Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>faith in Jesus Christiv Sanctification is for human beings to partici-pate in the love of God now and eternallyb ‘Those who, through no fault of their own, donot know the Gospel of Christ or his Church,but who nevertheless seek God with a sincereheart, and, moved by grace, try in their actionsto do his will as they know it through thedictates of their conscience — those too mayachieve eternal salvation’ (847; LG, no. 16)c ‘Although in ways known to himself God canlead those who, through no fault of their own,are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith withoutwhich it is impossible to please him, theChurch still has the obligation and also the sacredright to evangelize all men.’ (848; LG, no.16).BInterreligious dialoguea <strong>The</strong>re are many forms of interreligious dia-loguei <strong>The</strong> dialogue of daily life in religiously plu-ralistic societies/communitiesii <strong>The</strong> dialogue of shared service to the needyiii <strong>The</strong> dialogue of theologians and scholarsiv <strong>The</strong> dialogue of shared spiritual experienceb Such dialogue requires mutual search fortruth among those learned in their own religioustraditionsc Requires respect and understanding of differ-ences in culture as well as in beliefd Requires training in accurate knowledge ofother religionse Can and should involve working together inservice to those in need2.6. THE CHURCH: APOLOGETICS2.6.1. Why do I have to be a <strong>Catholic</strong>? Aren’t allreligions the same (760, 817-822, 836)?A To be a <strong>Catholic</strong> is to be a member of the one trueChurch of Christ. While elements of truth can befound in other churches and religions, the fullnessof the means of salvation subsists in the <strong>Catholic</strong>Church (816, 836-838).B Christ willed that the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church be hissacrament of salvation, the sign and the instrumentof the communion of God and man (774-776,780).C Christ established his Church as a visible organizationthrough which he communicates his grace,truth, and salvation (771)D Those who through no fault of their own do notknow Christ or the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church are not excludedfrom salvation; in a way known to God, allpeople are offered the possibility of salvationthrough the Church (836-848)E E. Members of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church have the dutyto evangelize others (849-856)2.6.2. Isn’t the Church guilty of hypocrisy (823-829)?A Some members of the Church might be hypocritical.Members of the Church, like all human beings,are guilty of sin, but this doesn’t make the Churchwrong or hypocritical.B <strong>The</strong> Church teaches what God has told us abouthow to be holy and the necessity of avoiding sin.Failure by members of the Church to live out whatGod has taught does not invalidate the truth ofthe teaching we have received through the Apostlesand their successors.C <strong>The</strong> Church is guided and animated by the HolySpirit and, as the Body of Christ, remains sinlesseven if her members sin.D <strong>The</strong> Church also teaches the gospel message of repentance.<strong>The</strong> Church never denies that she is acommunity of sinners standing in need of God’sforgiveness. Christ came not the righteous, butsinners. (Lk 5:32)30

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