Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>Celebration• the Church’s celebration of the SacredTriduum and Easter as its greatest feast andthe significance of this;• the significance of the Lord’s Day in the Traditionof the Church;• the seven sacraments of the Church;• the relationship of the sacraments to stagesof natural life;• the universal value of some signs and symbols;• the symbolism and significance of the rites ofBaptism;• the significance of the rite of Confirmationand the Church’s teach ing about the gifts ofthe Holy Spirit;• the Church’s different ways of naming theSacrament of the Eucharist and the significanceof these names;• the movement through the Eucharist celebrationand the significance of the differentrites;• the participation in the Eucharist and differentministries;• sources of conflict in self and society and theneed for healing and peace;• the call to conversion in passages of the OldTestament;• the pattern of forgiveness in the prayer Jesusgave his Church;• the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ compassion inhis words and his healing miracles;• the rites of the Sacrament of the Sick andtheir significance;• the rites of the sacrament of Matrimony andtheir significance;• the joys and demands of married life;• the service and sign given by the order ofdeacons in the Church;• the rites of the sacrament of Holy Orders;• the joys and demands of priesthood;• prayer in the life of Jesus;• the variety of prayer forms and their significancein <strong>Catholic</strong> life and history;• prayer as God’s gift;• the practice and significance of prayer in theJewish faith and other religions.Life in Christ• the Church’s faith that all human life is God’sgift;• the Church’s understanding of the Fall as relatedin Genesis and its consequences forhuman nature;• opportunities for the exercise of freedomand responsibility in family life, the localchurch and society: at local, national andglobal levels;• the formation and cost of conscience andconsequences of misin formed or unformedconscience;• the role of authority in community life: inthe family, the Church and society;• the Old Testament understanding of life as agift which requires a response;• the Covenant between God and the Peopleof Israel, and the promised land as asymbol of God’s faithfulness;• the Gospel portrayal of the New Covenant inJesus;• failures to live out the Covenant;• images and accounts in Scripture of humansuccess and failure to build and sustain community;• Gospel accounts of Jesus’ response to issuesof justice and relationship;• traditions and way of life of other religions;• the commandments as gift and sign of God’slove;• the meaning and significance of the commandmentsthat relate to love of God;• the meaning and significance of the commandmentswhich relate to love of neighbourand self;• the Gospel evidence of how the teaching ofJesus reinforced and developed the commandmentsof the Old Law;• the implications of the commandments forsocial and moral life.60

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