Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>between God and the Jewish peoplei <strong>Catholic</strong>s and Jews share common elements ofmoral life and practice:j <strong>The</strong> Decalogue is a strong part of <strong>Catholic</strong>moral teaching and traditionk Jesus Christ drew on the Decalogue and theteaching of the prophets in his teaching onself-giving love and moral livingB Fundamental differences with the <strong>Catholic</strong>Churcha <strong>The</strong> Jewish people do not acknowledge Jesusas a Divine Person, the Son of God, or thepromised Messiah, nor do they accept the revealedtruth of the Triune God, which is whatis unique to Christian Revelationb <strong>The</strong> Jewish people have no sacramental econ-omy; they continue to rely on the ritual prescriptionsof the first Covenant reinterpretedfor post-Temple Judaismc Anti-Judaism or anti-Semitism was evidentamong <strong>Catholic</strong>s for many centuriesd <strong>The</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Church condemns all unjust dis-crimination, including anti-Semitisme In the twentieth century, the <strong>Catholic</strong> Churchdropped from its liturgy any inference that theJewish people as a whole were responsible forthe Death of Christ because the truth is thatthe sins of all humanity were the cause of hisDeathC Dialogue with the Jewish peoplea This dialogue has a unique character in thatwe share roots of faithb This dialogue also has an interfaith characterbecause of the differences in faith and insacramental understanding and practiceD Aims of <strong>Catholic</strong>—Jewish dialogue include:a Grow in mutual respect for one another assons and daughters of Godb Give common witness on matters of peace andjusticec Deepen mutual understanding of the one Godand his plan for the worldd Bring all to Jesus Christ and to his Church(Rom 11:12, 15, 25; 674, 1043)4.1.5. <strong>The</strong> Church and Other Non-ChristiansA<strong>The</strong> Muslim people:a Monotheistic (but non-Trinitarian) faith incommon with Jews and Christiansb Acknowledge God as the Creator and claimties to the faith of Abrahamc Do not acknowledge God as the Father of Jesus,or Jesus Christ as the Divine Son of God, nor dothey accept the Triune God, but they do revereJesus as a prophet and Mary as the VirginMother of Jesusd Many common elements of moral life andpractice with <strong>Catholic</strong>se Islam has no sacramental economy; Islamiclaw requires testimony of faith, prayer, fasting,almsgiving, and pilgrimage as expressions offaithf Islam has no central figure of authority onmatters of faith and morals; also differentways to interpret the Qur’ang <strong>The</strong> Crusades and their lasting impact.B <strong>The</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Church seeks to engage the Muslimcommunity in dialogue.C <strong>The</strong>re are non-Christian religions common in Englandand Wales, including major world religionssuch as Hinduism and Buddhism, and others suchas Sikhs, and Baha’i.D Common elements with Christianity:a As human beings we share a common originand endb Many of these religions teach to some degreecompassionate action, moral restraint, spiritualdiscipline, and respect for human dignityc <strong>The</strong>se religions contain elements of truth andvirtue, which can help orient their memberstoward reception of the Gospel.d Those who do not know Christ but who stillstrive to know and live in truth and holinesscan be savedE <strong>The</strong> fulfilment of the values and virtues of otherreligions is found in what the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church proclaims:a God is one, and that God is Triuneb Jesus Christ as the Son of Godc Salvation is a gift of grace available throughfaith in Jesus Christd Sanctification is for human beings to partici-pate in the love of God now and eternally42

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