Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>Dthis sacrament, they can be assured of forgiveness(1455-1457)<strong>The</strong> sacrament also gives the assurance of forgivenessto a truly repentant person (1452-1453)3.7.3. Aren’t the sacraments just celebrations tomark significant moments in our life (1066,1070)?A While the sacraments are usually celebrated atappropriate or significant moments in our lives,they are much more than simply celebrations ofthose moments. <strong>The</strong>y are personal encounterswith Christ, who acts through sacraments to helpus (1088-1090)B Each sacrament gives a special grace (1129)3.7.4. Is there any difference between HolyCommunion in a <strong>Catholic</strong> Church and communionin a non-<strong>Catholic</strong> service (1411)?A Yes, there are differences.a Because of Apostolic Succession and thepriesthood, the Holy Eucharist in the <strong>Catholic</strong>Church is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.Churches without Apostolic Succession andthe priesthood do not have that gift (817-822,1411).b Reception of Holy Communion in the <strong>Catholic</strong>Church is a statement of belief in the RealPresence of Jesus in the Eucharist and of unitywith all <strong>Catholic</strong>s throughout the world (1376,1391, 1398).B Because of these differences, <strong>Catholic</strong>s must nottake communion in non-<strong>Catholic</strong> services, andnon-<strong>Catholic</strong>s must not receive Holy Communionin <strong>Catholic</strong> Churches (1411).3.7.5. If a person dies after receiving the Sacramentof the Anointing of the Sick, does thatmean it did not work (1500-1501, 1503-1505,1508-1509, 1520-1523)?A <strong>The</strong> effects of the grace we receive through thesacraments is not something that can be seen ormeasured.B Each of the sacraments is effective whether we feelit or not; it is sometimes only in looking back thatCwe can recognize how Christ has touched us andhelped us through the sacraments.<strong>The</strong> Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick canhave different effects. Sometimes God does bringabout physical healing through that sacrament.Other times, the healing is spiritual: it helps theperson to be better prepared for death, to be atpeace, and to be eager to be with the Lord.3.7.6. Doesn’t the Church discriminate againstwomen by not allowing them to be priests(1577-1580)?A <strong>The</strong>re is only one priest: Jesus Christ. All the baptizedshare in the priesthood of Christ, but not allare called to the ministerial priesthood (1547).B No-one has the right to be a priest; a priest iscalled to priesthood by God and yet is always unworthyof his calling. Similarly not all men arecalled to be priests (1578).C Jesus was and is a man. Men and women are equalin dignity but are different and complementary(239, 2333-2335).D <strong>The</strong> New Testament priesthood is the priesthoodof Christ himself. All men who, through the Sacramentof Holy Orders, have become priests (or bishops)participate in Christ’s priesthood. <strong>The</strong>y act inthe person of Christ, the Head of his Body, theChurch.E It is the unbroken tradition of the Church. Thoughhe had many women disciples, Jesus chose onlymen to form the college of the twelve apostles, andthe apostles did the same when they chose collaboratorsto succeed them in their ministry (1577).F Priesthood is not just a ‘job’. <strong>The</strong> sacrament ofHoly Orders does not simply give a man permissionto perform the functions of a priest; it impartsto him an indelible spiritual character that makeshim a priest (1581-1584).G In remaining faithful to Christ in what washanded on by the Apostles, it is clear that theChurch does not have the authority to decide toordain women. An attempt to ordain someone whocannot validly be ordained would be invalid (nulland void).40

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