Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — Department of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Education</strong> and Formation<strong>The</strong> Bible*Appendix IV — Bibliography<strong>The</strong> Holy Scriptures are the principal textual source for <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong>. Any edition of theBible used in the classroom must contain the whole canon of scripture recognised by the <strong>Catholic</strong>Church. Wherever possible, older students should be given the opportunity to make use of studyeditions of the Bible, supported by textual notes and references. Younger pupils can be introducedto the Bible through appropriately adapted texts (e.g. the God’s Story series - published by MatthewJames Publishing Ltd.)<strong>The</strong> Constitutions of the Second Vatican CouncilDogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), <strong>19</strong>65*Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes), <strong>19</strong>65*Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), <strong>19</strong>64*Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), <strong>19</strong>63*<strong>The</strong> Catechism of the <strong>Catholic</strong> ChurchCatechism of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, <strong>19</strong>93* — <strong>The</strong> Catechism aims at presenting an organic synthesis ofthe essential and fundamental contents of <strong>Catholic</strong> doctrine, as regards both faith and morals,in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of the Church’s Tradition. Its principalsources are the Sacred Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church, the liturgy, and the Church’s Magisterium.Compendium of the Catechism of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, 2005* — <strong>The</strong> Compendium is a faithful and suresynthesis of the Catechism of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church. It contains, in concise form, all the essential andfundamental elements of the Church’s faith, thus constituting a kind of vademecum. Its brevity,clarity and comprehensiveness make it particularly suited to the learning by heart of some ofthe important traditional doctrinal formulas of the Christian Faith.Liturgical Books<strong>The</strong> Roman Missal, <strong>Catholic</strong> Truth Society, 2011* — the vernacular typical edition of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, published by authority of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops’ Conference of Englandand Wales.<strong>The</strong> Simple Prayer Book — is a handy and inexpensive compendium of the most popular prayers anddevotions of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church in English (and Latin). It also contains the Order of Mass andshould be regarded as the standard source of those formulas referred to in this <strong>Directory</strong> (p. 7).Other Documents of the Second Vatican CouncilDeclaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate), <strong>19</strong>65*Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio), <strong>19</strong>64*Other Teaching Documents of the ChurchPope Paul VI, On Human Life (Humanae Vitae), <strong>19</strong>68*Pope John Paul II, On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae), <strong>19</strong>79*Pope John Paul II, On the Family (Familiaris Consortio), <strong>19</strong>81*Pontifical Council on the Family, <strong>The</strong> Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, <strong>19</strong>96*71

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