7transitional living program - Huckleberry House

7transitional living program - Huckleberry House

7transitional living program - Huckleberry House


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“I had no idea that Huck <strong>House</strong> offers all that it does to the<br />

kids! I didn’t realize that you could take a young person there<br />

who was NOT alleging abuse. Families just need to realize that<br />

they DO have somewhere to turn when their kids are acting<br />

out, and kids need to realize the same when they are having<br />

major issues with their parents. Being accessible to families is<br />

the biggest accomplishment, and hopefully the more people<br />

who are educated about Huck <strong>House</strong>’s services, the more<br />

families that can be rehabilitated.”<br />

oFFiCer anToineTTe m. hysell<br />

ColumBus PoliCe<br />

34 Fire sTaTions, 42 kroger sTores, and 17 whiTe CasTle<br />

resTauranTs served as saFe PlaCe ParTners, Providing<br />

a ToTal oF 93 saFe PlaCes where Teens Can go For helP<br />

ConTaCTing huCkleBerry house<br />

98%<br />

oF Teens wiTh a Crisis inTervenTion Plan<br />

were reFerred For Follow uP serviCes<br />

Family memBers/PoTenTial ClienTs Called<br />

The huCkleBerry house hoTline<br />

Fy2010: FoCusing on Families.<br />

When a family member cares and participates in counseling, teens are much<br />

more likely to respond to help and have a positive resolution to a crisis situation.<br />

During fiscal year 2010, our Crisis Counselors renewed their focus on<br />

family engagement. While children are in the <strong>program</strong>, counselors work with<br />

parents to define family goals. Before a youth returns home, the family is<br />

invited to attend a Special Family Session with the youth. Crisis Counselors<br />

mediate the session, giving teens a chance to practice new skills in a controlled<br />

environment.<br />

1,983<br />

nighTs oF emergenCy shelTer Provided<br />

(average lengTh oF sTay = 5 nighTs)<br />

youTh From 84% oF Franklin CounTy ziP Codes, as<br />

well as youTh From oTher CounTies, were shelTered<br />


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