.‘87G-3’ has run for less than one hour since the rebuild’s completionand is presented in commensurately good condition. Offered with(lapsed) Group C Racing Technical Document, ‘87G-3’ represents arare opportunity to acquire an ex-works Group C sports prototypewith in-period Le Mans history.£420,000 - 480,000€520,000 - 590,0002Le Mans 24hr, 1988 © LAT Photographic2Motor Cars | 147

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