7transitional living program - Huckleberry House

7transitional living program - Huckleberry House

7transitional living program - Huckleberry House


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“Capital Crossroads reached out to Huck <strong>House</strong> and other<br />

organizations last summer to help us brainstorm solutions for<br />

engaging the large number of youth hanging out downtown on<br />

the south end of High Street. Huck <strong>House</strong> really stepped up<br />

to the plate. They came down to interview the youth and talk<br />

with the shop owners, and they provided suggestions for how<br />

to redirect these youth toward more positive behaviors. Huck<br />

<strong>House</strong> is definitely the go-to organization when it comes to<br />

understanding youth and their needs.”<br />

lisa deFendieFer<br />

individual Cases oPened wiTh 78% oF ParTiCiPanTs<br />

working Toward eduCaTional goals<br />

saFeTy CoordinaTor, CaPiTal Crossroads sid<br />

ParTiCiPaTed in 17 diFFerenT CommuniTy evenTs<br />

48<br />

Fy2010: raising awareness.<br />

This past year, the Youth Outreach Program participated in a wide range of community<br />

events to raise awareness of <strong>Huckleberry</strong> <strong>House</strong> Services, with a focus on<br />

un-served and underserved neighborhoods.<br />

ParTnered wiTh 48 diFFerenT Businesses and<br />

organizaTions To develoP sTraTegies For<br />

aT-risk youTh in The area<br />

Youth Outreach workers presented engagement strategies to teachers and administrators<br />

at the Off to a Great Start Conference. They partnered with downtown<br />

business owners. And they provided training to Capital Crossroads staff to help<br />

develop workable strategies for engaging youth in the area.<br />

“It was rough in the Hilltop area when we first came here. But<br />

I’ve been here for 15 years, and the kids have seen the consistency<br />

of us being here, and being a safe haven where they can<br />

come and talk about their problems. When we start to build a<br />

relationship with a teen, and we begin to understand a teen’s<br />

situation, we can then coordinate with Jerome [DeCarlo, Youth<br />

Outreach Specialist] and Huck <strong>House</strong> to help positively impact<br />

these kids. Huck <strong>House</strong> is a really powerful resource for us, because<br />

what they do comes from the heart. And you can see that<br />

heart in how effective they are with the kids.”<br />

isaaC BelCher<br />

owner, righTeous CuTs BarBer shoP<br />


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